Can pregnant with tea with bergamot?

Tea with bergamot is considered by many to be very useful and tasty. But there are those who dislike him. The aroma of this fruit is quite original. Therefore, he has his fans and critics. Among all the flavored teas, this one has become the most popular today. But how useful is this tea? This issue is especially interesting for pregnant women. Is it possible to use it during this period? Consider the details of the properties of the fruit.

 Can pregnant with bergamot tea

What is bergamot

This fruit is a citrus hybrid. Scientists crossed an orange with citron, with the result that it turned out. They named it in honor of the city called Bergamo. The fruit grows on an evergreen tree. Its leaves are shiny, and blooms with large fragrant flowers. The fruits ripen from late November to early December. They have a golden green color.Bergamot is rich in valuable essential oil. It is used as an additive to dishes and used in industry.

How did tea appear with this fruit? On this occasion, there are several opinions. If you believe the legends, then its origin is connected by Charles Gray. This man was the prime minister of Great Britain. Therefore, in England, this tea has a name associated with this name - Earl Gray.

Beneficial features

The fruits themselves are not taken to be eaten. Essential oil, which is widely used in cooking, is obtained from the rind of the fruit. It has the most valuable properties, as in the composition of this oil there are more than 300 components that can benefit the body. The most important ingredients are limonene and linalyl acetate.

The essential oil of this plant has the following beneficial properties.

  1. Increases immunity. Therefore, tea with bergamot is recommended to drink during the cold season.
  2. Improves mood. The oil contains components that can be called natural antidepressants. This property is very important for each person.
  3. It is a strong aphrodisiac.
  4. Able to kill the fungus.
  5. It helps to treat infections and also has anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. Relieves spasms and soothes irritations.
  7. Tea with flu is very useful, as it can be used as a natural antipyretic.
  8. If you are bitten by an insect, then the bite can be treated with bergamot oil. Irritation will come down faster.
  9. Many use it to get rid of dandruff.
  10. In cosmetology, this oil is also widely used. Since the means in which it is included, contributes to the narrowing of pores and improving the complexion.


Although bergamot has a lot of useful properties, it also has certain contraindications. Consider what precautions you need to follow.

  1. Allergy to this fruit is quite common. It belongs to citrus, so people suffering from a tendency to allergies, you must start to use tea with bergamot in small doses in order to follow the reaction of your body.
  2. The plant contains the substance thymol. Its use can lead to gastric cramps, nausea and vomiting.
  3. If you use products with bergamot in too large quantities, there is a risk of phototoxicity.Therefore, it is impossible to get carried away with such products.

During pregnancy

On the question whether it is possible to drink such tea to pregnant women, experts have several opinions. Some say about the benefits and harmlessness of the drink. Others claim that it is dangerous to the fetus. If we consider this question from the scientific side, each of these opinions will be only partially correct. The situation depends on the tendency of the woman to allergies, her health, as well as on how the pregnancy proceeds. Also important is the dose of the drink.

 Bergamot tea during pregnancy

A pregnant woman is allowed to drink no more than two or three cups of such tea per day. But some women categorically can not eat products with bergamot oil. These include those who have previously had bleeding, and there is a risk of miscarriage due to complications during pregnancy. Also, this tea should be given to women who suffer from kidney and liver diseases. You can not drink it with a sick thyroid and heart problems.

Since hormonal outbursts can occur during pregnancy, which can cause unusual culinary preferences for women, a woman who previously did not like bergamot may suddenly want to try it.To find out exactly whether you can use tea with bergamot during this period, you need individual consultation with your doctor. He will make a conclusion based on the individual characteristics of the organism, and will give recommendations on the use of the drink. If there are no contraindications, then it is quite possible to drink one or two cups daily.

With a cold

If a pregnant woman has a cold, she is not allowed all the medications she used before. Therefore, it is necessary to use natural products. Symptoms will help to remove a cup of tea with bergamot.

  1. A sore throat can be rinsed with water with honey diluted in it and a few drops of bergamot oil.
  2. To reduce the temperature will be very effective compress applied to the calves of the legs.
  3. Sometimes you can inhale the aroma of the oil. It will help to significantly improve the mental state, which is often upset with women in this period. It relieves irritability and anxiety. Do not use undiluted oil, so as not to cause irritation and burns.

How to brew bergamot tea?

Tea with bergamot should be brewed like any other ordinary tea. First, heat up the teapot, fill it with hot water. For a glass of boiling water you need to take tea in the amount of a teaspoon. Drink infused a few minutes. But pregnant women should not drink too strong drink, it is better to dilute it with water.

Video: the use of tea with bergamot

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