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The coltsfoot is a herbaceous plant that originates from the class of Compositae. It has a creeping, branched, thick and strong root system. The active period of growth and flowering coltsfoot begins in early spring, after the arrival of the first warming. The inflorescences of this plant have a yellow color, and their diameter is about 2.5 centimeters. During the period of its ripening, the flower of a coltsfoot becomes fluffy and in its appearance it somewhat resembles a dandelion.
If any diseases occur, the plant should be used.
Coltsfoot is an excellent tool that is often used during the treatment of diseases associated with the respiratory system.A decoction made on the basis of this herb is highly effective in the course of treatment of such diseases as:
- bronchitis;
- high blood pressure;
- runny nose;
- laryngitis;
- asthma.
In addition, often decoctions made from coltsfoot, are actively used during the treatment of angina. Also, this herb can perfectly eliminate spasms and remove accumulated sputum from the body. Tinctures made from it contribute to the elimination of strong inflammatory processes that occur in the mucous membranes, reduce puffiness, and also eliminate the bacterial factor that contributes to the appearance and development of various diseases.
Due to the fact that the coltsfoot is distinguished from other herbs by pronounced antispasmodic and bactericidal properties, it is perfect during the course of treatment of various diseases that are accompanied by inflammatory processes in the urogenital system. Also, this plant is often used during the normalization of the kidneys. It quickly and effectively eliminates inflammatory processes and acute pain in the body.
Another feature of this plant is that it can have a beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system. Through the use of this herb, there is a significant increase in intestinal motility, as well as significantly improved digestibility of food consumed. In addition, it should be noted that this plant actively stimulates the free passage of bile in the body. Thanks to its use, you can eliminate such diseases as colitis, increased flatulence. In addition, it should be noted that the coltsfoot acts as an excellent means to eliminate constipation.
Tinctures and decoctions made from this herb are often used when a person develops high blood pressure. Indeed, as is known, the coltsfoot is able to quickly bring down the increased pressure and actively stimulate the work of all organs of the cardiovascular system. Quite often, this herb is actively used for prophylactic purposes, as well as during the treatment of such a disease as atherosclerosis. In addition, it is able to actively eliminate from the body accumulated in it the formation of slag andcholesterol.
Broths made from coltsfoot, are actively used when the appearance of diseases in the oral cavity. For example, such decoctions are often used to eliminate stomatitis, periodontal disease, or appeared bleeding in the gums. Due to the fact that this plant has astringent properties, decoctions made from it can quickly stop bleeding and effectively heal the wounds. In addition, it is worth noting that the coltsfoot, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and strong bactericidal abilities, is able to eliminate the sources of the spread of infection in the body, and reduce inflammation.
Coltsfoot acts as a fairly effective means that helps eliminate the occurrence and spread of purulent diseases that may appear on the surface of the skin. For example, this herb is often used to quickly and effectively eliminate ulcers, acne, dermatitis. It is also indispensable for the treatment of abscesses, the elimination of pressure sores or the treatment of corns. When eliminating skin diseases, special baths are used, in which a tincture made from coltsfoot is added.Quite often, these tinctures are used for rubbing or cooking lotions.
It is worth noting that such a plant as a coltsfoot can be actively combined with a variety of herbs that have healing properties. For example, if a coltsfoot is further added to a decoction made from nettle, you can get a remedy that perfectly copes with itching, hair loss or seborrhea.
In order to eliminate such a disease as diathesis or get rid of excessive sweating of the feet of a small child, you can use a special powder, previously prepared from a mother and stepmother. To prepare such a powder, it is necessary to take dried grass and chop it thoroughly. This powder can treat the inflamed areas of the skin or foot surface.
To eliminate painful insect bites, you can use juice squeezed from fresh leaves of this herb.
In order to eliminate the sharply appeared pain in the head area or to quickly cope with intense heat, it is necessary to apply the green leaves of the mother and stepmother to the forehead area.
The main therapeutic characteristics
The leaves and inflorescences of coltsfoot contain large amounts of vitamin C and essential oils. In addition, they contain useful substances such as carotene and glycosides. This plant is a good tool that is actively used to strengthen the immune system of the body. In addition, the coltsfoot has such medicinal properties as:
- Anti-inflammatory long-term effects on the body.
- Disinfectant property.
- Removes cough.
- Eliminates and prevents hoarseness.
In addition, the decoctions of this plant can be used to stimulate appetite in humans and to treat inflammatory processes that have appeared on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the fact that this plant contains a huge amount of mucus and polysaccharides, it can also have a softening effect on the entire body and the inflamed areas of the mucous membrane.
Use in alternative medicine
- In alternative medicine, decoctions and tinctures made from coltsfoot are usually used during the treatment of cough as a pathogen,expectorant. Translated from the Latin, coltsfoot means a plant that drives away a cough. Therefore, it is mainly used during the treatment of cough and diseases of the respiratory system. Coltsfoot is able to dilute the sputum accumulated in the lungs and facilitate its removal from the body. In order to enhance the healing properties of the decoctions of this plant, which are used to treat cough, they can also be added to such a plant as thyme.
- As a strong expectorant in folk medicine are actively used infusions prepared from the leaves of this herb. To prepare this infusion, you need to brew the leaves of the mother and stepmother, pouring one spoon of this herb with 250 milliliters of boiling water. The resulting infusion must be defended for 20 minutes and then thoroughly filtered using gauze or a fine sieve. Take this infusion is recommended no more than 4 times per 24 hours.
- In addition, during the treatment of cough or hoarseness, in traditional medicine, broths made from coltsfoot are actively used. For the successful preparation of such a decoction, it is necessary to take the well-crushed leaves of the plant and boil them, using the so-called water bath during the boiling procedure, for no more than 5 minutes.Then the broth must be given time so that it can infuse. Then it must be properly filtered and add a small amount of boiled water. It is necessary to consume such broth on one tablespoon a day in a complex, alternating between receptions two hour breaks.
Attention! To improve the output of accumulated sputum from the body, it is recommended to use complex chest massages along with the use of decoctions and tinctures. Also, for more effective treatment of cough or diseases of the organs of the respiratory system, it is possible to combine the use of medicinal drugs and tinctures made from coltsfoot.
For more effective separation of sputum (in case of bronchitis) from the body should be used decoctions made from coltsfoot. To prepare such a decoction, you must mix thoroughly in one container, for example in a saucepan, one spoonful of inflorescences of coltsfoot, anise, linden and raspberries. The resulting mixture should be poured with one liter of water and boil well for no more than 5 minutes. Boil the broth data is necessary on a gentle fire, after which he needs to be given a little time so that he can insist on how to infuse.Then, the resulting broth should be drained and consumed 80-100 grams several times in 24 hours.
It should also be noted that the juice made from the leaf of a mother and stepmother, is actively used in alternative medicine during the treatment of rhinitis. Many doctors believe that this juice is quite capable of replacing any nasal drops that are sold in a pharmacy. In the treatment of rhinitis, you can use a few drops of plant juice, which should be instilled into the nostrils.
When a cold or a viral disease appears, it is necessary to consume a large amount of liquid. It is known that the coltsfoot has a fortifying and stimulating effect on the body. Therefore, when the first signs of ARVI appear, you can use teas and herbal teas made from this herb. Also in the treatment of colds can be combined with the use of coltsfoot with honey, raspberries or cranberries.
Use this plant is not recommended for the treatment of diseases in pregnant women. Also, it is not possible to use the infusion of mother and stepmother during breastfeeding. Refusing to accept decoctions that have been prepared from this herb, should also be in the event of intolerance or an allergic reaction to this plant.
In no case can not be long used in the treatment of diseases decoctions made from coltsfoot, in large doses. Otherwise, due to the long-term use of these broths, the liver may suffer.
Do not use a coltsfoot to treat children who are under two years of age. When the first symptoms of an overdose occur, namely: vomiting, rash, allergic reactions, redness, nausea, you should immediately stop using the products made from this plant.
Video: medicinal properties of mother and stepmother
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