When can a kitten be picked up from a cat?

Kittens at an early age are very cute and adorable. Maybe it is because of this that many who want to have a cat take them from their previous owners too early. Often the kitten is separated from her mother at the age of 5-7 weeks. There is an opinion that it will be much more difficult for an grown up kitten to get used to a new home. But, if the new owners often take a too small kitten out of ignorance, then experienced breeders sometimes just try to get rid of the animal as soon as possible, without worrying about the consequences.

 When a kitten can be taken away from a cat

If you want to have a kitten, you need to know that even at 6 weeks these babies are still very much in need of the care of their mother. Experts say that the most appropriate age to pick up a kitten is 12 weeks. At this age, the pet will be quite ready to start an independent life. If you pick it up earlier, it may harm the kitten.The interval from 6 to 12 weeks determines the further mental development of the animal. If you take it away from your mother during this period and change the whole general situation, this will necessarily lead to stress. In addition, the baby can get very sick or even die.

Health and immunity

  1. Just in the period from the 8th to the 12th week, the immunity of a small animal is actively developing. At this time, he loses his immunity, which he received from the mother cat, and he is only beginning to develop his own. It is at this age that a kitten is likely to develop diarrhea or respiratory illness. During this period, kittens are supposed to make several vaccines, but immunity to diseases is formed only after some time. To develop it, you need to wait about 10 days after vaccination. Prior to this, the kitten receives antibodies to certain diseases through mother's milk. This age is also characterized by the transition to adult food, weaning. As a result, begins the transformation of the immune system, the kitten is most vulnerable to many diseases. If at this age add one more stress - moving plus weaning from the mother, the risk of getting sick will increase.In addition, in a new place it can be attacked by various microorganisms that are pathogens.
  2. At the 8th week of life, only the first part of the vaccines is given. To immunity strengthened, repeated vaccination is done. Sometimes the owners neglect this, but such an attitude can lead to the saddest consequences.
  3. Studies have shown that most kittens that were weaned at the age of 8 weeks, had health problems. Most likely, they were caused by additional stress due to weaning from the cat and changing places. Breeders are much easier and more profitable to sell a small pet as early as possible, so as not to feed him, not to devote time and attention up to 4 months. But everyone who wants to buy a kitten should know that it is too early. Such actions can lead to animal disease. Some cats may develop immunity to many diseases later. They are re-vaccinated at an older age of 16 weeks.
  4. It is impossible to name the exact age at which a small pet is already capable of starting an independent life, and will normally transfer a change of residence, as well as weaning.Age varies depending on the individual characteristics of the animal, as well as on the breed.
  5. From the above, we can conclude that for the health of a pet, the best option would be to stay at home where he was accustomed to everything during the period of vaccination and the formation of immunity. Do not rush, and sell the kitten immediately after the first vaccination. You need to wait for the second vaccination, and before the final formation of immunity should take some time. It will be much easier to adapt to a new home for an older pet that has become stronger.


It is important to remember that changing the way of eating is also stressful for a small pet. Therefore, the transition from cat milk to adult food should take place gradually. Continuing to suck the cat's milk, the kitten should begin to gradually consume adult food. Day by day the amount of milk will decrease, and the amount of food will increase. As a result, they completely refuse milk. This happens usually at 8 weeks.

 Feeding kittens

Cats usually stop feeding babies between about 8 and 12 weeks. This is the first real test and lesson for the baby.If a kitten does not receive such a life lesson from its mother, it may further affect the behavior of the animal. After all, the transition to normal nutrition is not only a physical phenomenon, but also a symbol of the beginning of an independent life for a pet. This process must be gradual and natural. The kitten stops sucking milk at the age of 10 weeks. By this time, he was becoming more independent.

When a new owner takes a little kitten, he first encounters a bad appetite from his new pet. Another important issue is training for the tray. After all, kittens that are 7-8 weeks old, still do not know how to use the tray.

Most often, this habit is developed from them at the age of 10 weeks. When an animal moves to a new home, it is under stress. In addition, he is changing food. All of these factors often lead to diarrhea. If the pet is too small, severe diarrhea can even be fatal. After all, it always leads to dehydration, which is bad for even adult animals.

Problems with adaptation

People who want to have a kitten, dreaming that he will grow up in front of their eyes, will get used to them and become attached to them. They believe that an older animal will no longer have such tender feelings for them. But it is not. Even if you buy a kitten that is 12 weeks old or more, it will perfectly connect with the new owners. On the contrary, if he stays longer with his mom a cat, she will have time to give him as many life lessons as possible. Psychologically stable and strong animal will get used to the situation and new owners faster than small and weak.

 Problems with the adaptation of kittens

If the pet is taken away from the mother very early, he will take the host for a new mom. They may start to suck up the buttons or the edges of the clothes. Such actions, although they look very nice, can still lead to adverse psychological consequences for the pet. As a result, the animal will depend too much on the person. Being alone, they will be nervous, afraid. And if an unfamiliar person comes to the house, the cat will hide. Kittens will not understand how to behave with the rest of the cats. This can lead to problems if you already have other animals in your home.

It is important to know that the rules of behavior are learned by a kitten at the age of 4-14 weeks. Throughout this period, exploring the world around them teaches their mother. In the period from the 2nd to the 14th week, there is learning how to behave with their own kind. The kitten learns this by interacting with the mother and other kittens. They study and learn to understand the language of cat movements. If you limit communication with the mother earlier, the pet will not subsequently have the skills to communicate with their fellows.

It is also very important during this period that the little pet communicates with people. Kittens must learn not to be afraid of strangers.

If you give the animal time to learn the rules of communication, as an adult it will be more patient and calm.

12 weeks is the best time

Those who want to buy a kitten need to know that the best age for this is 12 weeks.

  1. At this age, the pet, most likely, has already stopped sucking milk, and has completely switched to regular food.
  2. He was vaccinated, his immunity managed to form correctly.
  3. At that age, he had already learned to communicate with fellow humans.
  4. I'm used to communicating with different people, learning new things, ready to adapt in a new house.

It is important for future owners to understand that this animal will live with you for many years.Therefore, to take care of his physical and psychological health from the very beginning. This is more important than watching how a small, still very weak animal grows and develops before your eyes. At the age of 12 weeks you will get a healthy, confident and independent pet, which will become your true friend.

Video: at what age to buy a kitten?

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