Can pregnant women eat grapefruit?

Some mommies wonder why the baby got allergies or other health problems? Very often, certain pathologies are laid in the prenatal period. That is, if the baby is allergic, the reason for this may be a combination of many factors. This may include the genetics and predisposition of parents to allergies, sterile living conditions. Very often, the cause of food allergies is the abuse of allergens during pregnancy. Everyone knows that some products are at risk. Among them are chocolate, strawberries, nuts, honey, citrus. Eat them during pregnancy should be very careful, be sure to know when to stop. In this article we will talk about grapefruit - how safe citrus is during pregnancy and what is its effect on the body of a woman and a child.

 Can pregnant women eat grapefruit

The benefits of grapefruit for pregnant women

Grapefruit is a hybrid of orange and pomelo. This amazing, juicy, sweet and at the same time bitter taste of citrus like many people, especially women in an interesting position. The composition of grapefruit is amazing - it contains a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements, fiber and organic acids. Citrus is rich in colossal amounts of vitamin C and potassium. All this has a positive effect on the health of a pregnant woman.

  1. A high level of ascorbic acid in the composition of the fruit protects women from colds and flu, supports immunity in the autumn-winter period. In the early stages of pregnancy, immunity is artificially reduced so that the body does not push away the alien body that is attached to the wall of the uterus. Against the background of this disease occur very often.
  2. If you prefer the juice a full-fledged piece of grapefruit along with the pulp, you will get precious dietary fiber, which, in unchanged form, enter the intestine and clean it from the feces. Constipation during pregnancy occurs often, so citrus is more than ever.
  3. The composition of grapefruit contains a huge amount of folic acid, which is very necessary in early pregnancy.Vitamin B9 is involved in the formation of the central nervous system of the fetus, it protects the baby from possible malformations in the nervous system.
  4. Grapefruit juice can be added to meat dishes so that they are better absorbed. This will make a heavy fat meal easier. After grapefruit sauce, you will not feel drowsiness and abdominal pain.
  5. The fruit contains tocopherol. This vitamin improves skin condition, makes the tissue more elastic. This helps prevent stretch marks and birth trauma.
  6. Despite the rich and diverse composition of the fruit, citrus has a low calorie content, which makes it a great addition to any diet. Eating grapefruit during pregnancy, you can not worry about those extra pounds - they are not afraid of you.
  7. Grapefruit is rich in vitamin A. Retinol has a positive effect on the eyesight of a woman, protects the retina from possible labor loads, so that there is no peeling. Moreover, a sufficient amount of vitamin A in the body is the prevention of diseases of the organs of vision of the fetus.
  8. Grapefruit has invigorating and toning properties, which helps a woman to recover, to work, to collect her thoughts.If you have not yet come on maternity leave and continue to work - this is exactly what is needed for concentration.
  9. A large amount of potassium makes the fruit simply indispensable for the heart - it reduces the risks of developing heart attack and stroke, soothes perfectly, stabilizes blood pressure, reduces blood cholesterol levels. And most importantly, the establishment of the work of the heart and kidneys helps to cope with edema, to reduce the tremendous load that the body experiences during pregnancy.
  10. Grapefruit is very useful for moms who suffer from diabetes. Citrus is able to quickly and safely reduce blood sugar levels.
  11. Grapefruit has a lot of pantothenic acid, which is necessary for the formation of the baby’s endocrine system.
  12. Calcium and magnesium in the composition of the fruit are essential trace elements for building the baby’s bone tissue, an excellent prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the child in the future. In addition, a sufficient amount of magnesium and calcium will protect a pregnant woman from cramping of the limbs, which in late pregnancy appear very often.
  13. Grapefruit has a special - sweet, bitter and tart taste at the same time. This flavor bouquet helps a woman cope with toxemia. A piece of grapefruit eaten after a meal will help prevent nausea and vomiting.

Not only the fruit itself is useful, but also its essential oil. It is used for cosmetic purposes. A large amount of vitamin E in the composition of the oil makes the product indispensable in the prevention of stretch marks. Oil should be regularly applied to the skin of the abdomen, thighs and chest. It is well absorbed and leaves no greasy and sticky residue. In addition, the smell of essential oil perfectly soothes and pacifies.

What is the danger of eating grapefruit during pregnancy?

 What is the danger of eating grapefruit during pregnancy
The main danger is an allergen. But if the woman herself is not allergic to citruses, there is no need to worry and worry in vain. It is enough to follow the measure in eating grapefruit - no more than 200 grams of pulp per day. In the late stages of pregnancy, the amount of citrus eaten per day should be reduced by half or completely eliminated citrus from the diet. The fact is that after 32 weeks the child’s own immunity, which is different from that of the mother, begins to form.At this time, the abuse of any allergen can cause the development of allergy in the baby in the future.

Abuse of fruit can put a strain on the liver, acids can corrode the gastric mucosa. For gastritis and ulcers, it is not recommended to take freshly squeezed citrus juices, especially on an empty stomach and in undiluted form. By the way, if you eat a grapefruit on an empty stomach, it can cause belching, nausea, heartburn. It is better to drink grapefruit juice through a straw to protect the tooth enamel from acids. And after eating citrus, you must brush your teeth or at least rinse the mouth.

Grapefruit has a distinctive bitter taste, which is concentrated in a film of citrus that divides slices. That is why, in order to get rid of the bitterness, you need to eat the fruit correctly by peeling off this film. It contains many glycosides that are good for the heart. However, at the same time they have a powerful tonic effect, it can cause uterine contraction and the threat of miscarriage.

It is best to eat grapefruit with other fruits - they need to be cut and filled with yogurt, you get a delicious and healthy dessert.Citrus goes well with fish and meat, complements any vegetable and meat salad. Grapefruit not only gives the dishes a delicate citrus taste and aroma, but also perfectly decorates them, delighting with bright colors and shades.

Video: grapefruit health benefits

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