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Among our compatriots celery can not be called overly popular. However, among adherents of proper nutrition, the plant has gained relevance due to its valuable properties. Not many people know that succulent stems or roots are called products with negative caloric content. The fact is that the consumption of raw materials, the body spends a lot of energy, and in return does not receive as much. Due to these properties, celery has found application in the fight against overweight.
Product value
- Simple at first glance, the plant is inherently very valuable. With its frequent intake, the deficiency in the mineral-vitamin list of substances is filled. First of all, this is reflected in metabolic processes. They are accelerated, so the work of the internal organs becomes stable and harmonious.
- For categories of people who regularly diets and literally obsessed with the principles of healthy eating, it is extremely important to maintain the psycho-emotional environment at the correct level. This helps B-group vitamins, among which the most useful are thiamine with folic and pantothenic acids, as well as riboflavin with pyridoxine.
- The effects of ascorbic acid, which is also concentrated in the plant, cannot be excluded. This vitamin is combined with the action of nicotinic acid and acts as an antioxidant. Also available in celery is tocopherol, otherwise referred to as the youth vitamin. All these substances strengthen the heart, improve the functioning of the vascular system.
- Vitamin A is responsible for improving the condition of the skin and hair. The most valuable iron is extracted from mineral substances, which prevents anemia, increases hemoglobin and improves the composition of the blood as a whole. Sodium regulates alkaline balance, removes excess fluid from tissues.
- Calcium and protein substances present in the composition are required to strengthen the musculoskeletal system. They improve the structure of bone tissue, make the cartilage elastic, eliminate joint pain.Protein accelerates fat burning and leads to rapid weight gain.
- In general, the presented plant acts as a means for complex purification. On its basis, all sorts of drinks are prepared, which in their properties are not inferior to pharmacy or absorbents specially designed for cleansing. Due to the removal of toxins, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is improved.
Plant use
- The above information regarding the value of the product is quite modest. This plant is used almost everywhere. On its basis, make all sorts of decoctions and tinctures that control the work of the central nervous system. The product allows you to get rid of problems with sleep and bring the psycho-emotional environment in tone.
- Fresh fresh fragrant stems are used in the field of dietetics, as an effective and relatively safe means of getting rid of hateful kilograms. But it is necessary to take it taking into account all the subtleties, because there may be a glut of valuable substances.
- The presented vegetable is a raw material for water infusions that are used to heal damages of various nature.It is not only about minor abrasions, but also large, non-healing wounds or even open purulent lesions. Dermatologists successfully use infusion for eczema and psoriasis.
- Naturally, it is impossible not to affect the demand in the culinary world. For a long time, residents of the United States of America and Europe have been able to add rhizomes in a grated form or pieces of a stem plant to salads, snacks, main dishes. The spicy smell will conquer even the most inveterate gourmet.
- Traditional medicine does not fully recognize the discussed raw materials as a means of hundreds of ailments. However, folk healers advise to include celery in their basic menu with a tendency to cancer, low hemoglobin levels, problems with blood vessels, high cholesterol, obesity, skin problems.
Features beverage harvesting
- This drink is characterized by the ability to quickly quench a sharply raging hunger, but at the same time it is low-calorie and does not warm during a cold season. However, for people seeking to eliminate annoying centimeters at the waist, raw materials will definitely be a plus.
- One should not mistakenly believe that this drink literally burns fat.It only accelerates all metabolic processes, which, in turn, leads to an effective and safe weight reduction.
- According to the variations described below, you can make a drink, it is enough to combine all the components and work them out with a blender. Home variations are good because they are completely natural. Sweeteners are added to your taste, you can do without them. Honey is usually taken.
How to take them
- People who have tried such a composition at least once are advised to take it constantly. It's all about the taste, they are pleasant. It is not necessary to drink raw materials randomly, systematicity is important in everything. Usually consumed in the morning after a light snack, as well as in the evening. Do not take a smoothie five times a day, otherwise it will only harm you. To increase strength and raise the mood a couple of glasses a day will be enough.
- Some believe that taking the composition immediately after waking up on an empty stomach, they will lose weight in a few days. But in this way you only ruin your stomach. It is necessary to use at least a slice of cheese for the morning meal, then drink a cocktail.It is extremely necessary to get acquainted with the smoothie, because this raw material has a high concentration.
- Now, about consumption in the evening. If you have problems with sleep, excessive fatigue is observed, the mood deteriorates, then sweetener in the form of honey and some nuts are added to the prepared drink (to your taste and discretion, optional). Some add lemon fresh juice.
- At a later time, you should abandon drinks that provoke flatulence and other problems of such a plan. If you notice bloating after taking apples, then this component is not added to the evening drink. Some believe that you should drink the composition before going to bed. No, this is a misconception; one should not stick with it.
- There are several variations of diets, which are based on drinks. All methods are designed for the fact that a person must refuse any harmful food. We are talking about smoked foods, pickles, fast food, convenience foods, etc. At the same time, the daily drink is taken four times, about an hour before the main meal.
View popular recipes,which will help you to say goodbye to overweight due to improved metabolic processes. To do this, it is not necessary to purchase expensive drugs.
- An Apple. To prepare a really tasty and effective drink, it is enough to take a celery stalk of medium size, 2 small apples of green variety and 0.5 l. filtered water. Free the fruit from the core and peel. Celery chop into small pieces. Get rid of all the leaves that may be present on the stem. Send all the ingredients in a bowl blender, turn into a homogeneous mass. Vitamin potion is ready to eat. Enjoy.
- Banana. Depending on your taste preferences, you can make another tasty drink. To do this, peel two ripe bananas. Do not take the unripe. Chop them into circles. Celery stalk clean of all the excess. Cut into pieces. Send food to a blender and pour in water. Turn the contents of the bowl into a homogeneous mixture. Ready drink can be consumed.
- Cucumber. At this time, to prepare a healthy drink will need to take two juicy stalk of a plant.Also equip with two tomatoes, a cucumber and a grapefruit of the average size. Prepare the food before cooking. Remove all unnecessary. Peel off the skin. Chop the products into pieces to transfer them into the container from the blender. Turn the contents of the cup into a smooth mash. Dilute with a small amount of non-carbonated mineral water. If you do not add it, you get a fairly thick mousse. You can eat it with a spoon with pleasure.
- Spinach. To make a rather unusual fresh, you should arm yourself with 2 succulent plant stems, 100 gr. fresh spinach leaves, 30 ml. lime, banana and 0.5 l. filtered water. Prepare the food properly and chop it into slices. Beat the ingredients with a blender until smooth. Refill with lime juice and filtered water. Stir again. Pour the finished drink into a suitable clean glass. The advantage of the cocktail is that it fully purifies the body from harmful compounds and slagging. You are charged with essential minerals and vitamins.
- Carrot. Take 3 stalks of the plant, one green apple and carrots. Prepare the ingredients and chop.Pass through a blender to get a homogeneous mass. After cooking, pour the mixture into a suitable cup. You can enjoy. Best of all this mousse to eat with a spoon.
- Kiwi. To prepare a delicious mix, take 150 ml. mineral water without gas, 2 green apples, celery root and 2 kiwis. Clean and wash components. Chop into chunks and pass through a blender. Pour in water and mix again. Refreshing cocktail ready for tasting.
- It should be noted separately that this plant is strictly prohibited to consume in large quantities while carrying a baby. The problem is that raw materials can cause miscarriage or premature birth. The active particles of the plant increase the tone of the uterus. From here there are quite serious problems.
- In addition, when celery begins to digest, gases are formed in the gastrointestinal tract. They adversely affect the condition of the baby. Also do not lean on celery while breastfeeding. The problem is that the plant contains a sufficient amount of essential oils.
- Separately, it is worth mentioning that raw materials in any quantity are forbidden to people who suffer from epilepsy. The valuable composition in this case negatively affects the activity of the brain. Also, do not include the plant in the diet of those people who suffer from kidney disease. The problem is that the enzymes of raw materials provoke the movement of stones in the ducts.
If you have an increased acidity of the stomach, the product should be used with extreme caution. It is best to do this after consulting with a specialist. The plant contributes to increased production of gastric juice.
Video: celery slimming smoothies
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