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Red neon is an unusual species of fish, which is very popular among aquarists. Especially beautiful these fish look when they swim in groups. Many professional breeders of such fish equip for them an aquarium with a large variety of plants. In such decorations, red neon looks even more fascinating.
These fish can be found on the blue band, located in the middle of the body, as well as the red strip passing below. The second band of red color is present only in neons of this type, and therefore is their distinguishing feature. For example, neon ordinary has no such features. Moreover, red neons have larger sizes, which also distinguishes them from other types of fish.
Such beauty has some consequences.The fact is that these fish are related to the conditions of life in the home aquarium more capricious and demanding. In addition, in comparison with other aquarium inhabitants, red neon is of small size, and therefore may suffer from larger individuals. By the nature of these beautiful fish are quite peaceful.
It should be noted that the color of red neon becomes deeper and more pronounced if it is contained in a container filled with sufficiently acidic, and most importantly, soft water. In a well-equipped space with suitable conditions, red neon lives well and resists well with various diseases. However, if they do not provide these individuals with the necessary conditions, they can die very quickly. Like many other neon representatives, red neons often suffer from neon disease. The main signs of such a disease is a change in color - it becomes more pale and dull. In addition, individuals sharply lose weight, become very thin, and then die. Unfortunately for many aquarists, it is impossible to cure fish with this disease.
Life in the wild
In pet stores mostly sell fish that are bred in our country artificially. From nature on the shelves gets quite a few individuals.
Characteristics of the species
In comparison with other fish, red neons are completely small, they are only 5 centimeters in length. These fish also have a short lifespan compared to other aquarium inhabitants, on average, they live only about 3 years.Externally, neon red looks like a neon of the usual form, only the red stripe on the body distinguishes them. In ordinary neons, it only reaches the middle of the abdomen, while in the case of red the band passes through the whole body.
What difficulties may arise in the content?
In the content of red neon - a rather complex and demanding fish. It should be looked after more carefully than even ordinary neon. These fish are very sensitive to all indicators of water. If the temperature, acidity and hardness of water are constantly changing, such conditions for red neon will be detrimental. Such individuals are best to start aquarists who have sufficient experience, because in the beginning breeders red neons often die.
How to feed red neon?
Despite some difficulties in the content, red neons are very unpretentious in food. They can be fed with almost any kind of food: live food, frozen food, as well as dry food. The only thing that is important for individuals of this species is the small size of the feed, since these fish have a small mouth.Favorite delicacy for neon red color are moths and tubules. The diet of red neons should be varied. This condition is perhaps the main one for normal and healthy growth, maintaining bright color, as well as active life of the fish. It is not recommended to feed the fish with the same feed for a long time. Especially it is necessary to be afraid of frequent feeding with dry products, in particular, with dried gammarus and daphnia.
How best to keep at home?
For red neon it is extremely important that the water is non-rigid and has stable performance. The acidity of water should not exceed 6 units, and the hardness of water should preferably be no more than 4 units. By the appearance of red neon, one can understand how suitable the conditions are. For example, in too hard water and color tarnish. In addition, these parameters affect the lifespan of the fish. The ideal temperature for red neon is in the range from 23 to 27 degrees. The most important thing in this case is to ensure the stability of all indicators of water, since the neons are not experiencing any serious jumps.
Red neons do not need bright light, for this reason it is desirable to fill the aquarium with a large number of plants. Floating plants are great for these fish, as they create a good shadow. However, do not overdo it too much with plants, because neons also need a place to swim freely. You can place the plants on the walls of the aquarium, and leave the middle for swimming. An oversized aquarium is not required. For 6-7 fish, a capacity of about 70 liters will be sufficient.
How do neons live with other aquarium inhabitants?
Breeding offspring
The propagation of red neon is not always given even to very experienced specialists.For this purpose, another container is needed with the same stable liquid values. Special conditions should also be organized in this aquarium: a sufficient number of plants. Red neons secrete eggs mainly in the evening or at night, as the larvae react very strongly to light. As a rule, the female locates the obtained eggs on the leaves of plants. Since fish can eat off their future offspring, it is necessary to remove them from the aquarium after spawning. A day after spawning, it will be possible to notice how the larva has hatched, and then, after three more days, the larva will turn into a fry.
Video: aquarium fish red neon
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