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When a girl only learns about pregnancy, she begins to panic and revise her diet. Everyday food falls under tight control, many favorite foods are excluded, they are replaced by more useful supplements. Huge popularity is fish oil, which is sold in a pharmacy in the form of capsules. Suitable for women who do not want to use a dietary supplement in liquid form. We will consider everything that affects taking the drug during childbirth.
The benefits of fish oil
If a specialist who is leading a pregnancy has prescribed a drug for you, then it is worth exploring its most valuable qualities. Usually, doctors do not mention this in the hope that the expectant mother will find the necessary information.
- The main advantage of capsular fat is the accumulation of Omega-acids in the composition.Also present is iodine, magnesium with potassium, calcium with phosphorus. All these minerals ensure the correct development of the fetus in accordance with the term of gestation, and are also responsible for the proper functioning of the systems and organs of the mother.
- When Omega-acids are not enough, the skin begins to dry, the hair falls out, the immune system is weakened every day. Fish oil is drunk during the spread of the flu epidemic and with avitaminosis, because it makes up for deficiencies in nutrients and also strengthens the immune system.
- It is very important for a pregnant person that cholesterol does not accumulate in the cavity of the blood channels. The presented dietary supplement perfectly copes with this task and in addition improves the blood composition, raises hemoglobin.
- It is useful to take dietary supplements for those who have gastrointestinal diseases associated with the stomach or esophagus as a whole. Due to the enveloping of mucous membranes, ulcers are healed, the passage of food to the digestive organs is improved, and constipation is lost.
- Omega acids, which are concentrated in large quantities, have a favorable effect on the state of hair, skin and nail plates.Fish oil normalizes blood circulation, enriches cells with oxygen, prevents the development of anemia in the baby and the mother.
- The composition contains enzymes that contribute to the production of serotonin. He is a hormone of happiness that improves the psycho-emotional background of the mother.
- In general, the benefits of the presented drug are difficult to overestimate, because it is extensive. A systematic and dosed intake will relieve a pregnant person from early labor and complex pathological phenomena during gestation.
Effect of fish oil on the baby in the womb
- Doctors prescribe a mother's consumption of this supplement if you suspect poor enrichment of the fetus with oxygen. Due to increased blood circulation and outflow to the placenta, the risk of hypoxia (oxygen starvation of the fetus) is reduced. Usually, for mothers consuming this supplement, the baby in the womb is formed in accordance with the timing of gestation.
- Due to retinol entering the dietary supplement, visual and hearing aids of the fetus are formed correctly without deviations. If a mother takes the provided dietary supplement during childbirth, after his birth, the risk of allergic reactions to something is reduced. This makes life much easier for the child afterwards.
- Proper and moderate intake of fat will form the hemispheres of the child's brain. The future baby will become intelligent, will quickly absorb information. It is important that if the mother has diabetes, this dietary supplement will reduce the transmission of the disease through inheritance.
- Unfortunately, many modern babies are born prematurely, because the rhythm of life does not allow the mother to fully relax and get precious vitamin D. It is in fat, so the chance to give birth to a healthy child in accordance with the term increases significantly. Rachitis is prevented.
- Even after the birth of a child, doctors advise not to stop consuming the food supplement, because fat has a positive effect on lactation. Milk production increases, its fat content increases, bitterness is eliminated. Supplements helps new mom to overcome postpartum depression.
- If we sum up, we can briefly say that fish oil is prescribed for consumption by pregnant women in order to fill the deficit in Omega-3 acid. The drug perfectly copes with the task.
When taking fish oil can be dangerous
BAA is contraindicated in:
- active phase tuberculosis;
- thyroid gland disorder;
- difficulties in the work of the kidneys;
- gallstone disease;
- pancreatitis.
Harm of fish oil
- If the rules of consumption of the drug are not followed, it may have a side effect on the body. Most often, such troubles are expressed in the form of nausea, poor appetite, constipation, diarrhea, severe migraine, depression, hypertension, etc.
- It is worth noting that in the early period of carrying a baby with the systematic consumption of the drug, it acts on the body as a mild anticoagulant. Because of this feature increases the risk of bleeding.
- In some cases, the composition may cause significant harm to the expectant mother due to the ability to lower blood pressure. It is also worth noting that fish oil is rich in retinol. In excess of vitamin A contributes to the development of pathologies in the fetus.
- Therefore, the drug should be under strict control. It is mandatory to observe the daily rate. And do not forget that every woman has an individual organism. Therefore, there is no certainty about how you will react to the composition.
- Consult with your doctor in advance, then rely solely on your own feelings.Even with a slight deviation or poor health, stop taking the drug. Report the problem to a specialist.
- In order to reduce at times the manifestation of side effects from the consumption of such a composition, fish oil is strongly recommended to be taken with food or food. Begin taking the composition only with the minimum dose. After that, you gradually need to reach the daily rate prescribed by the doctor.
Fish oil is useful, but there is a certain list of contraindications, which must necessarily be followed in order not to harm the fetal development of the fetus and itself.
Video: omega 3 during pregnancy
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