Magnet hair - what to do at home?

Hair begin to electrify for various reasons. Often, such features are exposed to people with a "liquid" hairstyle. When the hair is naturally thin, it reaches for woolen things, a comb, and even the skin of the hands. The magnetization leads to the fact that girls walk with a "dandelion" on their heads. Hair is difficult to put on the hair, so the problem becomes as urgent as possible. Let's look at the basic principles that will help you get rid of the static effect on your own.

 Magnet hair

Why hair magnet

Electrification can be caused by various external and internal factors. To get rid of magnetization, it is first necessary to exclude the reasons for the appearance of such a feature.

  1. It should immediately say about the unbalanced diet, as well as existing injuries in the cavity of the hair.If they are porous, lifeless, split, in their structure, then they will definitely be electrified.
  2. In winter, all the girls are faced with a problem when, removing a sweater, hair is raised along with a knitted product. This is due to the magnetization of the hair, due to the charge the hair is magnetised.
  3. A charge of electricity can be generated due to an incorrectly selected headgear. If it is too dense, the hair will start rubbing between itself and the fabric. Such magnetization is easy to remove by selecting another cap.
  4. The reasons for the appearance of a static effect can be attributed to special climatic conditions, living in a smoky area, working at an enterprise with the release of chemicals.
  5. Hair is electrified due to frequent temperature fluctuations that occur if a person drives around on business trips. The climate, which is poorly reflected in the condition of the hair, can be attributed to variable or high humidity, the impact on the hair of direct UV, dry wind.
  6. With a shortage of vitamins in the body, nails and hair suffer first. Skin fades later. This leads to the relief of the mop itself and its electrification.Natural lubricant is washed out of the structure, which should make the hairs heavier. Therefore, the best solution for you will be taking multivitamins at least once a year.
  7. Incorrect care or lack of it - these factors also contribute to magnetization. To give your hair a slight weighting, choose caring means, taking into account the type of stacks. If you have dry hair, do not buy a balm for greasy strands.
  8. Dehydration of the body leads to the fact that precious moisture is washed out of the hair structure. It is necessary for makeup and beautiful (obedient) styling. You need to drink water constantly, especially if you often stay in the sun, use stylers and hot styling devices.
  9. Another reason is the incorrect selection of hairdressing tools. Metal or plastic scallops cause a strong electrification, but the devices made from natural materials completely eliminate this effect.

How to get rid of magnetization hair

Choose a comb right

  1. It has already been mentioned earlier that combs and other hairdressing tools made of plastic have a negative effect on the hair.The same applies to metal devices. All of them not only electrify hair, but also destroy the structure.
  2. Change the comb. Get the tool from a tree, a turtle shell or a horsehair. Find funds to buy a natural bristle massage brush; it perfectly cleans dust from your hair and does not magnetize it.
  3. Completely exclude from use not only tools from plastic and metal, but also hair accessories. Often go with a loose hairstyle. Electrification treatment can last up to 3 months.

Use essential oils

  1. As an additional means of magnetization, you can use natural oils and esters. They act as a natural antistatic agent and nourish the hair from the inside. When properly applied, the result will not take long.
  2. Every day, in the evenings, do the scrubbing. To do this, put on a wooden comb a few drops of any ether, rub and begin to carefully comb the lock after lock for 10 minutes. If the hair is oily after the procedure, wash it in the morning.
  3. There is another way to use it. To do this, pour 300 ml in a spray bottle.pure water, add 7 drops of any ether. Shake, spray strands as needed or before creating hair.

The rules of hair care from magnetization

If you properly care for your hair, in a short time you can return to its former beauty and strength. Curls need to give a presentable look and thoroughly moisten them.

 The rules of hair care from magnetization

  1. Before wearing a hat, always perform a simple procedure. A quarter of an hour before going outside, distribute a few drops of lavender ether or a rose in your hair. Oil should be dripped onto the comb and comb the hair. The procedure will eliminate the electrification.
  2. When using caring cosmetics for hair, you need to apply formulations that are aimed solely at moisturizing.
  3. It is worth knowing that washing your head in hot water leads to a static effect. In most cases, a feature is a common mistake. Try to wash your hair with water at a comfortable temperature, closer to room temperature. Rinsing should be done with an extremely cool liquid.
  4. Do not rush to resort to drying using household appliances. The hair should dry naturally.
  5. Also in the cold season always warm the strands, they should not be supercool. The same goes for direct sunlight. Pick up hats exclusively from natural fibers. Keep your products clean.
  6. When styling your hair, always use wax or directional foam. In such funds it is necessary to additionally mix high-quality antistatic components.
  7. Drink a multivitamin complex twice a year. Useful enzymes will positively affect the condition and appearance of hair. The problem with electrification with vitamins can be solved in children.
  8. Remember, an important role is played by moderate humidity in the living room. Dry air has a negative effect on hair quality. Be sure to drink 2 liters. water per day.
  9. In addition to all the above recommendations, the quality and health of hair can be improved through regular use of masks. Healing composition for a short period of time will solve the problem at any time of the year.

Hair Electrifying Masks

If the curls continue to magnet irrespective of the season, the masks prepared at home will help solve the problem. Make the money will not be difficult.Review the most common recipes.

 Hair Electrifying Masks

  1. Mango and kefir. Crush the mangoes in mashed potatoes and take 60 g. Mix 50 ml. fatty yogurt and egg yolk. Turn the food into a homogeneous mush. Spread the product over the entire length of the hair with a cosmetic brush. Wrap the hair with a wrap and warm cloth, wait half an hour. Wash your head with slightly warm water.
  2. Grape oil and retinol. Heat 30 gr. honey on the steam bath and add 5 grams of it to it. grape oil. Food temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. After that, enter into the composition of 2 egg yolks and a vial of vitamin A. Stir the ingredients until smooth and apply on the strands. Warm up and wait half an hour. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. Olive oil and yolk. Warm in a water bath to an acceptable temperature of 60 ml. olive oil, yolk and 20 gr. honey Stir the ingredients until smooth and distribute in strands. Warm up on the classic technology and wait 40 minutes. Remove the mask with a hair rinsing balm. The tool can be applied every other day. Hair get all the necessary substances and thorough moisturizing.

Before embarking on cardinal measures, eliminate the above-described reasons for the appearance of a static effect. If after that the hair continues to electrify, then adopt effective advice on caring for a shock, use masks.

Video: 6 secrets of anti-static hair

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