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Ice cream quickly diverges in the summer. It is enjoyed by adults and children to cool off on hot days. Many housewives prepare the product at home using natural ingredients. Store products, in turn, are made with the addition of palm oil and flavors. The widespread demand for ice cream encourages people to look for information that affects its beneficial and harmful qualities.
The composition and characteristics of ice cream
Before starting to study the benefits and harms, it is necessary to objectively evaluate the list of ingredients that form the basis of ice cream. In most cases, people buy food in stores, so we will consider the composition of factory products.
The basis is milk, the fat content of which does not fall below the 10% mark.Unscrupulous manufacturers are stuffing their products with powdered milk, so the benefits are minimized.
Also, palm oil is often taken as a basis, which is not indicated in the composition on the package. This does not add value to ice cream. Palm oil is considered the cheapest raw material and prolongs the shelf life of the product. For producers, the benefit is on the face, and consumers remain in the red.
In addition, palm oil is addictive, thanks to these qualities, the buyer gets a treat again and again for himself and children. Nevertheless, acids of the organic type accumulate in the oil, which eliminate cholesterol from the cavity of the blood channels and prevent thrombosis.
On the other hand, such a product has negative characteristics. Palm tree oil belongs to the category of carcinogens, which practically do not leave the cavity of internal organs, poisoning human health.
In addition, the composition of ice cream included sugars, including various syrups. The product is rich in dry milk residues in the form of proteins and lactose. About 1% is given to stabilizers and flavor enhancers, emulsions.In the ice cream there is also water, which quickly evaporates.
Ice cream flavors
If you look closely at the composition of treats, you will notice that the product does not carry any benefit. However, this aspect does not fully characterize the delicacy; the appearance of ice cream also matters.
To date, there are the following types of dessert:
- Ice cream with fat content of about 10% and sugar content in the range of 14-16%.
- Ice cream ice cream, which belongs to the most high-calorie treats. It accumulates at least 16% fat, but the product has a lower sugar content.
- Fruit and berry ice cream is considered the most low-fat, but this feature is compensated by the accumulation of sugar. Its over 30%.
- Another type of ice cream is dairy, containing about 5% fatty acids and 15% saccharides.
Ice cream benefits
- In addition to taste, ice cream perfectly quenches thirst in the summer heat. The treat also improves mood, increases mental alertness and gives peace of mind.
- People who care about their health, you need to choose a treat with a minimal inclusion of sugar and fatty acids.Such a product will have a low or moderate caloric content in the range of 250 Kcal. for a portion of 100 gr.
- It is useful to use ice cream to representatives of the weak half of humanity during the menstrual cycle. A treat will fill the iron deficiency and raise hemoglobin. Against this background, painful cramps in the abdomen will decrease and dizziness will disappear.
- If we talk about natural milk, which is available in the dessert, this component is responsible for the health of bone tissue and teeth. Ice cream, close to useful, has in its composition calcium. It is needed to complete the work of the kidneys.
- The highest value of the cold summer treat lies in its ability to accelerate the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin. Even after one portion of ice cream a person experiences a surge of strength and elevation of mood.
Ice cream harm
- Everyone's favorite delicacy, in addition to benefits, can cause significant harm. In this case, this phenomenon occurs due to poor composition. Nowadays, ice cream makers use natural ingredients less and less.
- As part of the delicacy can be found various chemical additives.They are not the best impact on health. The high sugar content in the cold delicacy is harmful to humans. Abuse of the product is fraught with the development of diabetes and obesity.
- Everything else overeating ice cream triggers an increase in blood pressure. In the case of a child's body, the child overexcites the nervous system. The baby becomes overly active and unconcentrated.
- Ice cream shop, instead of healthy vegetable fats, is replaced by palm oil. Such a component does more harm than good. Calorie content in such ice cream is much higher than in natural. Therefore, you should be careful, you can quickly gain excess weight.
- To reduce the harm that non-natural fats bring, it is important to follow the correct technology for obtaining such a composition. Unfortunately, the principles adhere to a unit of manufacturers. In other cases, many harmful chemical additives are added to the treat.
- In this case, to minimize the harm of harmful fats on the body, you can choose a product with a minimum content of these substances.The composition of ice cream should not include a large number of all kinds of impurities, emulsifiers and flavors. The naturalness of the product is completely lost.
- You should not expect benefit from the chemical composition. In some cases, unscrupulous enterprises include components that are hazardous to health in ice cream. After a certain time, a person begins to develop pathological diseases.
- Try to avoid treats that include supplements with an “E” index. Such enzymes also concern other products. Otherwise, regular consumption of raw materials will lead to the development of serious ailments. Refrain from purchasing similar products, despite their unique taste and aroma.
- The high calorie content of dairy delicacy is not best reflected in the figure, do not even abuse the natural composition. It is worth giving importance to the fact that ice cream can be dangerous specifically for the female body. In most cases, the delicacy contains vegetable fats, which cause the development of infertility.
- Do not lean on the ice cream with a variety of flavors.As a rule, such a delicacy does not contain natural ingredients. Therefore, except for harm to the body, do not expect anything good. Prefer the classic ice cream on a stick from natural juice. This delicacy is almost harmless.
- Some people have a headache after eating ice cream. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the cold product is not the best effect of the cardiovascular system. The composition greatly narrows the vessels, because of this, the blood begins to circulate poorly through the body.
- Studies have shown that the food eaten is practically not absorbed by the body. Therefore, ice cream belongs to the category of heavy products. The splitting of the composition occurs only after its full warming in the stomach. In order not to meet with complications, the delicacy is allowed to consume no more than 3 times a week.
Contraindications to the consumption of ice cream
- It is not recommended to eat ice cream with different flavors for diabetes. In limited quantities, the product is permitted if it is completely natural.
- Limit your intake if you are prone to rapid weight gain.It is also worth refraining from delicacy with a recent cold.
- Ice cream is completely contraindicated for ulcer, lactose intolerance, urolithiasis, chronic gastritis and high cholesterol.
Ice cream - a kind of product, from which you should not expect much benefit. If you do not want to harm the body, learn to prepare a delicacy on their own solely from natural products. Shop composition should be consumed immediately after opening the package.
Video: about the benefits and dangers of ice cream
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