Milk - the benefits and harm to the health of the body

All parents urge their children to drink milk to increase their defenses and improve mood. Thanks to this absolutely everyone is familiar with the product. No wonder the first thing that a child tries is mother's milk. Today we will talk about the benefits and dangers of the drink.

 The benefits and harm of milk

Milk composition

The product from under the cow is rich in macro-and micronutrients, of which there are more than fifty. The following are considered the most valuable: sulfur, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and copper.

Calcium is also an important element. It is necessary for people who suffer from osteoporosis and a deficiency of this mineral compound in the body.Calcium strengthens bone tissue, teeth and enamel, nails.

The composition of the drink a lot of vitamins. Highlight vitamin PP, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin D12, vitamin N.

Of the amino acids emit methionine, lysine, tryptophan and others. All of them must be ingested with food, since not every amino acid is able to be produced independently.

Calorie cow milk - 52 Kcal., Goat - 67 Kcal. These indicators are characteristic of the drink with a fat content of 2-2.5%. The higher this indicator, the more the energy value rises.

The benefits of milk for the digestive tract

  1. Patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract often refuse to consume dairy products due to dislike of them. However, such a move is extremely erroneous.
  2. The fact is that milk envelops the mucous membranes of the stomach and protects the internal organ from ulcers. Against this background, the prevention of gastritis, ulcers and other similar illnesses.
  3. Adults need to take milk to regulate acidity and relieve painful cramps while eating spicy or junk food.
  4. Milk is well digested and did not lead to indigestion, it must be taken in small sips. At the same time the product must be at room temperature. After removal from the refrigerator, let the drink stand for a while.
  5. There is a lot of vitamin B-group in milk. This includes folic acid, pantothenic acid, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, and others. All of them take part in energy, fat, carbohydrate metabolism. Due to this, metabolism is normalized, the food ceases to ferment in the intestines.
  6. Low-fat natural milk is used to remove cholesterol, speed up metabolism, and reduce weight. If you include a drink in the diet, you can adjust the work of the esophagus and significantly lose weight.

The benefits of milk for the nervous system

  1. Milk normalizes the psycho-emotional environment of a person. Against this background, anxiety, irritability, insomnia and other ailments of this kind are removed.
  2. The drink has sedative (soothing) properties. It is useful to drink milk for men and women who often experience negative reactions.
  3. The product contains many amino acids that normalize human sleep.To do this, it is enough to consume warm milk and honey for the night, as alarms will recede. Also such a move will remove nightmares.
  4. Very often, milk drink treats headaches and strong migraines, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension. Similarly, milk is consumed warm in combination with honey.

The benefits of milk for immunity

 The benefits of milk for immunity

  1. Fresh milk is not recommended to drink with viral infections, otherwise the body will develop harmful microflora. Prefer pasteurized or melted product.
  2. The drink will strengthen the immune system during seasonal colds, as well as compensate for vitamin deficiencies in vitamin deficiency. Children are recommended to give milk in half a glass, adults are allowed to increase the amount by 3 times.
  3. Studies have shown that athletes get sick less often. The fact is that they consume milk, thereby accelerating the production of immunoglobulin. This compound suppresses viral infections.

The benefits and harms of milk for bone and heart

  1. The main properties of the product lie in the fact that it contains a lot of calcium and other useful substances. Scientists have found that calcium improves the structure of bones, teeth, nail plates.Also, this substance lowers blood pressure.
  2. However, milk cannot be consumed in large volumes by people who have crossed the age limit of 40 years. When calcium builds up in the body, it provokes blockage of the blood channels. All this contributes to the development of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis.
  3. The composition of the drink a lot of casein. This is a type of protein compound. Casein harms blood vessels and heart muscle. Despite the accumulation of potassium, the entire human circulatory system can suffer greatly.
  4. Experts in the field of healthy nutrition advise to consume milk in the amount of 1.5-2 cups a day for people under 40 years of age. After this threshold, the amount is reduced to 1 cup per day.

The benefits of milk for pregnant women

  1. If the expectant mother does not have enough calcium during the childbirth, she will soon face crumbling of teeth, brittle nails, exhaustion of bone tissue. Milk fills the balance of calcium and prevents all of the above problems.
  2. Also, the drink accelerates the absorption of other nutrients derived from food. Incoming lactose is responsible for carbohydrate balance, transforming sugars into energy, not fat.
  3. Milk has a positive effect on the fetus. Formed skeleton, nervous system, heart muscle of the child. The iron present in its composition conducts a serious prevention of anemia in the mother and infant.
  4. Pregnant women often experience toxemia at an early stage of gestation. Milk improves the flow of bile and relieves gagging.
  5. The product has a laxative effect. Against this background, the digestive tract is cleared, old stagnation is excreted, and constipation is eliminated.
  6. A light diuretic action removes excess water, fighting the edema of the limbs and the whole body. Also, internal organs are cleaned of toxic substances, radionuclides.
  7. If during pregnancy, heartburn is taken by surprise, it is enough to take half a glass of milk at room temperature. More often the similar illness appears in the second half of carrying a child.

Harm of milk for men

 Harm of milk for men

  1. It is worth knowing that excessive consumption of a product of animal origin leads to the development of cancer cells. British scientists have found that milk contributes to the development of prostate cancer.
  2. The problem is that the drink is supersaturated with a special substance that provokes the active growth of the insulin-like factor. Thus, the risk of developing cancer cells increases several times.Such a phenomenon can be suppressed by eating more red meat.

Harm of milk for women

  1. If we consider all the same studies, they published that women, often consuming the product, are most susceptible to the formation of ovarian and breast cancer.
  2. This phenomenon is caused by a high content of galactose - it is an enzyme for the breakdown of lactose. The body is unable to completely process the substance. Therefore, galactose accumulates in the form of a toxic compound.
  3. There is no direct connection between these factors, the reason for which may well be reduced immunity. It is also possible the development of uterine cancer due to supersaturated fats. However, modern medicine claims that milk protects against breast cancer.

Harm of milk for children

  1. Long since cow's milk belonged to useful products of a children's diet. Unfortunately, modern research shows the opposite effect. With the consumption of milk, the body suffers from a lack of moisture. Hence the risk of developing diabetes and an allergic reaction.
  2. Keep in mind that giving an animal milk to children under 2 years old is not recommended. Also, the use of the drink before bedtime was questioned. The calming effect is achieved thanks to casein. But the splitting of the enzyme in the body produces harmful opiates. The substance also prevails in large quantities in cheese.

Harm of milk while losing weight

 Harm of milk while losing weight

  1. Many nutritionists recommend including milk in the daily diet of people who want to say goodbye to extra pounds. The composition copes with the feeling of hunger, saturates the body with calcium and prevents the deposition of fat.
  2. Linoleic acids in the composition of milk are useful for the figure. Based on the data obtained at the moment there are several special diets. To achieve the maximum result from the drink, you can add spices in the form of turmeric and cinnamon.
  3. Do not forget that the milk in combination with a banana is most often drunk by men to build muscle. For women, such a cocktail will contribute to weight gain. Also, the drink provokes a sharp jump in blood sugar levels, often this leads to obesity.

Harm of milk during lactation and pregnancy

  1. If you adhere to official data, you need to consume up to 1 liter of milk daily. In this case, the girl in position will be able to replenish the daily rate of calcium. More detailed studies to date revealed that excessive consumption of the product forms mucus in the body.
  2. Hence, experts have concluded that milk lovers may expose the child to the development of bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, diseases of the joints and kidneys. Accumulated mucus is harmful regardless of age. Often, such a cluster leads to the formation of pneumonia.
  3. Traditional medicine, by contrast, claims that with the help of milk you can get rid of mucus in the lungs. Some women who drank milk before pregnancy, in rare cases, an intolerance to the product. It is a mistake to believe that animal milk increases lactation.
  4. The consumption of paired product leads to a deterioration in the quality of milk during lactation. The process is due to the presence of estrogen. There is nothing terrible in this; the substance is destroyed some time after the animal is milked. Remember, milk is among the most allergenic products.
  5. Be careful when consuming milk, follow the daily rate. If you have any abnormalities, you should immediately stop taking the animal composition. Therefore, to replenish daily calcium intake, pay attention to other foods. Eat almonds, sesame and cauliflower more.

Milk is valuable for the body due to the accumulation of calcium. Benefit is observed for the nervous system, digestion, heart muscle, immunity. It is necessary to moderately consume the product to pregnant girls. But before any manipulations, study the harm, so as not to face negative consequences.

Video: doctors about the dangers of milk

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