Lemons for the winter - homemade recipes

Lemon is on the list of the most popular citruses. Despite the fact that the fruits can be purchased in supermarkets year-round, many old-fashioned stock up on them for future use. To the aid will come blanks made by hand. We will write down the most important stages in the order of turn, so that you do not face difficulties in the process of creating interesting treats.

 Lemons for the winter

The composition of citrus

  1. The product is famous for its valuable qualities, we will study them later. It should begin with a chemical list of substances that focus on the basis of raw materials. Experts claim that it is necessary to include citrus in the basic menu to all categories of persons to whom it is not prohibited for reasons of health. To stabilize composure and rejuvenate with intensive physical work, a couple of slices per day will suffice.
  2. Considering the list of useful compounds, it makes sense to immediately mention ascorbic acid.It is responsible for protective functions, especially as it is during the spread of seasonal colds and virus attacks. However, on one vitamin C the list does not end. There is also vitamin P, tocopherol, B-group. It does not do without organic acids, flavonoids and their derivatives, mineral list, esters, dietary fiber, phytoncids and pectin.
  3. We will touch on the most important for human health citrine, which is supported by the action of ascorbic acid and is considered indispensable. This substance is responsible for the density of blood channels, their purification from cholesterol deposits, the fight against irregular blood pressure. Citrine is responsible for the elimination of oxidative processes, supports the youth of tissues and even protects against cancer.

Product value

  1. Start with the inclusion of ascorbic acid. By its natural features, it acts as an effective vitamin endowed with antioxidant and immunomodulating properties. Therefore, during the spread of viral infections harvested lemons will come in handy.
  2. You should also affect the beneficial effects on the liver.Citruses, it would seem, are such simple fruits, but they are endowed with filtering abilities. They clean the internal organ, make it protected from toxic substances and other poisons that systematically enter the human body with unhealthy food.
  3. Naturally, the inclusion of dietary fiber in a large volume favorably affects the motor functions of the intestine and its microflora. The organs of the digestive system are cleaned from stagnation, further pollution is prevented. Some add citrus slices to the water in order to detoxify the blood.
  4. Citizens working at the expense of the brain most of the time, these fruits will definitely come in handy. They are aimed at improving cognitive abilities, resulting in improved memory. Some advise eating a slice of citrus in the morning meal, but you need to understand that in this way you harm the stomach mucosa and increase acidity.
  5. For the vascular system, this gift of nature can be considered a real salvation. Citrus fruits concentrate organic acids that take care of the blood channels.They eliminate cholesterol deposits, conduct a massive prevention of plaque accumulation, restore blood pressure indicators and prevent jumps in the future. Categories of persons with heart disease, lemon is simply necessary.
  6. The basis of citrus fruits include compounds that are added to drugs aimed at combating cancer ailments. Studies have been conducted, during which it was found that the presented raw material simply blocks the flow of blood to a malignant neoplasm, triggering its self-destruction. In particular, this concerns the health of the rectum.
  7. The product is used in the care of the skin and hair. Rinsing the stacks with water with the addition of citrus fresh juice will help to overcome serious problems. We are talking about the salinity of the basal section, the presence of fatty plugs in the ducts, loss, dandruff, seborrhea, etc. As for the skin, its citrus pulp bleaches and restores natural elasticity.
  8. Fruits help reduce excess body weight. Also included in their composition of substances responsible for the strengthening of vision.Does not do without impact on the kidneys, lemons prevent the development in their cavity formations in the form of sand. Citrus will benefit all, as long as there is no prohibition to receive.


Classic Jam
 Lemon Jam

  1. To prepare a delicious treat, you should stock 1 l. purified water, 2 kg. fragrant lemons and 2.5 kg. sugar sand. Next, wash the citrus fruits and chop them into thin half rings. Rind with no need to delete.
  2. Pour the raw material with half the amount of sugar. Leave for a few hours in a suitable cup. Do not forget to systematically mix. Then send the refractory to the stove. Set the average power of the burner.
  3. Pour in syrup. It must be prepared in advance of water and sugar residues. After boiling composition boil it for another quarter of an hour. Do not forget to systematically remove the foam. Set aside and leave to infuse for 5-7 hours.
  4. After a specified period of time, bring the components back to a boil and boil for another quarter of an hour. Set aside again for 6 hours. After you repeat the procedure for the third time, pour the treat into sterile cans. After cooling, remove in cold.


  1. To prepare an unusual delicacy, equip with 10 large lemons, 1 l. filtered water, and 1 kg. sugar on 1 l. lemon juice. Next, carefully rinse the fruit and pour boiling water over it. Chop and discard the seeds.
  2. Send in a suitable deep container. Pour in water. Warm up on the stove before boiling. Tomite half an hour on a lazy fire. Strain the composition and again boil. Weight should be reduced by half. Enter sugar and cook until ready. Stir systematically.
  3. Pour hot jelly into sterile jars. Roll up and wrap a warm blanket. Tara is best turned upside down. After this, clean the treat in the back room.


  1. Stock up 2.5 kg. sugar 2.5 l. purified water, 20 g. citric acid and 1 kg. citrus fruits. Prepare lemons according to the usual scheme and send to an enameled container. Pour in water and leave for 3 days. Replace the water twice a day in the required order.
  2. Remove the lemons from the liquid, dry, and chop into thin strips. Fill the raw material with the water indicated in the recipe. Leave the blank for 1 day in a cool place.Then send stew. Record 40 minutes after boiling. Tom on lazy fire with the lid closed.
  3. Then remove the cover and repeat the procedure. This time wait for 1 hour. At the end, increase the power of the stove so that the jam boils. Enter the granulated sugar. Stir the ingredients and simmer until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. A few minutes before the end of the procedure, enter citric acid. Before this, it is best to dissolve in 40 ml. clean water. Stir components and dispense into sterile containers. Roll up the lid and store in the usual way.

Jam in a multivariate

  1. Well, if you have a slow cooker. With the help of such a household appliance, you can make your life much easier in terms of cooking any dish and treats. In this case, for the jam will need about 1.2 liters. purified water, 1 kg. citrus and 1.3 kg. sugar sand.
  2. Prepare citruses according to the classical technology and send to the multi-bowl. Fill the lemons with filtered water. Cook for 1 hour. After that, add sugar and repeat the procedure. This time, record 45 minutes.
  3. Pack the fragrant mixture in sterile glass containers.Roll up the classic way and wait for cooling. Transfer the treat to a cool place for further storage.

People stock up on valuable food for the future, so that at any moment they can enjoy it. So with lemons. Although they are sold everywhere, homemade products will always benefit. Because in the process of their creation other ingredients are used to enhance the effect of citrus.

Video: how to freeze a lemon

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