Carpet Python - description where it dwells, features

Carpet python snakes are among the smallest of similar representatives. Despite its small size, the carpet python is a rather dangerous snake. He possesses sufficient strength to strangle his victim, and after that start sharp teeth into his flesh. Real lovers of the exotic are eager to place such pythons at home.

 Carpet python

general description

This snake, in fact, is a real dwarf. However, the grace and beauty she does not hold. Its weight usually does not exceed 3 kilograms. This name was not given to her accidentally, since its surface is a bit like an oriental carpet. Scientific minds call it Morelia Spilota. In some sources you can find the name of the rhombic python.

If you translate the first word of its Latin name, you can get such epithets as a simpleton, slow-witted silly. In all likelihood, this is determined by the shape of his face.She looks surprised and somewhat silly. Although this species is a dwarf among its counterparts, its length can reach 2 meters. The color may take a caramel or brown shade with a predominance of light colors. Figure in the form of spots and stripes contrasts clearly against the general background. This is due to its habitat. Being in the wild, such a python is completely invisible to the human eye, it literally merges with its surroundings.

Variety of species

Australians call such pythons tiled. This is due to the fact that the location of its scales really resembles shingles. The presence of randomly scattered spots on the surface allows the snake to disguise itself well in shrubs. The mass of this species is usually not more than 1 kg, and the length rarely exceeds 190 cm.

Habitats determine the presence of six subspecies of this snake:

  1. The smallest is the subspecies belonging to diamond pythons. In its coloring there are all the colors of the rainbow, it literally shimmers with them. Mostly it can be found in the terrarium,because in the wild it can be observed extremely rarely and then in areas very limited in size. In general, the length of this subspecies does not exceed 280 cm. The record length is fixed at 310 cm.
  2. McDowell. For such pythons in the color is characterized by the presence of pastel colors. The pattern is characterized by the absence of dark tones. Such snakes are quite large in size. Representatives of this subspecies can reach a length of 2.5 meters.
    Medklafa. Such carpet pythons can reach a length of 190 cm. They live in the territory of Victoria, South Wales and the Australian continent.
  3. Cheney It belongs to the most common subspecies of carpet pythons, which can be found in captivity. Their attractiveness is due to the remarkable yellow color, against which the chaotic scatter of black spots can be observed. With the help of these spots formed a fancy pattern. Such a snake has a very spectacular view. The length of most individuals does not exceed 2 meters. Such pythons are amenable to taming. If you carefully examine the head of a snake, then on it you can see the outlines, similar to the skull.
  4. VariegataThis subspecies refers to the variegated, or as it is often referred to as iridescent pythons. They are of considerable size. In length, they can reach 2.5 meters. Coloring is light in nature, with the presence of dark spots. As they grow older, these spots become less noticeable, as if fading.
  5. In the woodlands of the state of Guinea and in the territory of faraway Australia you can meet the New Guinea carpet snake. She prefers to be close to water. At birth, they have a reddish or brown color. As they grow older, they acquire an amazing yellow color. The surface of the body is covered in various size spots. When they merge, the outlines acquire the character of Chinese hieroglyphs.

The classification of pythons implies the presence of these basic species. By nature, pythons are predators that do not engage in cruelty and intelligence. This exotic pet poses some danger in keeping the house, although the content itself is not difficult.

Behavior in the wild

 The behavior of carpet python in the wild
These snakes are characterized by the secrecy of their lifestyle. Python is a real hunter.He seeks out his victim in the swamps, in places close to water bodies. You will never meet him in the desert, but in an area with a large number of trees, he is found quite often, as he crawls through the trees just fine.

The snake is waiting for its victim in ambush. Different odors they catch with a forked tongue. A python jumps out of its shelter at lightning speed. He suffocates his prey, tightly wrapped around her. His sharp teeth are of great help in this. However, the python is not a poisonous snake. Oh just bites the victim in order to kill her.

When the victim dies, the python swallows it. It takes up to 8 days to digest food. But the term may be longer. It depends on the ambient temperature. The lower it is, the longer it takes. If the temperature falls below 25 degrees, the snake becomes cold. She tries her best to warm herself by intensively contracting her muscles.

Carpet pythons not only crawl well on trees, but can hang on them for a long time. In this action, they are helped by a well developed tenacious tail. Snake by nature is an excellent swimmer.These snakes rarely attack humans. If a python crawls into a man’s dwelling, it is only to hunt mice and rats.

The lifespan of carpet pythons is 15-17 years. If you create favorable conditions in captivity for a snake, then it can live up to 25 years.

Nature of the diet

 The diet of carpet python
The plant ration will not satisfy this representative of the snake kingdom under any circumstances, since they are carnivorous representatives of the fauna. Often the victim is larger than the python's head. But the python can open its mouth very widely.

Presence of natural enemies

Despite the fact that the snake is powerful and has impressive dimensions, in the wild it has something to fear. For example, one of the favorite treats is python for crocodiles. Sometimes they become prey to various large animals. The most dangerous situation for a snake is an attack from above. She is unlikely to reflect her. For example, an eagle grabs a snake with its claws and carries it high into the sky. Then he simply disengages the claws, the snake falls and, having broken, naturally dies.The dish, which can enjoy the eagle, is completely ready.

Breeding features

Python has a rudiment in the form of a process on the place where the hind legs should be located. During courtship, the male rubs them on the female. Fertilization is carried out by anal spurs. Then the eggs are laid by the female. Their number depends on the ambient temperature. After laying the female does not leave eggs for a minute.

The incubation period is 2 months. The length of the representatives of the newly born offspring is 50 cm. Since birth, pets have complete independence and can take care of themselves. For their food, they use frogs and small lizards. Sexual maturity comes at the age of 5 years, sometimes a little earlier.

Video: carpet python (Morelia Spilota Cheynei)

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