Can peanuts be breastfed?

Peanuts are included in the diet to get the necessary portion of mineral compounds and vitamins, as well as unsaturated fatty acids. This product is widely used by supporters of healthy food as snacking, so many new-born moms are interested in the possibility of consuming nuts in HB. After all, they are allergenic, can cause harm to both the mother and the baby. Today we will study all the subtleties affecting the reception of the discussed raw materials during breastfeeding.

 Breastfeeding peanuts

The benefits of peanuts

  1. Otherwise, it is called peanuts. If you stick to a scientific point of view, peanuts belong to the legume family. It is often used in cooking to improve the taste of a particular dish. As part of a lot of vegetable protein, which is important for the density of bone tissue, teeth, cartilage.
  2. The composition contains sufficient amounts of carbohydrates and fats, therefore, peanuts are classified as high-calorie foods. But the valuable vitamin complex covers these "inconveniences", filling the daily need. Among the vitamins in nuts there is a group B, tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin D.
  3. A mom who has just started breastfeeding will benefit from taking the product. Thanks to the incoming vitamins E and A, the condition of the skin and hair is improved. Due to the decent accumulation of protein, milk production increases, as well as its fat content.
  4. Since after pregnancy, the risk of varicose veins increases significantly, it is necessary to eat nuts to prevent this unpleasant disease. Peanut improves blood quality, removes cholesterol, increases the density of blood channels.
  5. Due to the presence of B vitamins, the activity of the psycho-emotional environment is normalized. Groundnut is considered a record holder for potassium and magnesium, so it is eaten to stabilize the work of the heart muscle and other important organs.
  6. After the baby is born, the mother's risk of developing anemia increases,which is associated with iron deficiency. Walnut covers the daily need for this mineral, increases hemoglobin. Also, peanuts prevent the negative effects of toxins on healthy cells, because it is famous for its antioxidant effects.

Is peanuts permitted in HB

  1. If the newly appeared mother actively and metered nuts during the carrying of the fetus, then there are no prohibitions for taking GW. Unless there will be an allergy, but it is necessary to begin with small.
  2. In order not to harm the baby, consult a pediatrician. He will give precise instructions on how to introduce this raw material into everyday food, in what quantity to use it.
  3. Enter the peanuts in the menu should be metered, starting with a few nuts. When raw materials are included in the food, new products should not be introduced, except for nuts. To react in time and, if necessary, stop taking it.

Possible harm

 Harm of peanuts during breastfeeding

  1. Do not forget that nuts are heavy food. It is important to understand that the female body after birth should recover fully. Therefore, it is worth to abandon the consumption of nuts, if during lactation you have problems with the stomach, kidneys or liver.
  2. After you improve your health, consult with a specialist.The doctor will tell you exactly how many nuts you can eat per day. It is worth noting that the peanut heavily loads the stomach and does not allow the body to recover fully.
  3. Decomposition products, which did not have time to leave the female body, pass into breast milk. Such a composition can negatively say on the state of the baby. Often develops an allergic reaction or problems with the digestive system.
  4. Experts strongly recommend including peanuts in other dishes. Pure nuts are best not to eat. Peanuts are perfectly absorbed with vegetables, and the gastric mucosa will not suffer from irritation.

How not to face allergies

  1. In order not to face unpleasant consequences after taking nuts in the form of an allergic reaction, one should find out if there was a similar phenomenon among the relatives. In particular, this concerns the line of the father. If someone was allergic, nuts should not be eaten during lactation. Baby should not give them up to 4 years.
  2. You can check for yourself if you are allergic to nuts. Even if nothing of the kind has come to light, you should not conduct similar experiments on a child. Babies various tests up to 1 year is prohibited.
  3. Often, an allergic reaction is manifested to a greater extent precisely because of peanut husks. Therefore, if you decide to eat nuts while breastfeeding, be sure to clean them. In most cases, you can hear that roasted peanuts are less allergenic than raw.
  4. In this case, there are also some nuances. During the lactation period, it is better to completely exclude any fried foods. Therefore, if you are not sure whether an allergy can occur or not, it is better to refuse to take nuts for a while.
  5. While caring for a baby, it is necessary to take time to prepare a proper diet. Keep a diary and write in it what you can eat and how often. Mark the dates when you can enter new products in the menu. In this way, you can always find out what the allergy was. It is forbidden to introduce several new dishes and products on one day.
  6. Peanut is still allowed to enter into the diet, if you have never experienced an allergic reaction to peanuts. If you ate nuts in small quantities during pregnancy, and there was no discomfort, this is a good sign.

Peanuts during breastfeeding should be introduced into the diet with extreme caution. Carefully monitor the condition of the baby. Peanut is an allergenic product, so the children's body can react unpredictably. If necessary, consult with a specialist and set the exact daily rate. In case of any abnormalities, stop taking the product.

Video: how to choose a useful peanut

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