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Klushitsy - an interesting species of birds, captivating attention with their behavior during the mating period. Especially the spectacular flights of these birds at a time when the chugs perform acrobatic stunts that are unthinkable in their complexity and beauty (coups, turns, sharp drops down and the same sharp soaring up). Note that today the population of this species is small, due to its sharp decline over the past few decades.
Description of the species
The feather cover of adult klushitsy individuals is black, shiny. In young representatives of this species, the plumage has a more matte shade, the feathered beak is yellow-brownish.
In flight, the heifers are distinguished by their excellent lightness and maneuverability, the flight feathers are quite wide in the air, thanks to which these birds have good flight capabilities.Often you can see a solitary flight of a klushitsa or a small group of these birds, flying at a fairly high speed past rocks, which unexpectedly gain altitude, and then sharply rush down, while performing intricate air figures. As a rule, in flight, representatives of this species often emit loud and sharp cries of "Kra-kra".
The nearest colony of klushits is located in the Alps (south and west of this mountainous area). Also a small population of the species lives in the UK and Ireland. Most often for nesting, these birds choose abandoned mines, mines, and quarries.
By its size, the heel is no larger than an ordinary jackdaw. Note that it is daws (directly such a species as the Alpine daws) are the closest related species, differing from the hush in the shorter yellow-colored beak.
Habitat and lifestyle
As a rule, klushitsy, nesting in the highlands, rarely descend, this is because living in the highlands gives these birds everything they need for life and food. The peculiarity of this species is that the birds spend most of their lives in the air. Above the places of their nesting males perform complex dances, attracting the attention of their friends.
Despite the fact that the klushitsa is a flock of birds, representatives of this species often keep family groups consisting of several birds or in pairs. The members of such a group actively protect the family territory from the encroachments of other birds, which is manifested not only by a rather aggressive behavior towards strangers, but also by a belligerent species - ruffled plumage and shouts, issued by means of a widely open beak.
Power Features
Such a type of bird as a bite is not too picky about food.In some areas of residence, these birds mainly feed on food that is found at landfills. The main diet is invertebrates, small insects, fruits and plant seeds. A part of the food needed for sustenance is collected by the klushitsa in the vicinity of the nesting site, the rest rises high in the mountains.
Most often, this small bird selects places to find food covered with low, but at the same time dense vegetation (meadows, well-lit meadows, fields). In order to find their favorite delicacy in the form of invertebrates and small insects, the chunky often turns over small pebbles, digs in heaps of manure. Also, through their rather long beak, these birds are able to explore the soil in search of the larvae of various insects and worms. In the cold period of the year, most birds choose the seashore as a place to search for food, where they collect the sea vegetation that has been taken ashore by the waves.
Klushits nesting season begins with the advent of heat. The overcurrent of this type of bird occurs both on the ground and in the air.In flight, these birds demonstrate their exceptional flying abilities, which is manifested in performing intricate acrobatic stunts, from which they truly take breath (complex coups, rapid ups and downs, graceful steps and much more).
Often, one female has at the same time several admirers who try to outdo each other in order to please the object of sigh. After mating, the representatives of the pair take care of each other, which is manifested by mutual cleaning of the feather cover. Often, the male brings his girlfriend a variety of delicacies.
For the construction of their nest birds often choose solitary and difficult to reach places (crevices, rocky ledges). The number of eggs in this clutch does not exceed 5 pcs. The female is engaged in the incubation of offspring, while the male is engaged in providing food for her friend. They feed the chicks that came into being - both parents. Already after 6-7 weeks after spitting, the young individuals become on the wing and are ready for independent living.
Interesting Facts
- The main natural enemy of the klushitsy is such a bird of prey, as a peregrine falcon.
- Kushushitsy - a species of birds, which nests at high altitudes. For example, in the Himalayas, these birds build nests at a height of not less than 500 m above sea level. To search for the necessary food, they can rise even higher.
- Having found a sufficiently large amount of food, klushitsy often make stocks at the proc, leaving food in different secluded places.
Video: klushitsa (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)
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