Bear fat - medicinal properties and contraindications

The bear personifies strength, vitality and wisdom. He is often hunted. But to kill a bear while hunting is not an easy task. Sometimes it works, and then the hunter gets a lot of trophies. One of the components of its prey is bear fat.

 Medicinal properties and contraindications of bear fat

Healing properties

Chinese and Tibetan medicine uses many parts of the bear, obtained by hunters as trophies. This, though not recognized by official medicine, is a very good alternative to medicines.

Fundamental research has confirmed the healing effects of bear fat. And he shows them in the widest range. The therapeutic effect is primarily due to the anti-inflammatory effect. It is achieved by the content of fatty acids from the Omega group.Under their influence decreases the indicator of cholesterol in the blood. Fats also penetrate participation in the formation of the immune system. Under their actions various harmful substances are eliminated from the body. This fully applies to radionuclides and toxins. Digestive function improves, the nervous system starts to work better. In order to come the skin, improves reproductive function.

The composition of bear fat is marked by the presence of protein bioregulators. They work at the intracellular level, contributing to a greater release of energy. As a result, the body receives the necessary substances:

  1. Thymusamines. This is a whole group of substances, under the influence of which the thymus gland improves its function. She is rightly called the "queen of immunity."
  2. Hepatamines. This group of substances help to increase the protective function of the liver.
  3. Ventramina. These substances lead to improved functioning of the stomach.
  4. Bronkhalaminy. Improve their work the organs of the respiratory system. This explains the fact that bear fat is very effective in the common cold. Before him, bronchial asthma and any cold recur.Often it is part of antitussive drugs. If severe pneumonia occurs, then bear fat comes to the rescue in this condition.
  5. Panaxosides. These substances regulate hormonal balance to a certain extent. The hypothalamic-pituitary system and the function associated with the sex glands comes to balance.

Bear fat is an excellent immunomodulator with a pronounced manifestation of the adaptogenic effect. Due to this, the body's defenses become stronger.

Indications for use

The states in which they use this tool are so many that it is considered almost a panacea.

  1. It is very useful for joints and muscles. If rheumatic pains are concerned, fat is used as an external remedy for rubbing. It also helps with pains of neuralgic genesis. The tool is periodically rubbed into the affected areas of the body. At the same time, inflammation subsides, joints become more mobile. It can help if myalgia, arthritis, arthritis and osteochondrosis occur.
  2. If you have heart problems, you can also correct unwanted conditions with bear fat.In this case, it is taken inside. This leads to a harmonious normalization of pressure and is a good prevention of atherosclerosis.
  3. This tool can be used to increase hemoglobin.
  4. If a person has been exposed to severe stressful situations, then bear fat will help recover. The manifestation of a pronounced sedative effect is noted, and the metabolic processes in the brain structures are improved.
  5. He will greatly assist women in solving cosmetic problems. Bear fat is an effective alternative to expensive cosmetics. Sometimes, it is much more effective than a cream of a famous manufacturer. As a result, improving the nutrition of the skin can achieve a certain lifting effect. He successfully protects from the sun, frosty wind. It was always used when eczema began to disturb and children developed diathesis.
  6. Modern research has shown that bear fat can help HIV-infected patients. If they began to use it, the patients felt much better. It is used as a preventive measure preventing the development of cancer pathology.
  7. Healers recommend the use of those people who have sexual disorders. It is equally effective for the female and male body. It is widely used by reproductive medicine. But it is used not as a primary treatment, but as a reliable, effective support, which perfectly complements drug therapy. The effect is achieved by its ability to strengthen the immune system and protect the liver from the harmful effects of toxic drugs.

Bear and badger fat - what's the difference?

Any hunter will say that bear fat is much healthier than badger. Most likely, this statement is not without truth. According to external signs, they do not differ from each other, since the technology of their melting is absolutely the same. This is done in a water bath or in a Russian stove at a temperature of 100 degrees. However, many years of practical experience shows that bear fat is much more useful than its badger counterpart. This can be explained by the fact that it has a richer composition. This is understandable. Bruin is an omnivore. Its food is more varied than that of badger. As a result, there is a more complete work of the endocrine glands.

You can buy bear fat at the pharmacy, although now it is very problematic to do so because of the increased demand for it. You can try to find it on various Internet sites.

Cough and Bear Fat

 Cough and Bear Fat
Most often it is used as a local means for rubbing. It is used in therapy if there are problems with the organs of the respiratory tract. The indications are various diseases of the cold. Bear fat carefully rubbed the chest. This contributes to the excellent heating of these areas of the body, and facilitates the discharge of sputum.


Of course, the use of bear fat is associated with a pronounced benefit. But at the same time, it has a number of limitations to its application. If there is a pathology of internal organs in severe form, then before applying it, you need to get advice from the doctor. It is forbidden to apply it in the following conditions:

  • Allergic children under the age of three years.
  • Cases of individual intolerance.
  • Pathology associated with the violation of the outflow of bile.

Prohibited internal reception for pregnant women and during lactation.If someone decides to use it externally, then it does not interfere with prior consultation with a physician. He will say for sure whether it can be used or not.

How to apply?

The dosage is determined by the patient's age. Children under one year should consume no more than one teaspoon of the remedy. Adolescents can be given some more therapeutic fat, and the dosage is already determined by dessert spoon. For an adult, bear fat in the amount of one tablespoon will be the most suitable dose. Before use, the product should be diluted with hot milk (just take one glass). To improve the taste, you can add honey or jam.

It is necessary to accept means within a month until the stable steady state comes. If you are worried about joint or muscle pain, then a thin layer of fat is applied to the skin. After that, it should be carefully grind. Then this place should be covered with a warm scarf.

Inside, fat is always taken with spoons. What volume will be a spoon - depends on the age of the patient. One dessert spoon is quite enough for small children, but adults can take a full-fledged tablespoon to measure the composition.The tool is used on an empty stomach. If severe chronic respiratory pathology occurs, the dose is increased to 3-4 spoons. Reception is also carried out on an empty stomach. After that, you can dine no earlier than an hour. Course duration must be at least a month.

If you are worried about problems with the digestive tract, then they take reception in one dessert spoon.

The presence of skin diseases involves an integrated approach to treatment. It is used in this case both externally, lubricating sore spots, and at the same time consumed inside.

For colds, take fat in combination with honey. Moreover, the pre-agent is dissolved in hot milk.

Video: Benefits of Bear Fat

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