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For sure, many people know that karkade means tea from a Sudanese rose. Otherwise, the plant is called hibiscus. Karkade has long won universal recognition, so people increasingly resort to drinking it in a calm atmosphere. Part of this popularity is due not only to its taste, but also to the healing properties of the drink. It is introduced into the diet of pregnant girls in order to increase hemoglobin and improve well-being. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's talk about everything in more detail.
The benefits of carcade for pregnant women
- Very often the drug is called red tea due to its color characteristics after brewing. Hibiscus is used for many years in traditional medicine, it is prescribed to pregnant women to strengthen the immune system. It is especially important to drink carcade during the spread of viral infections and during beriberi.
- All future moms know how difficult it is at the early stage of gestation. Toxicosis, malaise, constant fatigue. The main value of tea with hibiscus lies in its antiemetic properties, more precisely, the drink suppresses toxicosis. But in such cases, it is desirable to drink it, after cooling.
- Valuable qualities are caused by an extensive list of substances. For example, there is a decent amount of ascorbic acid and tocopherol in Sudan rose. In combination, these substances have an antioxidant effect, alleviating the symptoms of toxicosis, reducing the frequency of constipation, removing all the "filth" (toxins, slags, etc.).
- It is important that a high volume of vitamins of group B is preserved in the drink after brewing. They are needed by the future mom's nervous system, as they struggle with insomnia, apathy, stress and fatigue. The incoming minerals, namely potassium with phosphorus and magnesium, are required for the development of the central nervous system, bones and hearts of the baby.
- Sudan rose tea has become popular for its laxative characteristics. When carrying the child, the ladies suffer from constipation, and the drink will help to empty and fix the chair.Also, tea at room temperature relieves heartburn, bloating, gas formation and similar problems with the esophagus.
- Due to the strengthening of metabolic processes, this drug is simply necessary for women in a delicate situation. When a girl becomes pregnant, her metabolism slows down partially. From here comes the weight gain and other related problems (swelling, back pain, etc.). Tea will remove symptoms and will not allow to gain mass.
- It has already been mentioned that the main active ingredient in the composition of the presented beverage is ascorbic acid. It is also a natural stimulant of the immune system. During the reception of the hibiscus, the production of the most valuable elements, which form a protective shell, increases. This prevents the effects of bacteria on the immune system. Accordingly, the pregnant lady is less sick.
- A popular problem for pregnant women is a decrease in iron in the blood. If you do not raise the amount of this mineral compound to a significant mark, anemia (anemia) will begin its development. This will negatively affect the child, increase the risk of birth defects. Therefore, hibiscus will raise the level of iron and hemoglobin in particular.
- When a woman only learns about pregnancy, her body begins to rebuild. At first, these changes are hardly noticeable, but already after the second month it is difficult not to understand something. Especially pressure jumps. To relieve it, they drink hibiscus. Along with this headache goes away.
- Restorative effect of the drink allows the woman to feel good throughout the pregnancy. The accumulation of vitamins of group B relieves irritability and fatigue.
Subtleties reception karkade
- Per day is not allowed to consume more than 0.25 liters. Reception is carried out according to the rule “from smaller to larger”, the dosage increases gradually.
- You need to drink tea before 7 pm, because then he can upset his sleep.
- In order not to provoke heartburn, drink is not taken on an empty stomach.
- If, due to forgetfulness, a decent amount of hibiscus was drunk yesterday, today it is worth giving it up, and tomorrow to resume taking it.
Rules for choosing and brewing carcade
- To get the most out of the drink during pregnancy, you should brew a large leaf carcade. Try to give preference to raw materials with a rich burgundy hue. Too small leaves may contain impurities.In addition, this welding can not guarantee the full benefit.
- If you purchased a bright scarlet brewing, it may indicate improper drying of the raw material or its preparation. Do not buy tea bags. Often welding in this form is presented from low-quality raw materials. In addition, tea may contain additional harmful mixtures.
- To get maximum pleasure from tea, it can be brewed in 2 ways. If you want a hot drink, just take 10 grams. raw materials and 250 ml. hot water, but not boiling water. Insist the beverage in the teapot with the lid closed for about 8 minutes.
- To get all the flavor colors of the drink, tea is best brewed cold. Only the procedure will take much more time. Take the components in the same proportions that were given earlier. Only water should be cold. Leave the ingredients in a bowl overnight.
Practical recommendations
- It is mandatory to observe the daily rate, it should not exceed 300 ml. per day. Do not forget that in the drink there is a large amount of organic acids, which adversely affect the tooth enamel. Therefore, after each tea intake, rinse the mouth.
- It is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach. Otherwise, you may encounter certain troubles. This phenomenon can be explained by the content of a large number of acids. Such substances can trigger the development of gastrointestinal diseases.
- Hibiscus drunk on an empty stomach can aggravate the course of chronic pathologies. Therefore, be careful. If you are experiencing discomfort in the form of heartburn or other symptoms, it is recommended to reduce the daily rate of the drink.
- In extreme cases, have to abandon this tea. Also, do not forget that the drink has a slight diuretic effect. Therefore, do not forget about it, in a certain period of gestation, you may experience frequent urination. Experts recommend for some time to give up red tea.
Tea from Sudanese rose has a lot of useful qualities that will positively affect the health of the future mother. Systematic consumption of the drink will improve the condition and improve health. Stick to practical recommendations. Without fail, choose high-quality raw materials.This way you can get the most out of it.
Video: how useful is hibiscus tea
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