Leschevny barb - care and maintenance in the aquarium

Leschevnyy barb - very large fish, belonging to the category of carp, a distinctive feature is the presence of a red tail. The length of the body of these fish can reach 35 centimeters in length. From the nature of such a barb has a beautiful silver color, which also contains a golden sheen. There are fish that have other interesting colors. For example, there is a gold barb and an albino. However, it is worth noting that the golden species is a breed obtained by artificial means, in natural conditions such fish cannot be found.

 Leschevidny barb

As for the content of this type of barb at home, there are no particular difficulties in this case. The only problem that most aquarists face is the rapid growth of individuals.Far from always, sellers say in advance that a lechevoid barb grows to large sizes, and very quickly. As a result, the purchased aquarium becomes very small very quickly, as a result of which it is necessary to acquire a new tank.

Keeping barbs in the general aquarium is not recommended, as they can easily eat any smaller fish. Aquarium needs such fish rather large and spacious. As a filling at the bottom of the tank, you can use fine gravel, plants must also be in the corners. It is better to pick harder and stronger species from plants, because barbs love to dig the soil and can easily dig up all the seedlings.

Distribution under natural conditions

The first description of the bream-like barb appeared in 1853, composed by Peter Blecker. This species of fish is distributed in the territories of Singapore, Thailand, Sumatra and Borneo. Representatives of red-tailed carp live mainly in fairly large and full-flowing bodies of water, they can be found in various rivers, lakes and large canals. In the season of great rains, they can move in the field of flooded fields or other areas.Here they begin to spawn and raise offspring. The barb uses carrion, algae, various small fish, insects and plants as forage in natural conditions.

The appearance of the red-tailed barb

The blunt barb is a fish that has a long body resembling a torpedo shape. The dorsal fin in this species is located sufficiently high, on the tail fin forked. The size of the barbs of this type is very large, they grow up to 35 centimeters. They also live long enough, the average life expectancy is 10 years. If you provide them with good conditions, then the barbs can live even longer. In adult fish, yellow or gold is the most common color; fins traditionally have a red color with black stripes placed on them.

Difficulty in content

 Difficulties in keeping bream-like barbs
Barbus - one of the most unpretentious fish, which is very easy to keep. Providing them with good conditions is quite simple. They feed on almost all available food, have no special requirements for care. The only thing that every breeder will have to face is a rapid growth.It is important to bear in mind that a bought small silver fish can grow to the size of an aquarium. For this reason, initially for this breed should acquire large spacious containers. This type of fish is not always suitable for aquarists, because not everyone has this space at home, as well as the means to buy a large aquarium. It is not recommended to buy a bream-like barb to novice aquarists.

What to feed?

The big advantage of barbs is their omnivorous. They easily consume a variety of live, frozen and even artificial feed. These fish can be fed even with large feed, for example, give them earthworms or shrimp. Barbusses are very fond of animal food, however, they also definitely need to give feed of plant origin. Spinach, flakes containing spirulina, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini and other vegetables containing fiber can be added to their diet. Food should be given twice a day. The amount of feed is easy to determine: you need to give as much food as fish can eat within three minutes.It is better not to give more feed, so as not to overfeed individuals.

How to contain?

To choose the volume of the aquarium for a barb, you need to consider that it can grow to very solid size. Moreover, these fish do not live alone, for their normal life it is necessary to keep in one tank from 5 individuals. For such a number of large fish will need a capacity of about 800 liters.

 How to keep bream-like barbs

Since the bream-like barbs are eaten a lot and most importantly - greedily, after each meal a large amount of food traditionally remains in the water. For this reason, it is necessary to install a sufficiently powerful filter in the aquarium so that it purifies the water and also creates a small flow in it. Water must be filled with oxygen, so additional equipment will not be superfluous. Since the barbed barbs can jump well, you need to cover the aquarium with something.

In order to create favorable conditions for a bar, you should bring them as close as possible to natural ones. This will require a current, since in natural conditions these fish live in reservoirs with a rather rapid current.At the bottom of the tank will need to place gravel and large stones. It is better not to use small pebbles, because barbs turn them over easily. Also required in the aquarium various plants. It is rather difficult to pick them up, since any weak and small plants and their parts are easily eaten by barbs. For this reason, it is better to choose harder and harder plants. The most suitable options would be anubias and echinodorus.

As for water parameters, they can in principle be completely different, however, there are ideal indicators. The water temperature should be in the range of 22 to 25 degrees, the acidity is not more than 7.5 units, and the hardness not more than 10 units.

Interaction with other species

In general, barley-shaped barbs do not belong to aggressive species, however, any fish that has a smaller size is considered solely as food. Also with the barbs it is not recommended to settle in the neighborhood of slow-moving small fish, since excessive activity of the red-tails can be a serious stress for them. It is best to stay in the same aquarium with barbs fit large in size, but not aggressive fish.For example, excellent neighbors will be kissing gourami, shark ball, plexostomy, striped platydoras and others.

In natural conditions, the barbs always live exclusively in flocks, and therefore at home they need neighbors. The minimum number of red-tailed barbs for the content - 5 individuals. Otherwise, these fish will become either too shy or very aggressive. And in fact, and in another case, the fish will be stressful, as a result of which there will be exacerbation of diseases.

Video: aquarium fish bream-shaped barb

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