Monarda - medicinal properties and contraindications

Monarda is a herbaceous plant that comes to us from North America. Our ancestors also knew about the beneficial properties of this flower and used them in various forms for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases. To date, the most popular varieties are double, serrated, dwarf and lemon monard.

 Medicinal properties and contraindications of the Monarda

Medicinal properties of the plant

Monarda is a unique plant containing beneficial and nutrients, vitamins, essential oils and biologically active compounds.

Useful properties of this fragrant flower can not be overestimated, the most important of them are:

  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Thanks to essential oils, duo is able to inhibit the growth and spread of bacteria.
  • Removal of various kinds of inflammation.
  • It helps in the fight against oncology in the initial stage of the disease.
  • It treats cystitis and otitis.
  • Can be used for inhalation during the period of illness.
  • Improves the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It has antioxidant properties.
  • Helps in the treatment of tuberculosis and pneumonia.
  • Used as an antispasmodic, remedy.
  • Acts as a rubbing massage for rheumatism.
  • If necessary, used as an antiseptic.
  • May act as a laxative.

When using monarda increases the effect of antibiotics, which reduces the consumption of the drug.

The medicinal properties of Monarda are used as an adjunct in the treatment of the disease, but before using this flower, you should consult with a specialist who will help you find the right dose and calculate the duration of use.

Spheres of application

Due to the high content of beneficial properties, monarda has a wide range of uses, including:

The medicine
Despite the fact that medicine never stands still, many experts still use natural medicines in their treatment.This allows patients to treat various diseases without harming the body. The use of monarda in medicine most often occurs:

  • With the destruction of worms and other parasites.
  • For the treatment of fungus in various parts of the body.
  • With the elimination of chronic fatigue.
  • In the fight against eating disorders.
  • For the treatment of gynecological diseases.
  • For washing eyes.
  • With bacterial disease of the legs.

In the fight against SARS, as this plant has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps a person to quickly recover from the disease. For a quick effect, use inhalations with monarda or aromatherapy.

By using monardo as an adjunct to the treatment of a disease, you ensure a speedy recovery and strong immunity.

Monarda is a popular and frequently used plant for those who want to look young and attractive, because it is able to slow down the aging process. Today, masks, tonics and creams are made of odorous flowers for different parts of the body. Also, oil of Monarda is used for therapeutic and prophylactic massage.

Domestic issues
A miracle plant acts not only as a natural medicine or a good additive to cosmetic preparations, but also as an effective fighter against mold.

For people with problematic skin, monard will become an indispensable assistant, as it can help in the fight against acne and acne, as well as narrow pores and normalize the sebaceous glands.

In what form is best to use?

The plant can and should be consumed in various forms, since its medicinal properties depend on the type of preparation of the Monarda. Naturally medicine can be used in the form of:

  1. Tea that helps to cure or prevent colds.
  2. Tinctures, which contains vitamin C, B1 and B2. It is used in the fight against problem skin and to raise the immunity.
  3. Essential oil. In this form, the plant can be used both for aromatherapy and for inhalation during a cold.
  4. Juice. Freshly squeezed juice of Monarda can help in the healing of wounds and abrasions.

In whatever form you use a medicinal plant, it will have a positive effect both on certain parts of the body and on the organism as a whole.


Monarda will be an excellent helper in the treatment of any human illness, but this plant, like any other natural or synthetic medicine, has a number of contraindications to use:

  1. It is forbidden to use any form of monarda during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage of use prescribed by a specialist.
  3. It is not recommended to use the plant for children who have not reached school age.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to use Monarda to people who are allergic to this plant.
  5. Do not use drugs with this flower in the treatment of serious diseases without consulting a specialist.


 Recipes with monardy

  1. Since the monard can be used in three forms, there are a lot of recipes with this plant, and all of them will certainly benefit the human body. Below are the top 10 most popular recipes using this flower:
  2. This recipe will be most effective for those who have parasites in the body. From the ingredients we need only essential oil of monarda and glycerin oil. To prepare the necessary mixture, which is intended for rubbing into the abdomen, you need to mix 2 drops of monarda oil and 0.005 l of glycerin oil.Then the mixture is heated to room temperature and can be used. Accepted on an empty stomach by teaspoon.
  3. To prepare a delicious and healthy tea from Monarda, which helps to cure cold and increase immunity, you will need the plant itself and black or green loose tea. For a start, grind the monarda well, and then mix it with any tea in a 1: 2 ratio. Pour boiling water over the mixture and let it brew for about half an hour in a closed kettle. To improve the taste, you can add butter or honey, and the tea from Monarda is ready to drink.
  4. Essential oil of Monarda for aromatherapy is prepared quite simply. We chop the flowers and mix them with purified vegetable oil, in this case we keep a proportion of about 1 to 10. Then heat the resulting mixture over low heat using a water bath. After two hours, remove the container from the stove and let our mixture cool, then filter and use as directed.
  5. The prescription of essential oil for inhalation also does not require special skills when cooking. For the preparation of this wonderful tool that helps to cope with different degrees of cold, you will need only chopped monarda and water. Put in a container 3 tablespoons of crushed plants and pour a half liters of boiling water.Then put the container on the fire, bring to a boil, and cook for about 10 minutes. After the finished product has cooled, filter it and use for inhalation. However, remember that the duration of the procedure should be approximately 15 minutes.
  6. Monarda juice perfectly helps to heal wounds and abrasions. To prepare it for these purposes is very simple. The first thing you need to well chop the leaves of Monarda in a blender or improvised means. Then you should carefully squeeze the mixture into a container through gauze. If possible, use the resulting juice immediately, applying to damaged skin.
  7. Hot drink from the Monarda will help to warm up in cold weather and bring many benefits to your orgasm. In order to cook it, you need to very carefully chop the leaves and flowers of the wonderful plants, put them in a special container. Then add mint and lemon there, then pour the boiling water over the mixture. Infused medicinal drink will be about half an hour, after which it can be consumed immediately.
  8. In hot weather, you can make a cool drink from the Monarda to quench your thirst. For this recipe, we need 800 grams.buttermilk, a teaspoon of monarda and 200-250 ml of water. To prepare the drink, it is enough to dilute the buttermilk with water and add the crushed monardo there. For a savory taste, you can add a little vanilla to the cocktail. Then shake the mixture well in a shaker or other suitable container. After that, leave the drink in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to cool.
  9. For the treatment of depression and stressful conditions, this recipe will help. Place a tablespoon of Monarda in a mug and pour 200 ml boiling water there. Let it brew for about 20 minutes, and use a tablespoon before eating until full recovery.
  10. Monarda well helps to deal with skin problems, and the preparation of a solution for wiping a face does not require financial and physical costs. It is enough just to dissolve 15 drops of oil in 500 mg of pure warm water. It should be wiped with the obtained solution face with a cotton pad.
  11. Leaves of Monarda will be an excellent addition to the spring salad, full of vitamins and nutrients. We grind boiled eggs, green onions, leaves of monarda and lemon mint, then mix them in a special container and fill with sour cream.

Despite the many recipes, useful properties and positive feedback about the monard, before using it you should definitely consult with a specialist. Be healthy and happy.

Video: useful tea with a bergamot-scented monard

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