Marinated zucchini for the winter: 4 recipes

Zucchini means quite valuable fruits that are consumed by all people without exception. Their distinguishing characteristic is availability, ease of preparation and an extensive list of available ingredients. For these and many other reasons, hostesses prefer to stock up on vegetables for the future. Usually people resort to salting and pickling, we are interested in the second option. From the presented fruits make the so-called salads in banks, let's look at the main aspects in the next order.

 Marinated zucchini for the winter

Description and origin

  1. Not everyone is aware of how zucchini got into the diet of modern man. Initially, this variety was found in Central America, then the fruits were called wild pumpkin. Further, enormous work was carried out on the study of the vegetable, which led to the fact that it became an independent variety.People began to massively use the product in industry, but they have not yet taken it for food.
  2. Later in the XIV century, the vegetable came to Italy, the locals first tried it and began to eat it. In the expanses of our country, the presented fruit appeared relatively recently. It was brought by the Turks or the Greeks, it is not known for certain. It is clear only that the product came to taste to all categories of people, without exception. Now let's see what he is.
  3. Generally speaking, a squash is a pumpkin. The vegetable under discussion differs only in the form, methods of administration, certain taste qualities and the list of incoming compounds. By this is meant an annual plant that bears fruit in the warm season. Inflorescences are characterized by intense pigmentation and size. They attract insects that are responsible for pollination.
  4. In the daily menu of a person includes specimens, processed thermally. They are elongated in their format, painted in green or yellow tone. May be gray with a greenish pigment. Some species are striped and light. Juice is used for treatment and prevention.In the culinary world, zucchini is eaten in order to reduce the caloric content of food, because it has small indicators and does not affect the shape.
  5. Often the specimens in question are salted, pickled, stewed, steamed, baked and fried. There are many variations of preparation, some simply leave the fruit for long-term storage and freeze. Young specimens can be consumed in combination with the skin, and mature ones are cleaned of the shell and the inside. Seeds are taken only after drying, as well as pumpkin seeds.

Product value

In order to receive exclusively benefit from the intake of the fruits discussed, it is necessary to know the valuable characteristics of vegetables. Let's start the review in order.

 The value of zucchini

  1. So, we will touch on the most important for modern man's ability to prevent illnesses of oncological nature. The basis includes substances endowed with antioxidant qualities. They contribute to the binding and removal of radionuclides, salts of heavy metals and other types of poisons. Against this background, the functioning of the most important systems and organs of a person improves,reduced chance of getting cancer.
  2. Due to the low glycemic index, this product is the basis in the diabetic diet. It's all about his positive ability to lower blood sugar levels, thereby improving the condition of patients with a diagnosed disease. Along with this, the metabolism increases, a person avoids weight gain and obesity in particular.
  3. The valuable qualities of the fruit include improving the composition of the blood and the prevention of anemia. Under this disease means anemia, developing on the background of iron deficiency. Zucchini covers daily need and thereby increases hemoglobin. It is important for modern people, especially those who suffer from vertigo and apathy.
  4. Due to the peculiarities of expelling an excess amount of fluid, the activity of the kidneys and the entire urinary system in particular is being improved. Also the syndrome of heavy legs, puffiness disappears, the face looks healthy and beautiful. Salts leave the body, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the musculoskeletal system and bone tissue as well.
  5. Many studies have been conducted, the basis of which was the fruit under discussion.Experts have shown that zucchini improves the human condition and enhances the production of the hormone of happiness. Against this background, insomnia, lethargy, chronic fatigue disappears. Stress resistance increases, a person becomes less susceptible to negative circumstances.
  6. All vegetables, including the variety under discussion, are high in dietary fiber. They are required for the proper activity of the internal organs that make up the digestive system. Cellulose of plant origin gently passes through the intestine, freeing its walls from decay products and toxic substances. Partly for this reason, many people suffering from peptic ulcer, eat zucchini.
  7. The effects on the blood channels should not be overlooked. They are released from cholesterol deposits, become less fragile because they acquire elasticity and compacted. Such a vegetable is eaten by the category of elderly people. Fruits processed into mush help to recover from a heart attack. They reduce the likelihood of damage to the blood channels and strengthen the heart muscle.
  8. Persons who are tired of fighting with overweight will be helpful to know that this product enhances metabolic processes and leads to the breakdown of adipose tissue.It gradually decreases, so you can decently lose weight. This product is good because it reduces the risk of getting fat in the future, if you continue to eat fruits in moderation.


 Marinated Zucchini Recipes
In Bulgarian

  1. If you follow simple instructions, pickled zucchini are very tasty. The number of components is designed for four liter jars. To do this, wash 3 kg. squash and cut into circles. Do not make them too thin.
  2. Wash fresh dill with horseradish leaves. Simultaneously chop 15 cloves of garlic. Spread these products evenly across banks. Before this, do not forget to sterilize glass containers. In the meantime, cook the marinade.
  3. To do this, fill 2 liters. water suitable pot. Wait for boiling and add 60 gr. salt, 0.2 kg of granulated sugar, 20 allspice of allspice, 7 leaves of laurel. Boil a few minutes and pour 200 ml. 9% vinegar. Bring to a boil again.
  4. Throw zucchini into the boiling brine. Stew covered with a lid for about 7 minutes. Do not forget to systematically stir the components. Turn off the stove and arrange squash on the banks.Immediately pour hot marinade.
  5. Roll up the banks on the classic technology and turn upside down. Wrap the blanks with a warm blanket and allow it to cool completely. Then send the product to storage in the cellar or utility room. You can try after a day.

In tomato sauce

  1. Wash and clean 1 kg. young squash. Chop the circles not very thin. Send to fry in a skillet to a golden crust. In parallel, wash, peel and chop 1 kg. ripe tomatoes, 2 heads of garlic.
  2. Add prepared foods to zucchini. Reduce the power plate to a minimum. Tom the ingredients until they are soft. Transfer the blank to a suitable cup and turn it into a homogeneous mass using a blender.
  3. Alternatively, the products can be ground through a sieve. In the same mass, add 30 grams. finely chopped fresh greens, 20 gr. salt and 40 gr. sugar sand. Sterilize glass containers. Place tomato paste and squash in equal amounts in a container.
  4. Throw in a jar 350 gr. chopped sweet pepper. Add pepper peas in the amount of 10 pcs. Send cans to be sterilized.Roll up on the classic technology and leave to cool under a blanket. Store in a suitable room.

In Korean

  1. Consider the features of this recipe to make the billet as tasty as possible. To do this, use only young and strong zucchini. Do not peel them, this is not necessary. If you are going to cut the zucchini into strips, do the same with other products.
  2. Do the same with all ingredients in the same way if you decide to cut everything into circles. Remember that you should not make them too thin. In general, act at its own discretion.
  3. In order to significantly ease the task, it is recommended to immediately use a special Korean carrot filler. When you prepare all the vegetables, be sure to mix them and leave them for a while. The mass must be thoroughly soaked.
  4. To do this, prepare for the above technology 3 kg. young squash, 0.5 kg. onions, the same number of carrots, 5 sweet bell peppers. Pass through the press 200 gr. garlic. Finely chop fresh greens in the amount in which you want.
  5. Mix all the ingredients in a common bowl. At the same time proceed to the preparation of the marinade. Mix in a total capacity of 2 packs of seasonings for carrots in Korean, 40 gr. salts, 150 ml. 9% vinegar, 200 gr. sugars and 230 ml. vegetable oil. Fill them with vegetable mass.
  6. Stir thoroughly and leave for 5-6 hours. After a specified period of time, distribute the billet to dry and clean cans. Send sterilized and roll up. Wrap a cloth and wait for complete cooling. Remove blanks for storage.

Simple recipe

  1. Immediately proceed to the sterilization of cans. In parallel, wash and chop the zucchini circles. Send to banks. Add garlic cloves and peas. After all the preparatory procedures proceed to the preparation of the marinade.
  2. To do this, connect 40 gr. salt, 60 gr. sugar, 3.5 liters. water and 150 ml. 9% bite. Boil the ingredients and pour the zucchini into the marinade. Cover and sterilize for about 10 minutes. Roll up and flip. After cooling down, put it in the back room.

It is easy to make delicious preparations that can be enjoyed all year round. It is enough to follow one of the above recipes.It is noteworthy that such a snack has a sufficient number of useful properties. Therefore, with the systematic consumption of the product, in the winter time you are not threatened with vitamin deficiency. Remember that for blanks it is better to choose young fruits.

Video: recipe marinated zucchini for the winter

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