Can pregnant women drink Ivan tea?

The origin in the body of a woman of a new life is a true miracle of nature. A fertilized egg develops very quickly, grows, becomes a full-fledged person. However, pregnancy is a very crucial period in which you need to monitor the state of your health. It is important to exclude all kinds of external factors that may have a negative impact on the course of pregnancy. A woman should refuse self-treatment, should carefully select products for her diet. Especially carefully it is necessary to treat various herbs and broths. Herbal medicine is a very powerful means of influencing the body. Herbs can sometimes have a much stronger effect than drugs. Therefore, even ordinary willow tea can lead to unexpected consequences. Today we will consider whether it is possible to drink the decoction of a given plant during pregnancy, how it is useful and how much tea to drink so as not to harm the baby in the womb.

 Can pregnant women drink ivan tea

The benefits of willow tea during pregnancy

A long time ago, when in Russia there was still no Ceylon tea brought from India, willow tea was ubiquitous, it was constantly used as a drink. The plant was valued not only for its languid and pleasant taste, but also for its vitamin value - the decoction is incredibly useful for any organism. The herbal decoction contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also pectins, organic acids, tannins, tannins, chlorophyll, carotenoids, etc. Ivan-tea acts on the body in an amazing way.

  1. From ARVI. Everyone knows that during pregnancy, the immunity of a woman drops sharply, because the forces of the body are aimed at carrying the child. That is why the future mom constantly clings to colds and viral infections. It is impossible to get sick during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, because taking medication is undesirable. A large amount of ascorbic acid in the composition of the decoction will help protect a woman in the autumn-winter period.
  2. From the nerves. During pregnancy, a woman can become whining, irritable, nervous. Blame the change in the hormonal background of the future mom. To stabilize the emotional state, you can drink ivan-tea every day.In its composition there are amino acids that prevent the development of stress, help to cope with insomnia, relieve from light headaches.
  3. From toxicosis. Ivan tea is rich in pectins, which cleanse the body of toxic effects, facilitate the work of the liver. This allows you to improve the well-being of women, to relieve nausea and vomiting. However, it is worth being careful, because in some women the characteristic taste of willow-tea can, on the contrary, cause nausea.
  4. Against edema. Ivan-tea copes with the swelling of any nature, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, prevents the development of dropsy in pregnant women. In addition, green decoction helps to normalize blood pressure, which is also effective for preeclampsia in the later stages.
  5. In the fight against constipation. During pregnancy, a woman often faces constipation. They are caused by the activity of the hormone progesterone, which smoothes the muscles of the lower abdomen in order to eliminate the contraction of the uterus and the possibility of miscarriage. But at the same time, the intestinal perilstatic slows down, which is not emptied in time, serious constipation occurs. Ivan-tea has a laxative effect, stimulates the activity of the intestine.
  6. Against anemia. A woman’s blood volume is constantly increasing, because in her womb a new organism grows and develops. Against this background, there is often iron deficiency anemia, as there are not enough red blood cells. Ivan tea perfectly increases hemoglobin level.
  7. For oral health. The bactericidal properties of herbal decoction help to cope with oral pathogens. This protects the future mom from caries, which occurs very often during pregnancy. Moreover, the decoction helps calcium to be better absorbed, which strengthens dental tissue.
  8. In the fight against hypoxia. The decoction of this amazing plant normalizes carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the body. This helps to deliver the baby more nutrients, protects the baby from hypoxia.
  9. Against thrush. Women know that this unpleasant fungal disease is exacerbated during a period of decreased immunity. During pregnancy, candidiasis is activated in most cases. Drinking Ivan tea helps to form the body's defenses. In addition, the decoction is often used for external use in the form of douching.

Regular consumption of healing broth helps to improve blood clotting, speed up the recovery of damaged tissues. This is especially important in the later periods in order to more quickly cope with possible injuries in the postpartum period.

Can I drink willow tea during pregnancy?

 Ivan tea during pregnancy
Doctors strictly do not recommend to get involved in any popular recipes during pregnancy, especially broths of herbs. But Ivan-tea is really not only useful, but also absolutely safe, even for the vulnerable body of a pregnant woman. It is possible, and even necessary, to drink tea on the basis of this healing herb! On the day, 4-6 cups of a delicious healthy drink is acceptable, which will not cause harm no matter how long you are pregnant. The only risk is individual intolerance. Allergies can occur on every plant in every person. To test this, start drinking the broth in small portions, especially if you try it for the first time. If a skin rash occurs, when stool changes and other symptoms, tea consumption should be discarded.

How to make a healing drink for pregnant women?

Of course, the easiest way to fill the dried grass in the kettle and pour boiling water. But we will prepare not just a drink, but a real elixir of youth, health and strength, which will be useful for every person, especially for a pregnant woman. To do this, we need a teaspoon of dried herbs, willow-herb, the same amount of lingonberry leaves, a pinch of ground ginger. Put all the ingredients in a porcelain kettle, fill with boiling water, cover tightly and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. For summer aroma, you can add some fresh, dried or frozen raspberry, viburnum or rowan berries to your teapot. In a cup of cooked tea, put a slice of lemon, drink tea with a cup of honey. This is a powerful vitamin cocktail, which will help get rid of toxicosis and apathy, the drink will give strength and give energy, increase efficiency, help you to collect your thoughts. Tea should be drunk one hour before meals or one hour after the main meal.

Ivan-tea is an amazing plant with a huge number of useful properties. The grass in Russia was always harvested for the winter; in each house there was a collection with these blue flowers.Today it is better not to buy Ivan tea in a pharmacy, but to try to collect the grass on your own, away from highways and industrial zones. Drink Ivan-tea, combine business with pleasure!

Video: how to brew Ivan-tea

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