Hair breaks - why and what to do?

Hair should always look well-groomed, they make the girl gorgeous. But under the influence of various factors, the hair loses its former attractiveness, looks dull and breaks badly. Naturally, all this is reflected in the appearance of hair. How to eliminate fragility? You must first understand the reasons for this feature.

 Hair breaking

Why does hair break

  1. Often the hairs break and split due to the lack of moisture and dehydration of the whole body. This phenomenon is noticed during the transition from summer to autumn, when the shock was exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a long time, and the person in addition reduced the amount of water drunk daily.
  2. The systematic use of devices that operate under high temperatures also causes breakage. This number includes the iron, the curling iron, hot hair curlers.
  3. Cosmetic procedures, which include perm and permanent staining, also spoil the condition of the hair. At the time of treatment, it is necessary to completely eliminate discoloration and lightening.
  4. Abuse of stylers for styling leads to the fact that precious moisture is washed out of the hair. The shock begins to dry, the production of collagen slows down, there is a strong fragility. It is necessary to completely remove the varnish for fixation, gel, wax, foam from everyday use.
  5. Insufficient self-purification of the scalp leads to a lack of nutrients. Bulbs do not receive enough mineral compounds, vitamins, amino acids that are not transmitted along the entire length. From this hair lose their strength and break.
  6. The external factors of negative impact include regular tension of the hair in the tail or braid. All tight hair relaxes hair, they not only become brittle, but also drop out strongly. Do not use coarse accessories such as iron clips.
  7. There are also internal causes, such as avitaminosis in the offseason, hormonal disorders. Wrong or insufficient release of hormones will lead to a deterioration in the work of the whole organism, the condition of the hair in particular.
  8. The reasons for fragility are often the following aspects: weakened immunity from nature, chronic fatigue, addiction to alcohol and tobacco, abuse of unhealthy foods, poor hair care and lack of moisture.
  9. There are still problems of a dermatological nature, which the scalp is exposed to. This number includes diseases: eczema, seborrhea of ​​any nature, dandruff. Until the ailments are eliminated, the hair will break.

How to eliminate severe hair breakage

There are basic principles on which it is necessary to emphasize the treatment of severe brittle hair. Let's look at practical recommendations in order.

 How to eliminate severe hair breakage

Normalize your diet

  1. All valuable substances that are required to maintain the beauty of the hair, the human body draws from food. Therefore, the first thing you need to revise the daily diet and eliminate all unnecessary.
  2. Completely give up fried, salty, pepper, fatty foods. Do not lean on fast food, canned food, homemade pickles. Give preference only to healthy foods.
  3. These include fish, meat, seafood cocktails, legumes and cereals, greens, seasonal or frozen berries, citrus. Include everything that concentrates vitamin A, E, C, group B.
  4. Be sure to have breakfast. Porridge, cottage cheese, nuts are suitable for this meal. Use at least 2 liters. purified water per day to prevent dehydration.
  5. Once a semester pass a course of multivitamins. Get in a pharmacy special complex, which aims to treat hair. In addition, eat fish oil or flaxseed oil in capsules.

Use natural oils

  1. All natural oils and esters have a beneficial effect on the health of the hair and relieve dryness. Get castor, burdock or sea buckthorn oil at a pharmacy. You will also need tea tree, sage or patchouli.
  2. Measure out 50 ml. natural oil and add 8 drops of ether to it. Mix thoroughly, heat over a cup of steam to 38-40 degrees. Apply to the roots and stretch over the entire length. Wrap yourself up with film, wait 2 hours.
  3. After the procedure, the oil can be hard to flush. You do not need to immediately water your head with water, first apply shampoo and foam. Wash it off, repeat steps 3-4 times. Then rinse the hair with water and vinegar.
  4. To achieve the effect you need to spend at least 8 sessions with a frequency of 3 times a week. If you do not have purchased oils, use any vegetable (sunflower, corn, olive).

Resort to salon procedures
Modern beauty studios offer different ways to restore hair, you can use one of them.

  1. Keratinization During the procedure, the hair is fully cleaned, then covered with liquid keratin, which fills the voids. The result is visible immediately, the hair is shiny, smooth, strong. Keratin is based on natural protein, which acts as a building material for hair.
  2. Darsonvalization. Therapy is carried out through a special apparatus "Darsonval". Under the action of microcurrents, ions are released that increase blood circulation. The follicles receive all the necessary substances that are transmitted along the length of the hair. The hair stops to break, but you need to carry out 10 procedures. At the request of Darsonval you can purchase for home use.
  3. Massage. The procedure aims to restore blood flow in the scalp, the effect is the same as from darsonvalization.Hair becomes stronger and grows due to enrichment of the bulbs. Massage must be done every day, carefully massaging the temples, hairline, neck, crown.
  4. Mesotherapy. To date, this procedure is the most common. Therapy is carried out by introducing a cocktail of youth into the scalp. Follicles are forcibly enriched with vitamins and minerals. Specialist prepares a cocktail individually for each client. Therefore, the problem of fragility is solved after 2-5 procedures.

Masks against brittle hair

In the fight against dryness and increased fragility of hair, you need to act immediately. To do this, you can resort to effective recipes of their own cooking.

 Masks against brittle hair

Rye flour with sour cream
Take a medium-sized cucumber and peel it off. Pass the pulp through a blender. Connect the finished mush with 60 gr. rye flour, 40 ml. kefir and 45 gr. rustic sour cream.

Stir the ingredients until smooth, spread in a dense layer over the entire length of the curls. For convenience, use a wooden comb. After a third of an hour, rinse the hair with herbal decoction.

Cream of Mandarin
Use a cup of suitable size and mix in it 55 gr. cottage cheese, 2 chicken yolks, 50 gr. liquid honey, 30 ml. heavy cream. Heat the components on the steam bath to 45 degrees. After that, enter 5 drops of tangerine essential oil.

Before the procedure, the hair should be clean and dried. Rub the remedy into the roots for a while. After 7 minutes, distribute the remains of the mask over the entire length. Warm film and a scarf, wait 15 minutes. Wash it off with air conditioning.

Lemon Juice with Wheat Germs
Take 55 ml. cream, 10 ml. lemon juice and 15 gr. wheat germ oil. Turn the ingredients into a uniform product.

Spread the composition massaging movements. Stretch the remains over the entire length of the hair. Warm up and wait half an hour. Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

Coconut Yeast
Pour 60 ml. kefir 15 gr. dry yeast. Wait a while until the components begin to communicate with each other. Mix 12 gr. linden honey and 17 gr. coconut oil.

Nut extract must be melted in advance on the steam bath. Get on the ingredients of a homogeneous mass and distribute the hair.Pay particular attention to the root zone. After 40 minutes, remove the tool.

Olive oil banana
Pass the pulp of 1 banana through a meat grinder or blender. Mix 2 egg yolks, 15 ml. olive oil and 50 ml. avocado oil.

Stir the ingredients and distribute in the classic way. Warm up The mask is best left for the whole night. After waking up, wash your hair in the usual way.

Coffee with sea salt
The tool is aimed at combating the increased fat content of the scalp. With regular use, the mask normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat. Warm on the steam bath 15 ml. olive oil up to 45 degrees. Mix 3 gr. sea ​​salt.

After dissolving the crystals enter into the composition of 90 grams. ground natural coffee. The result is a scrub with a healing effect. Gently rub the tool into the skin of the head. Leave the product for a while.

At the same time proceed to the preparation of conditioner balsam. Mix in a total capacity of 150 gr. birch tar and 35 ml. olive oil. Liberally moisten the tips of the hair with a ready-made formulation. Retain all components for at least 1 hour.Wash off the mask with natural shampoo and herbal decoction.

Rinse against brittle hair

To achieve the desired result and ensure proper care for your hair, it is sufficient to use herbal rinses regularly. The tool solves problems with heavily damaged and weakened strands.

 Rinse against brittle hair

Mint with green tea
Grind in any way possible 30 gr. mint leaves and the same amount of green tea. Pour the ingredients 1 l. boiling water. Insist means for half an hour.

After the specified time, strain the infusion. After complete cooling, the agent should be used as a hair rinse.

The owners of dark hair is recommended to rinse your hair with vinegar. The tool gives a visible sheen, strength and softness to the curls. It is enough to dislodge 15 ml. vinegar with 1 l. water. After that, the composition is heated, rinsing is carried out after each shampooing.

If you have blond hair, then as a conditioner it is better to resort to chamomile infusion. Connect 40 gr. dry collection from 1 l. boiling water.After cooling, strain and apply as intended.

To restore weak hair to its former appearance and health at home. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on procedures and cosmetics. It is enough to regularly make masks of directional action and supplement the positive result with healing rinses.

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