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Lingonberry is a safe medicine that can effectively deal with many diseases. It has a beneficial effect on human health. Juice helps reduce pressure and reduces stomach pain. It is also often used to treat tachycardia. Berries are very effective for colds and coughs. They can reduce high body temperature, so they can replace a number of drugs.
It is recommended to use this berry even to nursing mothers. This will not only positively affect their state of health, but also the baby will receive valuable nutrients through milk. But it should be included in the diet only after consulting a doctor, because the lingonberry has a number of contraindications.
Important! You need to start taking berries with small doses, otherwise your baby may have difficulty with digestion.
Beneficial features
- The berries contain large amounts of vitamin B, which eliminates the effects of physical and emotional stress and is considered a preventive measure against depression. It also normalizes the metabolism and has a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system. Lingonberry also contains vitamin E, which enhances the ability to resist diseases, and vitamins A, C, R.
- Among the useful elements worth mentioning the presence of manganese, potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium. This strengthens the structure of bone tissue, improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure and metabolism. Lingonberry juice has a choleretic and astringent effect.
- The presence of various organic acids in this plant also improves the body's metabolism, purifies it from toxins, and improves blood circulation functions. And phytoncides that are part of this plant have antimicrobial properties.
- Lingonberry is characterized by the presence of a large amount of pectin. This substance has a diuretic and laxative effect. And the juice will be useful to drink with anemia or neurosis. It also has antipyretic properties.
- Tannins are present in the lingonberry leaves, which reduce the inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes. They also contain arbutin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, is useful for the treatment of cystitis, and removes excess urea from the body.
When and how is the berry going?
Berries are usually harvested at the end of autumn, but in some regions lingonberries ripen at the beginning of autumn. When she ripens, her berries turn red and become soft. The peel remains elastic. To check the ripening of a berry, you can press it with your fingers, as a result of which juice will splash out of it.
Leaves should be collected in early May. It is during the collection during this period, they are considered the most useful.But it is necessary to collect only that lingonberry, which grows in ecologically clean areas. Since it easily absorbs various harmful substances from the environment, you should not pick berries and leaves that grow near highways or industrial facilities.
How and when to enter into the diet?
When feeding a baby, one should remember that his digestive system will start functioning normally only from 21 days after birth. From this point on, it is possible to gradually include lingonberries in your diet. It is recommended to begin with fruit drinks from this berry. It will be of great benefit to both mother and baby. Mors will be especially useful in case of a cold because it can replace medicines.
It will be useful and lingonberry leaf, which is sold in pharmacies. With the help of a water bath from it you can prepare useful tinctures. If you take them three times a day, then it will greatly benefit the body. Tincture has an antiseptic effect, and also increases the level of hemoglobin.
Lingonberry leaves are usually added to salads or borscht. But doctors recommend sticking to certain rules when using lingonberries.It is desirable to abandon the dessert in the form of this berry, as it will bring the greatest benefit if it is consumed before meals or on an empty stomach.
Berries can be mixed with yogurt, cereal or honey. But lingonberry mashed potatoes or juice will have the most useful effect if used together with carrots or apples.
Contraindications to the use
Despite the healing properties of lingonberries, in some cases it is better to abandon its use. For example, it is undesirable to include it in the diet with hypotension, cholecystitis, problems with the kidneys. The plant will harm people suffering from ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also not advisable to use lingonberries to all those who have a low blood clotting or urolithiasis, which has passed into the acute phase.
When you turn on the cranberries in your diet, you should definitely follow the reaction of the child to this product. Sometimes he may have allergies, which is expressed in red spots that appear on the body of a baby. Very rarely, allergic edema may occur.
If a child or a mother has even the slightest allergic symptoms or negative reactions of the body, then it is recommended to limit the amount of lingonberries in your diet.If there are some doubts about this, it is better to wait another month until the child is a little older - then you can try later to use lingonberries.
In most cases, the inclusion of this berry in the diet is painless. But you need to remember that it is better to start with small amounts, since it will take some time to get used to a new element in the diet. If necessary, you can consult a doctor, who will give the exact answer - whether you should use this berry during the HB period.
Video: lingonberry juice from a cold
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