Forest Elephant - description, habitat, lifestyle

Initially, forest elephants were ranked as African. However, over time, they were studied, so they came to the conclusion that it is necessary to define the representatives of the family into a separate species. They investigated the DNA of individuals, but then switched to their eating habits, habits and other characteristics. In this material we will study everything that concerns the animals in question, in order to clarify the situation a little.

 Forest elephant


  1. In contrast, for example, from savanic brethren, these individuals are medium-sized and inferior to themselves in terms of dimensional features. They grow on the withers to about one and a half meters, which is very small for such animals. At the same time, African representatives grow to almost 4 meters. The weight category varies from 2.6 to 6 tons.
  2. The tusks are refined, elongated. Due to this structure, animals make their way through dense scrubland and can easily exist in the conditions of tropical forest belts. Ears are huge, rounded in format.Animals perfectly hear, guided by this.
  3. The skin is not endowed with sweat glands in large quantities. Therefore, elephants, like other individuals from this family, use their ears to fan themselves and control body temperature. Their jaws are long and narrowed.
  4. The limbs in front have 5 toes, while on the hind legs there are only four. By the trunk is meant a process formed by joining the nose and the upper lip. It is vital for water recruitment, sticking of items and other actions. With the help of the trunk individuals communicate, embrace their offspring and perceive the environment.

Special features

  1. The number of goals began to plummet starting in 1990. The fact is that poachers prey on elephants due to the presence of valuable tusks. Decorations, souvenirs and other paraphernalia are subsequently made on the basis of ivory.
  2. Due to the fact that the represented individuals hunt for farm land, they began to shoot them. Elephants destroy reeds, corn, sorghum. They climb on the plantation, trample and devour everything.
  3. These animals are important for the ecosystem because they contribute to the preservation of its balance. They improve the planting of vegetation. If we follow the calculations, today there are about two hundred thousand individuals.


 Habitat of forest elephants

  1. Individuals mostly live in the central and western parts of the African continent. Animals try to stay in the Congo Basin. In this area just dominated by vegetation, and in particular forests.
  2. Animals are often found along small rivers and swamps. As soon as tropical rains begin, the elephants try to stay in the forests for a long time. When drought occurs, the animals on the contrary, tend to spend time near the marshes.


  1. It is noteworthy that individuals prefer to live in small groups. In such families there can be up to 8 elephants. Most often, the head is an adult female. The remaining members of the family are the cubs and sisters of the leader.
  2. As in most cases, males live separately in this species. They also form their herds, where the largest and strongest elephant becomes their head. As for mating, males and females intersect exclusively in the mating season.All the rest of the time the animals try not to approach each other.
  3. Individuals are polygamous. They do not seek to make a couple for life. On the contrary, individuals each time in the mating season change partner. As for devotion and care, such traits are manifested only among parents and young. Pregnancy proceeds almost 2 years.
  4. As a result, only one baby is born. Within a few hours, he is fully capable of following the mother and leading a partially independent lifestyle. It is noteworthy that the offspring remain under the care of the mother up to 8 years. At the same time, individuals can reach sexual maturity from 9 to 15 years. Many subtleties depend on the climatic conditions.
  5. As for the diet, it is often based on food of plant origin. With a long trunk, elephants get various fruits, leaves and berries from the trees. Also, individuals often regale the kidneys and bark. It is noteworthy that such elephants can live to 70 years.

The animals in question are unique in nature. For a long period, such individuals were considered a subspecies of the African elephant.Only recent studies have refuted such assumptions. However, such different species can interbreed with each other. At the same time, healthy and viable offspring is born.

Video: forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis)

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