False pregnancy in dogs: symptoms and treatment

The condition, which is called a false pregnancy, occurs in dogs two months after the end of estrus. This period, as a rule, is the date of the onset of labor in cases when the dog was mated. Signs of a false pregnancy can manifest themselves in altered behavior as well as other symptoms. Often, the dog begins in every way to equip a place for childbirth, for example, carries things and toys. How to understand that a dog has a false pregnancy - read further in our article.

 False pregnancy in dogs

What is a false pregnancy?

To learn how to detect the presence of a false pregnancy in dogs, you must first understand what this phenomenon is.

False pregnancy is a definite condition characterized by hormonal imbalances against the background of disorders of the reproductive organs. This phenomenon can not be called a disease, it is rather a syndrome. This syndrome manifests itself in the mental and physiological state of the bitch. The animal begins to behave as if it is actually expecting offspring, although in reality it is not.

When a false pregnancy appears in a dog, it is very important to surround it with care and affection, and if necessary even take it to a veterinarian. If the hormones of a bitch are in order, then the syndrome will not last long. As a rule, a false pregnancy continues for two weeks, and then all the symptoms disappear by themselves.

Causes of false pregnancy in dogs

Most veterinarians agree that a false pregnancy in dogs occurs against the background of hormonal disorders in the female's sexual cycle. During the period of ovulation in dogs, the corpus luteum is formed - this is the endocrine gland, which is present temporarily. This gland maintains progesterone levels, which ensure the production of prolactin, as well as the maintenance of pregnancy. False pregnancy in a female may occur as a result of the underdevelopment of the corpus luteum.

The corpus luteum in dogs is slightly different from that of other animals. The fact is that in bitches it does not diverge, as it happens in females of other animals, but it persists for two months, even if the pregnancy has not occurred. Due to this feature, all internal organs, as well as the brain, perceive the signal of hormones and prepare the body for the upcoming birth. Immediately before the expected birth in the body begins to produce prolactin, which helps to increase the mammary glands, as well as the formation of milk in them. Many owners during this period themselves contribute to the increase in milk, constantly feeding the nursery.

Signs of a false pregnancy

False pregnancy in dogs can manifest itself in different ways. The main symptoms are usually divided into two main groups: mental and physiological. Among the physiological symptoms are the following:

  • loss of dog appetite;
  • the animal becomes noticeably larger in size, body weight increases;
  • the appearance of milk from the mammary glands of the animal;
  • the formation of white discharge without an unpleasant odor from the vagina;
  • female nipples swell and become hard;
  • often the dog's nipples change color, new pigments appear on them;
  • the belly of the pet increases.

As a rule, 60 days after the last heat, the dog also develops colostrum - the release of milk due to the onset of lactation.

Changes in animal behavior

The psychological group of symptoms of a false pregnancy is manifested in the behavior of a bitch. As a rule, the dog begins to behave restlessly, strive to arrange a place for childbirth and future offspring. The female starts pulling off almost everything she finds: paper, toys, clothes, blankets, fabrics and other things. Most often, dogs choose for this purpose secluded places in which puppies will be hidden from prying eyes. The animal becomes inactive, ceases to love games, dog training and walks. In addition, the mood of the dog may change. For example, often aggressive females become tender and kind, and quiet pets, on the contrary, begin to show aggression. Some dogs may become too sociable and begin to literally follow their master.And others, on the contrary, move away from the person, become nervous and restless.

After an imaginary time of labor passes, the failed mom often begins to play with slippers and toys at home, taking them for her own puppies. The dog can even take them to his secluded place, lick them there and put them under the belly. It will be very difficult to pick up toys or slippers from the pet's lair. The female perceives them as her young, and therefore, will really protect. In this case, you can face the aggression and malice of the animal.

How to cure a false pregnancy?

In most cases, false pregnancy syndrome lasts no more than two weeks in a dog. After this time, after the imaginary genera, all the signs pass by themselves, and the animal begins to behave as before. However, there are also more severe cases when a false pregnancy lasts a much longer period and is additionally accompanied by an apathetic condition.

 How to cure a false pregnancy in dogs

In the case of the mild form of the syndrome, it will suffice to use only some preventive measures.As a rule, this is enough to pass the state. However, one can never say exactly how long a false pregnancy will last, and how severe its shape will be. What methods of treatment to use at the same time can be understood only after studying in detail the state of health of the dog.

In more severe forms of false pregnancy, veterinary specialists recommend using medications for treatment. As a rule, such treatment consists of taking hormonal drugs that help restore balance. However, in the case of a false pregnancy, the use of hormones is not recommended.

The most popular hormonal drugs for treating ailments in dogs are Bromocriptine, Parlodel, Sezoral and Perlutex. Hormonal drugs very often entail the appearance of various side effects. That is why their use becomes difficult. Acceptance of these drugs can trigger the emergence of diseases such as obesity and anemia, as well as the formation of malignant tumors. For this reason, hormone treatment is prescribed only in the most extreme cases.

The safest treatment option is to take homeopathic remedies. A popular option is the drug Ovariovit. This medicine can suppress a false pregnancy. To stop the process of milk formation, a dog is prescribed a special remedy - Bromkamfor. This medicine also has a calming effect. Other medications that affect lactation are Parlodel and Lacto-Stop.

The only drawback of the above drugs is that they cause various side effects that can provoke vomiting in an animal. Means for stopping milk production are not so popular, since not so much milk is produced during a false pregnancy. It is not recommended to express milk from the dog during this period, as from these actions it will only increase. Over time, lactation will decline, and the amount of milk will decrease.

To prevent the inflammatory process in the dog's mammary glands, you can use special warming agents, for example, camphor oil is well suited in combination with camphor alcohol. This mixture should be carefully processed area of ​​the mammary glands.

It is recommended to use sedatives in order to calm the pet and return its psychological state to normal. Fittex or Stop Stress is well suited.

How to prevent the occurrence of complications?

In order to avoid the occurrence of a severe form of false pregnancy in a dog, it is necessary to carefully observe the process of treatment. If you notice a deterioration in the condition of your pet, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. He will select the appropriate treatment option and will not allow the onset of complications.

Why do I need to treat a dog?

Treatment of a false pregnancy is obligatory, because in the absence of it, there can be quite serious consequences. For example, a dog may begin to accumulate milk in the mammary glands. If this process is not stopped, the development of mastitis in an animal is quite possible.

In addition, during this period mucus begins to accumulate in the dog's uterus. If you do not suppress a false pregnancy in time, accumulations of mucus can trigger the development of inflammatory diseases and the appearance of suppuration.

It is very important in the event of a false pregnancy in a dog to be attentive to this phenomenon and to help the animal.It is not recommended during this period to scold the female, punish her and otherwise influence her behavior. For a female, a false pregnancy becomes a real test, so you should treat this condition with understanding and show affection and care for the dog. Any measures and treatment must be agreed with the doctor, so as not to harm the animal.

Video: false pregnancy in dogs

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