King Cobra - description where dwells, features

For this day, it is not known for what reasons the cobra received the “Royal” postscript. From some sources it can be concluded that the name comes from the impressive appearance of the individual under discussion. Also an important role is played by overall characteristics, since cobras in length grow to 5 meters or more. Compared to other members of the family, these snakes stand out for their bloodthirstiness. They eat themselves, ruthlessly hunt rodents and birds.

 King Cobra


  1. The represented individuals are ranked as aspididae. However, along with this, snakes form their own royal species and the same genus. At the time of danger, the chest ribs of the reptile are moved apart, forming a kind of hood that exceeds the other dimensional features of the hull.
  2. Reptiles are able to perform such a trick due to the presence of folds on the skin.The skin itself sags from the side parts, and then instantly swells, scaring the enemy. At the top of the head there is a plane, darkened and small.
  3. The name of the snake received from the Portuguese, who arrived in India in the 16th century. Initially, the reptile was called her a snake with a hat, but later this name came to all members of the genus. Specialists who study these reptiles call them hannahs. At the same time reptiles are divided into several groups.
  4. The first - Indonesian, which are otherwise called the island. They are reddish, with implicit specks and patches in the throat area. There are thin light stripes on the same part. The second - the Chinese, or as they are also called - continental, have wide stripes all over the body.
  5. If you look at the pigmentation of the body of young animals, you can immediately understand which of the varieties is a snake. Young island individuals are famous for their lighted stripes, which are adjacent to the shields on the abdominal part and spread on the body.
  6. A group of mixed-type cobras is detected. There are no clear boundaries to which segment such a snake belongs.It is a cross between island and continental individuals. The boundaries are so blurred that it is difficult for even the professionals to identify the type for sure.


 Royal cobra lifestyle

  1. The lifespan of the individuals in question is truly amazing. If a cobra does not face a natural enemy, then it may well live more than 30 years. And the growth of the body in reptiles continues throughout life. For the year such a snake can molt up to 6 times.
  2. The process of changing the skin itself takes about 10 days. During such a period, the animal's body is under tremendous stress. In addition, the cobra becomes very vulnerable. She tries to hide in a warm shelter. Therefore, often snakes crawl to a person in the house or other construction sites.
  3. An interesting fact is that such individuals crawl along the ground, constantly hiding in caves or burrows. In addition, snakes climb trees. Those who saw the royal cobra, assure that she swims very badly.
  4. It's no secret that the individuals in question are able to stand in a vertical rack. At this point, the snakes will engage a third of their body.With such a hang, the cobra does not restrain its movement. Similar actions allow you to dominate other cobras that are nearby.
  5. The winner is the candidate who was able to rise above all and peck at the top of the opponent. Humiliated cobra simply forced to take a horizontal position and defeat.

The enemies

 Ophiophagus hannah

  1. There is no doubt that the individuals in question are extremely poisonous. But do not forget that they are not immortal. In the wild, the king cobra has several natural enemies. Among them are the Mongoose, wild boars, meerkats and snake eagles.
  2. As for the mongooses and meerkats, they do not leave a single chance for the reptiles to escape. However, such animals do not possess innate immunity against the deadly poison of cobras. Predators simply rely on their own reaction when hunting for snakes. Only in very rare cases, predators lose.
  3. If the mongoose notices the cobra, he immediately enters the excitement. He develops hunting instincts. Such a predator does not miss the opportunity to immediately attack the reptiles.The bottom line is that cobras have a slightly inhibited reaction. At this time, the mongoose begins to act according to the tactics.
  4. He jumps on her and immediately bounces off. After this, the animal again rushes at the snake. Due to a series of false attacks, in the end, the mongoose pierces with its sharp teeth the head of a cobra. As a result, the snake simply does not have a chance.
  5. However, man remains the most ruthless predator. He destroys reptiles in huge numbers for fun. As for the young king cobra, they are constantly hunted by larger reptiles.


  1. The king cobras were given the second scientific name "snake eaters." An unusual cry is characterized by the fact that the individuals in question have a particular gastronomic predilection. Cobras without a twinge of conscience eat their own kind.
  2. Most often, the place of the victims is the bogey, snakes, kufis, krayts, pythons and cobras. Sometimes large lizards, and even monitor lizards, are included in the diet of the reptiles. Only in rare cases, cobras can eat their own cubs.
  3. During the hunt, such individuals behave quite differently in comparison with everyday life.Cobra begins to rapidly pursue prey. She grabs the victim by the tail, and then hits her with fangs and deadly poison.

The king cobra is one of the most dangerous snakes on earth. Her poison is deadly. When hunting, she is forced to stick fangs in sacrifice several times. In this case, the snake all the time keeps the prey. The cobra is not prone to gluttony, so it is quite rare to go hunting.

Video: King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)

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