Can pregnant eat prunes?

During pregnancy, you want to eat only healthy and fresh foods that will help the baby in the womb to properly form, grow and develop. It is very important to correctly draw up the diet of a pregnant woman - there should be vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, nuts, dried fruits. Moreover, the products must not only nourish the mother’s body, but also treat it for some malfunctions. Today we will talk about prunes - how it is made, what useful properties prunes have and how safe it is during pregnancy.

 Can pregnant eat prunes

How to make prunes yourself?

Prunes are called plums, dried in a special way. As a rule, it is made from certain varieties of plums, most often it is “Hungarian”. For the manufacture of dried fruits choose large and fleshy fruits.Plums should be pre-soaked in alkaline water to get rid of the whitish bloom, without which prunes will be stored much longer. Then the fruits are cleaned - cut in half and remove the bone. The next stage is blanching. Plums are immersed in boiling water for 3-5 minutes and then transferred to cold or icy water. Next, the plum must be dried, it is much faster and more efficient to do it in the oven. When the drain is dry enough, but remains soft, it can be left for a day in a ventilated place, and then put into storage containers - paper bags or canvas bags. This is a natural way to cook safe prunes, which is really useful during pregnancy.

Useful properties of prunes for a pregnant woman

Speaking about the benefits of the product for pregnant women, we mean homemade and natural prunes, made independently. Or it should be a store product in which you are completely sure. Remember that unscrupulous producers treat dried fruits with special substances, such prunes are not just useless - it can be dangerous.

  1. For constipation. First of all, prunes - this is the best remedy for constipation, which often occur in early and late pregnancy. In the first trimester, constipation occurs due to the activity of the hormone progesterone, which protects the uterus from miscarriage. The third trimester is caused by excessive pressure on the intestines, which also slows down its work. Prunes have a mild laxative effect, the fiber in the composition of dried fruit absorbs toxins and slags, gently cleanses the intestines from stagnant feces. Prunes can be effectively used even with severe constipation, which is also called "sheep feces."
  2. Under stress. Prunes are rich in B vitamins, which strengthen the sheath of nerve fibers, make a woman more stress-resistant. This helps expectant mothers to calm down before giving birth, to get rid of excessive tearfulness during toxemia, etc.
  3. Diuretic effect. Prunes are effective in combating edema, which becomes especially pronounced in late pregnancy.
  4. For heart. Prunes are rich in high potassium, which is essential for healthy heart function.Potassium protects against cramping of the limbs, which often occur in late periods. Potassium leaching can occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, when dehydration develops in the background of severe vomiting.
  5. To improve performance. As part of the prunes have a huge amount of glucose and fructose, which nourish the brain, activate its strength, lead a woman to tone. Just a couple of dried fruits will help you to gather and recover before a responsible meeting or an important exam.
  6. For hypertensive patients. Prunes effectively reduce blood pressure, if you suffer from hypertension, always carry a bag of prunes with you. It will help to cope with a throbbing headache and ailment.

And also in prunes there is phosphorus necessary for the formation of bone tissue. A sufficient amount of this microelement will allow a woman to keep her teeth and hair healthy and strong. In addition, phosphorus is involved in the formation of the fetal skeleton - this is an excellent prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

What is harmful prunes during pregnancy?

 What is harmful prunes during pregnancy
A contraindication to the use of prunes is associated primarily with low-quality product, on the surface of which preservatives and sulfur vapors remain. These chemicals allow dried fruits to maintain their presentation and not to deteriorate during transportation. Therefore, in the period of ripening plum is better to cook natural prunes yourself. If you still bought prunes in the store, it should be well washed and soaked in boiling water. This will help get rid of most of the harmful substances.

Dried fruits should be discarded with diabetes mellitus - it is high in glucose. For the same reason, it is impossible to lean on dried plums, if you want to gain the minimum number of extra pounds during the pregnancy period. Of course, a moderate consumption of prunes will help you clean the intestines and maintain normal weight, but the abuse of dried fruits can lead to excess calories and the deposition of fat mass. When prone to diarrhea prunes should also be abandoned - it can aggravate the condition of a woman. You should also exclude prunes from the diet with hypotension - drain reduces blood pressure.In addition, it should be remembered that after the birth of a baby, prunes should be immediately abandoned. The use of dried fruits during lactation can lead to fermentation in the intestines of the newly-made mother and colic in a child.

Prunes are often used in cosmetology - steamed dried fruits relieve calluses, rejuvenate the skin and restore damaged hair. Use prunes correctly to get everything from him only the most useful and necessary!

Video: how to eat during pregnancy?

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