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Urine apples are snacks of Russian cuisine, therefore they are welcome guests on the table of our compatriots. But in addition to the taste of such a product can boast an impressive list of valuable substances in the composition. And since apples are harvested for the winter time, it is possible to increase immunity. Today we will talk about the properties of raw materials and the possible harm from the consumption of soaked fruit.
Features of apple apples
Before considering the chemical list of incoming substances, it is necessary to clarify what the difference is between fresh fruit and soaked.
The soaking process itself is a slightly outdated concept. Previously, this method was resorted to in order to preserve fruits for the winter and to be able to feast on them at any time of the year.
Urination is carried out by fermentation, the acidic bacteria accumulate in apples, which prolong the period of preservation. In the modern world, this process is not called soaking, more inclined to the concept of conservation.
This effect can be achieved for the simple reason that the incoming granulated sugar acts as a preservative along with alcohol. They transform into lactic acid and carbonic acid. These compounds prevent damage to apples.
The lactic acid produced in the fermentation process makes apples nourishing and slightly acidic. Alcohol, combined with carbon dioxide, is responsible for the freshness of apples.
Experienced housewives allocate several variations on how the fruit is soaked. Each recipe differs in the amount of added alcohol or granulated sugar.
The advantage of this method of conservation can be considered the absence of heat treatment. Therefore, all incoming substances remain unchanged, and the effect of some of them after soaking only increases.
The composition of soaked apples
All fermented fruits or vegetables are famous for their high content of ascorbic acid.It is both a stimulant of immunity and a means for complex cleansing of the body.
Askorbinki in soaked fruit is much more than in fresh raw materials. Accordingly, the benefits of such a product will bring more with systematic consumption. To increase the amount of vitamin C, you need to know that in green fruit more ascorbinki than in fruits of a different color.
There are many other vitamins in apples, for example, from group B. They are important for all human systems. This list of vitamins include folic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine, cobalamin, nicotinic acid, riboflavin.
On this list of compounds does not end the composition of apples. They contain vitamin D, necessary for the density of bones and teeth. The product is rich in tocopherol, a natural antioxidant.
Does not do without the inclusion of mineral compounds. Here we are talking about calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, chromium, zinc. In the composition of soaked apples there are dietary fibers that clean the intestines from stagnation. The product also includes water, ash, pectic substances, poly- and disaccharides, acids of organic type.
Calorie soaked apples
The composition is popular with lovers of diets, but the final calorie indicator directly depends on what sort of apples is preserved and how much sugar is added.
If you soak the green apples, their caloric content will not exceed 34 units with a calculation of 0.1 kg. fruits. Reds accumulate more carbohydrates, respectively, the figure reaches 49 units. The calorie content of yellow fruits varies from 38 to 45 Kcal.
Urine apples while losing weight
Many are interested in the question of how much raw material can be consumed while reducing weight. To replenish the balance in vitamins and mineral compounds, it is enough to eat a couple of pieces per day.
Since the proteins in the fruits are small, they will not be beneficial if you swing. But burn the extra pounds of apples will help, because they replace a full meal and satisfy hunger.
The benefits of soaked apples
- It's no secret that ascorbic acid acts as a powerful antioxidant, which is found in large quantities in urine apples. Systematic consumption of this product allows you to promptly supply the body with the necessary substances and vitamins.
- Thanks to this feature, you will be less susceptible to various diseases.The body becomes more resistant to all sorts of viruses and fungi. Apples can be eaten in its original form or as the main ingredient in various dishes. In cooking, there are quite a few recipes.
- Regular eating of these apples will positively affect the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Studies have shown that in a product prepared in this way, the number of probiotics is practically the same as in natural yogurt. After all, this composition is famous for the abundance of lacto - and bifidobacteria.
- Quite interesting to taste the snack has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Peristalsis is significantly increased. All metabolic processes in the body are stimulated. Fabrics are thoroughly cleaned from slags and various decomposition products. Increased production of gastric juice. Improved appetite.
- Apples get positive properties due to organic acids and bifidobacteria. Together, these enzymes are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The product contains pectin, which removes bad cholesterol from the tissues.When soaking apples, the nutrients in them becomes almost 2 times more.
- Urine fruits contain a fairly large amount of vitamin D and calcium. Therefore, regular eating of fruits will allow you to fully strengthen the bone tissue, joints and cartilage. Apples help maintain the musculoskeletal system at the proper level due to a sufficient amount of iron and zinc in them.
- From the above, we can conclude that such apples should be included in the daily diet. In particular, the urine product will help those people who have problems with digestive disorders, constipation, dysbiosis, respiratory diseases, atherosclerosis, avitaminosis and osteoporosis.
Harm of apple apples
- Do not forget that in these apples contain a large amount of acid. If you abuse the product, you can face a number of certain problems. In particular, the acidity of the stomach can greatly increase.
- With extreme caution, eat the product with a tendency to an allergic reaction. Ascorbic acid can trigger it.It is forbidden to eat apples for gastritis, ulcers and other diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
Experts say that apples should be consumed primarily by women. This snack allows you to keep the shape in proper condition. In addition, the product prolongs youth, pushing the aging process. The skin is noticeably tightened, toned and gains its former elasticity. Small creases and wrinkles are smoothed.
Video: recipe of peeled apples with red rowan
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