Kiwi - beneficial properties and contraindications

Today, exotic kiwi is so densely included in our diet that it can be called one of the favorite fruits of the Russians. Kiwi is also called the Chinese gooseberry for the similarity of the inner species with a berry. Kiwi in recent years has become incredibly popular, it is added to various desserts, drinks are prepared on the basis of sweet and sour juice. The velvety taste of kiwi is used in preparing sauces for main dishes. If you add kiwi to the marinade for kebabs, the meat will be incredibly soft, will be ready for roasting in just a few hours. Kiwi makes dishes not just delicious, but also beautiful, refreshing with green colors. But today we will talk not about taste preferences, but about the benefits of this amazing fruit.

 Useful properties and contraindications of kiwi

Useful properties of kiwi for man

The value of kiwi is primarily in the content of vitamin C. In terms of the amount of ascorbic acid, kiwi is ahead of lemon, orange and even currants. In addition, in the kiwi pulp there are vitamins A, E, D, vitamins of group B.And kiwi is rich in trace elements - calcium, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, magnesium, zinc. As part of kiwi fruit can be found and monosaccharides. With all the variety and benefits of the composition, the fruit is considered low-calorie - only 50 kcal per 100 grams of product.

  1. For digestion. Kiwi is a wonderful dessert that is the natural end of the meal process. Kiwi, eaten after a portion of heavy and fatty meat, will facilitate the digestive process, stimulates the production of enzymes, protects against heartburn and swelling. Moreover, Kiwi enhances the process of perilstatic intestines, which helps to gently get rid of constipation. Most of all this treatment is popular with children - kiwi is much tastier than many laxative drugs.
  2. For immunity. Our health is protected by strong immunity, which can suffer and deteriorate for various reasons. One of them is a lack of vitamin C. Kiwi contains a record amount of ascorbic acid. Regular consumption of kiwi in food will allow you to quickly get rid of a cold, it is an excellent preventive and drug.
  3. For the nerves. The whole range of vitamins of group B, which is responsible for a stable psycho-emotional state, is represented in kiwi.If you eat one green fruit every day, very soon you will notice that your nerves have calmed down, there are less anxieties and worries. Kiwi allows you to normalize sleep, get rid of even obsessive insomnia.
  4. When pregnancy. As part of kiwi contains a lot of folic acid, which is vital for pregnant women. Today, doctors do not prescribe additional vitamins for women if she eats properly. The only exception is folic acid - it reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the fetal neural tube.
  5. For heart health. Kiwi fruit is useful in various substances that reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, thin the blood and minimize the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.
  6. Displays salt. Kiwi has a unique property - the fruit gently removes salt from the kidneys and gallbladder. Regular consumption of kiwi fruit is an excellent prevention of urolithiasis.
  7. When losing weight. It is believed that kiwi - this is the best fruit for weight loss. Firstly, it does not contain a large amount of sugar in its composition. Secondly, kiwi makes the protein digest better, it is an excellent side dish for meat dishes.Thirdly, Kiwi accelerates metabolism and cleans the intestines. And in general, kiwi is a tasty, and most importantly, permissible delicacy on a diet that is difficult to refuse.
  8. Against oncology. According to the latest published research by Norwegian scientists, kiwi is an excellent prevention of cancer. If your diet is constantly present kiwi, the risk of cancer is reduced. A person with oncology is given kiwi in the diet to slow the growth of malignant cells.
  9. In cosmetology. The benefits of kiwi are calculated in dozens of points, another valuable property of the fruit is external use. A large amount of vitamin C makes use of kiwi for skin care. On the basis of green flesh make facials that fight wrinkles, pigment heels, acne and freckles. Kiwi perfectly tones, nourishes and restores the painful skin.

To feel great, it is enough to eat 2-3 large kiwis every day. Enter the fruit in your diet and after a month you will notice how your skin will be cleansed, how your working capacity will increase, your mood will improve, and your health will be at the highest level.

Contraindications to the use of kiwi

To prevent damage to the product, you need to know in what diseases and disorders it is worth giving up. First of all, it is an allergic reaction. Kiwi belongs to citrus, so allergic to it happens quite often. If you have never tried kiwi before, start with a small piece. If after tasting on the skin did not appear rash, swelling, itching and redness, you can safely enjoy the fruit. Kiwi often give even young children the first year of life in the fight against constipation. To do this, try to choose overripe, very sweet and soft fruits. But if your child is prone to diarrhea, such a delicacy should be abandoned, at least until he is three years old. Another contraindication to the use of kiwi - a disease of the stomach, especially gastritis and ulcers with high acidity. Kiwi contains a lot of acid, especially if it is an unripe fruit. Eating it can cause colic and pain in the abdomen, with such diagnoses it should be abandoned.

How to eat kiwi?

Of course, it is most useful to peel the fruit from the hairy skin, cut into convenient pieces and eat immediately. But from the kiwi prepare a lot of interesting dishes, desserts and drinks.

 How to eat kiwi

  1. Smoothies This is a refreshing summer drink that will surely delight you and your guests. In the bowl of the blender to put the peeled and cut pieces of kiwi, lemon with zest, mint, honey and water. All carefully beat, serve with ice.
  2. Chocolate fruit. Such a delicacy will surely appeal to the smallest gourmets. Kiwi and other fruits should be cut into any convenient pieces, put on a skewer and dipped in melted liquid chocolate. On top, if desired, sprinkle chocolate with almond or coconut chips. After curing, the dessert will be ready.
  3. Fruit icecream. Kiwi must be cleaned and chopped to a homogeneous mass. In a small amount of water should be dissolved sugar and citric acid, bring to a boil. When the cooked syrup has cooled slightly, it is mixed with fruit mass and poured into a plastic cup. When the composition slightly freezes in the freezer, you need to insert a wooden stick on top. After full hardening ice cream will be ready! Similarly, you can cook ice cream with other fruits.
  4. Meat with kiwi sauce. The sour taste of the fruit gives the meat an amazing taste and aroma.The dish is better to cook from chicken breast - this meat is neutral, it perfectly reflects the taste of sauces. Pieces of white meat should be salt, pepper and fry in a pan, you can bake or steam. Fry the onion in another frying pan, add the kiwi, mashed, mashed, lemon juice, salt and spices to taste. After half an hour of soaking, the sauce is ground in a blender until smooth. Serve the sauce to the meat warm or cold.

Fortunately, today, kiwi can be found on store shelves at any time of the year and there is no need to stock this fruit. But if you have a lot of kiwi on your hands and you do not know how to keep it, just peel the fruit, cut it into pieces and freeze. After defrosting, the product will not lose its beneficial properties.

A lot of legends and beliefs are associated with kiwi in China. According to one of them, a kiwi is an egg of a bird of paradise that could not fly. When the kiwi creepers bloomed, these inflorescences were huge and resembled the wings of a colorful bird. People admired beauty and compared the fruit with the flightless beauty egg. Today we can not enjoy the beauty of the flowering of kiwi, but we can well feel its amazing taste. Eat Kiwi - get the benefit and enjoyment!

Video: why do you need to eat kiwi every day?

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