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From a cold and cold, no one is insured. Even pregnant women who strictly adhere to preventive measures often become ill during the seasons of exacerbation of viral infections. And when the question arises about the choice of treatment method, most expectant mothers remember the healing abilities of honey. Of course, during the period of gestation, any medicine is strictly contraindicated for a woman. Therefore, honey in such a situation is practically the only permitted remedy for colds. But in caring for the health of the baby, which the woman wears under her heart, she often has doubts about the correctness of the chosen method of treatment. Since this question requires clarification, we will try to do it.
What is the use of honey
The beneficial properties of honey are beyond doubt. This is scientifically confirmed - as experts in the field of medicine and diet nutrition believe.After all, honey is a natural product, and this increases its nutritional value. But in addition to nutritional properties, natural honey has a number of therapeutic effects:
- improves heart function;
- positive effect on the state of the walls of blood vessels;
- stimulates blood circulation;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- possesses a pronounced antibacterial property;
- strengthens the immune system of the body.
Due to the listed properties, honey is able to withstand attacks of viruses and fungal flora. The product helps to normalize the cardiovascular system and immunity.
It is interesting! Honey has a positive effect on the reproductive abilities of men and women. This is proved by an old tradition, when the first month after marriage, the young spouses were supposed to eat honey. It was believed that the honey diet will help the couple to quickly conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. It is because of this custom that this first month of family life was called “honey”.
Honey during pregnancy
With a cold, honey helps to bring down the temperature and improve the flow of lymph, which facilitates the condition of the future mother with an intense cough and a bad cold. Surprisingly, honey is able to minimize the main manifestations of toxemia in pregnant women - vomiting and nausea. Therefore, it is often recommended by doctors to women in early pregnancy. In addition, honey and other bee products improve digestion and metabolic processes.
It is known that the body of a pregnant woman is very vulnerable. Viral infections are especially dangerous for her during this crucial period. If you regularly use honey during seasonal flu epidemics as a preventive measure, you can avoid the disease. But the natural drug perfectly replaces even the most effective medicines and in the case when the cold can not be avoided. Honey is allowed even in the later stages of pregnancy, provided that the expectant mother does not have allergies and diabetes.By the way, due to the nutritional composition of honey, you can replenish the body with vitamins and essential minerals. To the product is well absorbed and assimilated, experts recommend combining it with milk.
Effective recipes
And now a few recipes that will help the expectant mother quickly cope with cold symptoms.
- Honey tea will help a woman get rid of cold symptoms if she is not allergic to bee products. For the preparation of healing drink more suitable varieties of green tea. Carry a strong drink to a woman in the position should not be. Instead of traditional tea leaves, you can use such popular herbs as mint or chamomile. It turns out excellent tea from raspberry twigs. Tea with honey perfectly warms, provides sputum outflow when coughing, eliminates signs of fever.
- Milk-honey drink also belongs to the category of effective remedies for colds. This tea has a rich taste and is very useful for pregnant women, because it calms the nervous system and stimulates the immune system.True, if you want to get the therapeutic effect of a healthy drink, the expectant mother should not forget that milk is a very high-calorie and nutritious product. Therefore, too much to get involved in this type of treatment is not worth it. Doctors recommend drinking healing tea at night. The drink should be warm, but not hot.
Important point! The well-known recipe for using black radish is better not to apply during pregnancy, because such treatment can even lead to miscarriage. The fact is that the root vegetable is rich in the content of essential oils that stimulate the reduction of uterine muscles. Therefore, from this popular way a woman in the position should be abandoned.
Useful tips
Honey treatment has long proved its effectiveness. But the most important thing is that a well-arranged composition will not harm the future mom and her baby. But if you want to get rid of a cold with this natural product, you need to remember a few simple rules:
- Honey should not be dissolved hot, but warm milk.
- It is recommended to drink the healing drink immediately after preparation.
- You should always remember about the measure, because excessive intake of even a therapeutic compound can harm.
- The most useful are the dark varieties of honey.
- For maximum effect, honey is better to put under the tongue and dissolve.
The value of honey is difficult to determine in the usual equivalent. This natural product with skillful use can work wonders. It is harmoniously combined with many other natural ingredients, which expands the possibilities of its use. But, given that a pregnant woman is prescribed to be careful in everything, she needs to discuss any treatment with a doctor.
Video: cold treatment during pregnancy
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