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There are a lot of moccasins, but in today's article we will consider a copper-headed representative of the family. It is classified as a venomous snake, which is distinguished by its poisonousness and bloodthirstiness. Leading herpetologists of the world include the discussed type of reptiles as the most insidious species living in the vast North America. They appear when you do not expect them and do not ask to appear on your eyes. Let's explore the main characteristics in order of priority.
- This kind of reptile can not be called bulky, but this fact does not make them less dangerous. Along the length of the body, the shchitkomordnik is drawn out to 1.3 m. Maximum, but often smaller representatives are found.
- The body is sealed and powerful, the tail is shortened, covered with shields in the lower section. At the end there are dead and rough areas of the skin.The head is in the format of an irregular triangle, there are boundaries separating the head from the cervical region.
- The upper part of the head is moderately flat, but not flattened. A hollow is present above the upper lip, the mouth opens wide due to the presence of a cut. Behind the occipital section, there are non-lobed flaps. In terms of body color, the following can be said: brown shades with a copper sheen prevail. However, therefore, the snake got its name.
- The body itself is painted red-brown. In the upper section, there are shields with fringing and transverse stripes; this whole pattern imitates the accumulation of a large number of arcs. Cross strips look favorably on the back, so the reptile was nicknamed moccasin.
- These very oblong patches are combined in a chaotic manner with specks of irregular shape. This pattern stretches down to the middle of the tail. In the natural environment, snakes can be found that are pigmented in orange or pink with dark stripes.
- The case in the lower section is light red or copper. There are patterns consisting of many triangles and spots.The final coloring varies directly on the age at which a particular individual is, where it lives, how it feeds, and so on. Reptiles of this species are many-sided in terms of their pigmentation.
- The head is always lighter than the rest of the body. Its characteristic feature is an identified and wide strip. The head is dark on the sides, the strip itself extends over the upper lip.
- Earlier it was mentioned that these individuals are bloodthirsty. But they don’t eat themselves. Exterminate insects, in particular caterpillars, locusts and cicadas. They kill birds and their eggs, as well as rodents. Attack without warning.
- Species of the species of species under discussion live in the United States of America in the east and south. Territory distribution extends down to Nebraska and central Texas.
- The habitat of reptiles is difficult to predict, because they are present everywhere. They love larches, pastures, sparse terrain, shrub plantations, etc.
- More courageous representatives of the genus live in gardens and gardens, near the city and settlements, near rivers and wetlands. A large number of snakes in the bamboo thickets.
- A characteristic feature of the individuals in question is that they pounce without any warning. The bite itself causes severe pain. Poison is not dangerous for humans, but inflammatory processes begin to develop almost immediately at the site of the bite.
- As mentioned earlier, the reptiles presented do not belong to the poisonous species. However, it is unusual that they fall without warning because of their temperament. Unfortunately, one can never predict the movement of an individual.
- Therefore, if you suddenly meet with such a snake, the result is likely to be not the best for you. The properties of the poison are very similar to the poison of the rattler, only toxicity is much less pronounced. In general, the bite can significantly worsen the condition.
- Naturalists recall the case that after the bite of the individual in question, a horse died a few hours later. If you study other sources, many times the bite of such a snake was recorded, the person did not end up badly. In addition, on hot sunny days, reptiles try to hide in shady places.
- When the predator begins to approach, the copper-headed shtekomordnik immediately takes a defensive stance. The advantage of such snakes is that their movements are many times faster than the explosive brethren. However, shchitomordniki a little lazy.
- For the rest, the behavior of the reptiles in question differs little from other venomous snakes. As for hunting, then shchitomordniki do it in the daytime. The snake usually raises its head slightly, pulls out the tongue and makes a little noise with the tip of the tail.
- Separately, it is worth mentioning that the individuals in question do not make an attack, curled up in a ring or lying down. Copper-headed Shchitomordniki are dangerous only when they take an S-shape. The instincts of a venomous reptile go nowhere, even if the snake lives in captivity for a long time.
- Despite the fact that such snakes are poisonous, they are kept in captivity. If you take care and follow simple rules, you can keep this individual in a closed terrarium.
- It must be of sufficient size. As a substrate, it is better to use coconut chips. Be sure to install a water bottle and a heating lamp. Also need a house and snags.
If you are going to keep this individual in captivity, you should learn all the details. The content of a poisonous snake is not the most reasonable solution. As for feeding, it is best for reptiles to give striped geckos and rodents.
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