Can pregnant black currants?

The maternal instinct is very strong - even without having certain knowledge, the woman intuitively tries to adhere to a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy so that the baby grows strong and strong. It is important not only to get tested in time, to go to a doctor's office and take vitamins. You need to monitor your diet so that the products are fresh and varied. After all, the growth and development of the baby in the womb, its probable diseases and possible health problems in the future depend on the mother's diet. Choosing the right diet is not only the basis for the healthy formation of the fetus, but also the well-being of the future mom. Some products can get rid of serious diseases and conditions. The best way to restore immunity, to protect yourself from colds and anemia is black currant.If you take it regularly, it is no worse than expensive drugs that can cope with the problem that has arisen in the body. In this article we will talk about currants, its beneficial and harmful properties, find out how the berry affects the body of a pregnant woman and how to eat it correctly in order to get only benefits from currants.

 Can pregnant black currants

Useful properties of currants during pregnancy

Black currant contains a huge amount of important vitamins - A, E, C, PP, a wide palette of vitamins of group B. Currants are rich in trace elements - calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, etc. And in the currant contains dietary fiber, fatty and organic acids, monosaccharides. All this makes the berry not only useful, but incredibly valuable for any organism, especially for a woman who is weakened by pregnancy.

  1. Against colds. Black currant - a record for the amount of vitamin C in its composition, which is simply necessary for the formation of strong immunity. A woman during pregnancy often suffers from ARVI, because the body is weak and depleted. It is possible to cope with the problem, regular and daily consumption of currants is an excellent prevention of colds.And berry fruit drinks and fruit drinks are not only prevention, but also powerful treatment, with cold currants passes much faster and without complications.
  2. From edema. The currant contains a huge amount of potassium, which improves the functioning of the heart, removes excess fluid from the body, facilitates the work of the kidneys. All this helps to cope with the swelling of any nature.
  3. To raise hemoglobin. Iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women is very common. Black currant is one of the few berries that perfectly raises the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  4. From diarrhea. Food poisoning often occurs during pregnancy. Not only intoxication is dangerous, but also dehydration, which quickly leads to a dangerous situation, lack of fluid affects the condition of the fetus in the womb. Black currant has an astringent effect, the berry is able to quickly and safely stop diarrhea.
  5. With hypotension. Fresh berries, currant juice and decoction of shrub leaves are effective at low blood pressure, it is an effective and safe drug for hypotension.
  6. Antipyretic. Everyone knows that taking medication in early pregnancyit is impossible - during this period the organism of the baby is formed, it is necessary to exclude or minimize the drug treatment. If you have a cold or if you feel sick with a high temperature, you need to drink a lot of blackcurrant fruit juice in the form of heat. It has antipyretic and diaphoretic action.
  7. From stress. In the currant a huge amount of B vitamins that support and strengthen the health of the nervous system. Black berries are a real antidepressant, they will help calm down, get rid of depression and insomnia. In addition, the pleasant taste and the magical aroma of currants perfectly cheer up - this is what you need for the future mom.
  8. In diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. Currant juice has a bactericidal effect, it can be diluted with water and in a warm form to gargle with inflammation and purulent lesions. Warm currant juice can be used when coughing - especially with milk and honey.

In addition, the sweet and sour taste of black currant perfectly dulls the feeling of nausea, protects against vomiting during toxicosis. To spend the day in good health, it is enough to eat 5-6 currant berries in the morning before you get out of bed.

What is dangerous black currant during pregnancy?

 What is dangerous black currant during pregnancy
It is not just tasty and healing, but also a very effective berry, which can be harmful if used incorrectly. First of all, you need to abandon the regular consumption of currants, if there is a tendency to constipation - the berry will only aggravate the condition. Currants can increase blood pressure, so with hypertension, it should be excluded from the diet. The juice of fresh currant contains a lot of acids that can affect the integrity of the gastric mucosa. When gastritis and ulcers from the pure juice should be abandoned, especially on an empty stomach. Currant has another property - the berry thickens blood. With a tendency to bleed it is even good. But if you suffer from thrombophlebitis or increased blood clotting, then such treatment should be abandoned.

It should also be borne in mind that currants are quite allergenic berries, which can cause skin rashes or other reactions. Even if a woman is not allergic to currants, it is impossible to rest on berries in the later periods.After 30-32 weeks, the child’s own immunity is formed, and the abuse of allergenic products during this period may lead to the development of allergies in the baby.

How to eat currants during pregnancy?

Of course, it is best to eat a black berry fresh. However, during the harvest season, you want to keep the currant so that it does not lose all the beneficial properties, and you can enjoy the summer taste and aroma even in the most frosty days. It is best to keep the berries in a frozen form - so it saves more than 90% of valuable vitamins and trace elements. But to cook compote and currant jam is not recommended - during the heat treatment of the berries lose more than half of valuable substances, especially ascorbic acid. It is better to freeze the berries, and in the winter, if necessary, get the juice out of the thawed berries and make not only tasty, but very healthy berry juice. If you do not like currants in the whole form, you can grind it in a meat grinder, sprinkle with sugar, wait for it to dissolve, and then pour the mass into convenient plastic containers and freeze.After defrosting you will get ecologically clean and valuable currant jam. And you can also improve your health by adding currant leaves in a teapot with brewing. Use not a simple currant, and fragrant - the aroma of freshly made tea will surely delight you!

Black currant is a real source of vitamins and nutrients that help support the body in a difficult but very happy for a woman during pregnancy.

Video: which currant is more useful - black, red or white?

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