Red Macaw - description, habitat, interesting facts

Do you have a lot of curved sofas and chairs in your apartment? Are you dreaming to get rid of irregularities? In this case, buy a red macaw, this parrot loves to sharpen objects with its sharp and large beak.

 Red macaw

In fact, red birds have great intellectual potential; besides this, they are very beautiful and fast. Specialists in birds attribute the red ara to the family of parrots and the genus "ara".

The appearance of red ares and their distinctive features

The weighty part of the body of the birds is covered with a light red color, such color is present on the head, top of the back, stomach, chest and in the elevated parts of the feathers. However, in the lower layers of the wings and feathers there is a bluish tint.Between the blue and red feathers is a noticeable yellow stripe.

Grown up birds have impressive size, they reach 1.5 meters in height (if you take into account the macaw tail). Sometimes the feathered one swings its inhomogeneous wings, which in length reach about 35 centimeters.

The head of a parrot is red, with a massive, yellowish, curved beak. The feathers of the feathered imperceptible, they are "painted" with gray paint.

Some people, when looking at a red aru, believe this is the most beautiful type of parrot in the world.

Where do tropical parrots live?

They live in Latin America. Multi-colored birdies are found in Brazil, Panama, Bolivia, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia.

Black-headed parrots love to live in a wet, wooded area and in dry valleys located near the rivers. These birds almost all the time spend in the thick of vegetation or on the treetops.

Hiding Macaw

The birds are quiet and inconspicuous, although they have a bright color. They are difficult to notice, however, if someone disturbs or finds red ar, then they get scared and start shouting, something resembling a crow crowing.

Do not forget that the red-headed birds have a fantastic speed! When flying, these volatile creatures can accelerate to 55-60 km / h, and in case of danger, soar above ground predators.

What do tropical birds eat

Mostly red birds eat fruits and berries, and it doesn’t matter to them whether they are ripe or unripe food, in this matter they are not picky. If they ate unripe fruit, they swallow the soil in river, muddy places. Thus, they disable the toxins that are present in unprepared foods.

Sometimes they eat nuts and seeds. It is worth only to see a fragrant flower, so immediately this bird flies up to it and begins to drink nectar, and in some situations, the macaw eats a fragrant flower. It happens that the birds devour the larvae and insects.

And the Red Ars ruin the cultural crops of local residents, from which farmers suffer financial losses.

Red parrot breeding

Marriage time begins in April and ends in May, for this short period of time lush, intense flirtations in birds take place.Males and females sit down side by side, sort out feathers and make freakish sounds. In some cases, birds decide to chase each other, or the male begins to dance funny.

 Red parrot breeding

Sometimes macaws swear. So, the female in the midst of the battle can drive the male from the branches of trees. Of course, this is a temporary effect, then the birds make peace and caress each other again.

The bird lays one egg in a pre-prepared place. The process of procrastination takes place in about 30 days from the moment of mating and mating. Red macaws prefer to use the same hollow as a nest.

It will be literally three days and the female will lay the second egg, and in three days one more. True, it happens that the female lays only two eggs and begins to hatch them. The incubation period lasts a little less than a month, the male at this time takes care of and takes care of its feathered partner.

After the incubation period, blind and naked chicks emerge into the white light. Only the female feeds newborn chicks, she does not move away from them for a long time. The male protects the hen's dwelling, he is interested in successful incubation.

After just two months, feathers sprout from young parrots; over time, feathers acquire the same color as those of mature males and females. Chicks make forays out of the nest 3 to 4 months after birth. Already at the age of three, four, the pu begin puberty. By the way, their age is very long - red ares live from 30 to 85 years.

Opponents of tropical parrots

The bird hides from all sorts of predators on the tops of trees or in the thick grass. Often the cause of death of birds is not wild animals, and electric wires, in which these specimens get stuck.

By the way, they used to hunt them, the Indians ate the meat of red ar, and decorated their gear with feathers, especially they liked to use feathers to decorate their arrows.

The meat of these parrots is quite edible, it is often compared to beef. As for the nests of ar, they were previously transferred as an inheritance from father to son, this is due to the high value of feathers in Indian rituals.


Often red ares are raised as pets.But the question is - is it necessary to deprive them of their freedom and keep them in a close cage? In addition, their fierce cries may not please neighbors, friends and relatives.

In the XVI century, for the first time, bright birds were brought to European countries. Many Europeans wondered how smart the red macaw! The Europeans had already noted that this individual is capable of remembering over one hundred words and even succumb to all sorts of dressure.

This is the rare type of big parrot that can be kept at home. However, as mentioned above, a large bird makes harsh and loud cries, and because of its size can cause a lot of trouble and real problems to the breeder.

Video: red macaw (Ara macao)

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