Can pregnant eat dried apricots?

Pregnancy is probably the most interesting period in the life of any woman. But at the same time, at this time, any woman should pay special attention to her health. After all, now we have to think not only about ourselves, but also about the future child. During this period, certain adjustments are made to the diet of a pregnant woman. Sweet products are better to replace dried fruit. Among them is dried apricots. But not all women can use it. It should be more detailed to understand this issue.

 Is it possible to eat dried apricots in pregnant women?

Useful properties of dried apricots

This dried fruit is a fairly high-calorie product. It contains 241 kcal in terms of 100 g of the product. With it, the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. This is due to the richness of its chemical composition:

It is contained in the amount of 1162 mg. This is half the daily needs of the body during pregnancy.This element is necessary for the muscles to work properly, including the heart. Seizures may occur during pregnancy. Therefore, potassium is extremely necessary for pregnant women. He will help get rid of problems with heart rhythm.

Potassium is involved in maintaining at the proper level of water-salt balance of cellular structures. It interferes with the processes that ensure water retention in the body. During pregnancy, almost any woman is prone to edema. From here it becomes clear what is the role of calcium for a pregnant woman.

Potassium deficiency is undesirable not only for the woman herself, but also for her unborn child, since such a condition can lead to the risk of miscarriage.

In dried apricots it contains 44 mg, which is half of the need for it per day, which is experienced by the body of a pregnant woman. With the participation of silicon, cartilage and bones of the fetus are formed. In addition, he is involved in the processes that are responsible for blood clotting. With the participation of silicon, the baby’s nervous system is developing.

In dried apricots it contains such an amount that can cover 10% of the daily needs of the body. This element in collaboration with vitamin D and potassium promotes better absorption of calcium.No need to explain the role of calcium for the fetus. He contributes to the formation of his strong bones. The presence of magnesium contributes to the relaxation of smooth muscles. This will have a positive effect if the uterus is in a state of hypertonus. In late pregnancy, this is an effective measure for the prevention of preterm birth.

Dried apricots also satisfy 10% of the daily need for iron. This element is involved in the processes of hemopoiesis, in which red blood cells are formed. Due to them, the fetus and all its internal organs receive oxygen. If the body doesn’t receive enough iron, then anemia of iron deficiency develops. In this case, the fetus is in a state of hypoxia. This entails a lag in development, and at the most unfavorable outcome - death.

Beta carotene
His dried apricots contain 4.5 mg. It exhibits a pronounced property of antioxidants, whose action is manifested in the inhibition of the formation of free radicals, which cause damage at the intracellular level. It is a precursor of vitamin A, which leads to a significant strengthening of the immune forces of the body.Thanks to him, regeneration processes are accelerated.

With him, sleep improves and a pregnant woman becomes calmer. With the help of it comes the order of the heart and circulatory system. This vitamin is useful for the baby, more precisely for its nervous system.

Bone and muscle tissue are associated with vitamin B2. There is an increase in general immunity, and the healing of small wounds is accelerated.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C in dried apricots contains 1 mg. This representative of the organic acid series exhibits powerful antioxidant properties. As a result, resistance to infectious diseases increases. Especially important is the sufficient intake of ascorbic acid in the autumn and spring. This is due to the fact that during this period the forces of the body are significantly weakened.

Vitamin E dried apricots contains in quantities of 25% satisfying the daily requirement. Vitamin E will be especially beneficial for a pregnant woman in the early stages, since he is an effective aid in carrying a child. Under the influence of this vitamin, the adrenal glands improve their work.This endocrine gland produces hormones. As a result, hormones come to normal.

Under the influence of vitamin E is the proper formation of the respiratory system in the fetus. Everything else, this vitamin has a beneficial effect on the skin, and this is not indifferent to any woman.

Thanks to pectin substances, binding of salts of heavy metals occurs and they are eliminated from the body.

Simple sugars
They are fructose and sucrose. Provide a sweet taste of the product.

Alimentary fiber
Their content in dried apricots allows a woman to get rid of constipation, which during pregnancy is common.


To eat dried apricots can be far from all pregnant women. It is contraindicated in the following conditions:

 Contraindications of dried apricots during pregnancy

  • Hypotension.
  • Allergy.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Diabetes.
  • Cases of individual intolerance.

Product Selection Guidelines

To achieve the maximum expected result of dried apricots, you need its proper use:

  1. It is considered that the highest quality apricots are those brought from Turkey. The product has a matte surface and a dark yellow color.
  2. If dried apricots with a bright orange color, it is assumed that the product has undergone treatment with sulfur dioxide.
  3. The product is a product with a high concentration of various substances. Therefore, it should not be abused. If you eat only a handful a day, then this will be quite enough to fill the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Dried apricots digested better if used as part of various cereals.

From the dried fruit woman can cook a variety of dishes. You can also make a delicious compote from dried apricots.

Video: the useful apricots

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