Shungite stone - healing properties and application

Among the fossil gifts of nature are many truly unique exhibits. One of them is the mineral shungite, which has a mass of unique characteristics. In appearance, the stone resembles coal, because it has a black color characteristic of this rock. The mineral got its name due to the place where its first deposit was discovered - not far from the small village of Shunga in Karelia.

 Medicinal properties and application of shungite

In one stone, the periodic table!

According to scientists, shungite is an intermediate product of a long process of converting amorphous carbon to graphite. This feature explains its unusual structure and unique features. Mineral is almost 90% composed of various compounds: nitrogen, carbon, oxygen.Present in its composition are impurities of molybdenum, tungsten, selenium, and many other elements of the chemical table. But still, most of the composition is carbon (from 20-95%) and silicon (5-60%).

Residents of places where the deposit was discovered, assure that shungite has magical powers. Therefore, many wear various talismans and necklace bracelets as a talisman on their bodies. It is believed that shungite helps in love affairs and business. Mages and magicians of different levels recommend to take with them a fragment of the mineral when visiting geopathogenic places.

Nature of miraculous power

If ordinary people associate the possibilities of shungite with supernatural powers, scientists explain its uniqueness by a special type of molecular structure. Fullerene constituent particle, which, in essence, is a molecule, has powerful antioxidant properties.

The ability of the mineral to absorb toxic substances that are suspended in the environment, made it popular in various fields of human activity. Absorbing harmful agents, it cleans the air and water, so it is used primarily as a natural filter.

Shungite also has bactericidal properties: it easily interacts with other substances, forming different compounds with them. The stone well protects the body from the influence of electromagnetic oscillations of household technical devices, including mobile communication devices. Modern scientists consider shungit to be a promising material in such an important matter as solving environmental problems. His unique qualities are obvious. Today, even the most notorious skeptics recognized the abilities of this mineral. But most of all the stone is valued for its healing qualities.

Therapeutic characteristics of schungite

In addition to the ability to clean the aquatic environment and air from toxic impurities, shungite also has many useful properties for people. So, by scientific research, it was proved that by direct contact with the body, the stone reduces the intensity of pain. Especially well this effect manifests itself in case of spinal problems and impaired motor functions of the joints. The mineral also has the following qualities:

  • stimulates wound healing;
  • strengthens the immune forces of the human body;
  • antihistamine properties block allergic manifestations;
  • activates the course of metabolic processes;
  • due to anti-inflammatory properties, helps in the treatment of various infectious processes.

The bactericidal qualities of the mineral are widely used not only in medicine, but also in agriculture, cosmetology, and other industries.

The ability of shungite to protect a person from the effects of electromagnetic radiation was used to create special rehabilitation rooms. With the advent of “schungite rooms”, patients suffering from nervous disorders have the opportunity to quickly restore strength, relieve emotional stress. Even a short-term stay in this room increases the overall tone of the body, improves the emotional background, increases efficiency.

The use of schungite for therapeutic purposes

Basically, the principle of any treatment using this mineral is based on its ability to easily form bonds with any other chemical elements. But the most effective contact is obtained with shungite along with water. Water made on stone is used in the treatment of various pathologies.

 The use of schungite for therapeutic purposes

  1. For colds, it is recommended to gargle, rinse the sinuses. Adult patients can do inhaled with charged water. Because of the risk of burns, such procedures are not recommended for children.
  2. Skin pathology. Healing water helps to get rid of even the most outdated corns, if you make a compress on the problem area. It heals well burn wounds, accelerates the healing of abrasions and scratches.
  3. Respiratory system. If you take the therapeutic composition orally, breathing returns to normal over time, the bronchi and lungs are cleansed.
  4. Digestive system. Thanks to the ability to stimulate the activity of the organs of internal secretion, the infused water promotes the rapid digestion of food, enhances the production of enzymes, and accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body.

In addition, shungite is able to:

  • relieve headache;
  • to cope with the painful symptom of intestinal disorders and stomach ailments;
  • to alleviate the suffering of patients with radiculitis and osteochondrosis;
  • improve the quality of sleep;
  • eliminate neurotic disorders;
  • stimulate sexual activity;
  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • improve kidney function;
  • normalize urination;
  • effectively deal with manifestations of dyspepsia;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • restore the damaged human aura.

When pain is enough to attach the mineral to the problem area for a short time. Schungite water prepared in a special way is recommended to drink as mineral water. It cooks food and is widely used in the manufacture of cosmetic products. Infused with mineral water is good for plants and animals. There is evidence that the healing properties of the stone help to cope even with the withdrawal syndrome (hangover) after a meal with excessive alcohol consumption.

Methods for the preparation of schungite water

In order for the body to self-heal and restore the balance of minerals, it is necessary to properly prepare schungite water. It should be borne in mind that not every stone is suitable for preparing a health drink. It is recommended to purchase minerals in the pharmacy chain or in specialized departments that implement water purification aids.The quality of the material is of paramount importance, especially when it comes to treatment.

 Methods for the preparation of schungite water

The sequence of preparation of schungite water:

  1. You can use ordinary water for infusion, but it will take longer to clean. Therefore, it is better to take as a basis drinking water that has undergone a preliminary treatment.
  2. The mineral is taken at the rate of 100 g per liter of water. Stones should first be rinsed well under running water, and then placed in a container filled with water.
  3. The duration of the process of infusion depends on the quality of water: clean drinking water will acquire healing properties after a day, and ordinary water will be ready for use only after three days. It is impossible to insist longer than the specified period, as this may cause side effects.
  4. Already prepared water can be carefully poured into another dish, and the container with minerals can be poured over with a fresh portion of water. If a black suspension appears, you should not be afraid - this is a normal phenomenon, due to the peculiarity of the structure of the mineral.
  5. There is another way to prepare a therapeutic infusion: 150 g of rock is poured with water (2-3 l) and left for 3 days.
  6. Shungite stones need proper care: they must be rinsed out once a week with running water, and after six months of use they must be replaced.

Interesting Facts: It is proved that the smaller the size of the stones, the faster the water is purified and mineralized. If the stones are very small (1-2 cm), you can drink the infused water in a quarter of an hour. The qualities of schungite will be enhanced if it is infused with mountain quartz and silicon. Water infused with three minerals is called an “energy elixir.”

What side effects can you expect

Any kind of treatment needs a professional approach. This rule should not be neglected when it comes to traditional medicine.

Despite the safety of natural products, with misuse, they can give a side effect. To avoid this, it is better to share your intentions to be treated with schungite water with a doctor. Physicians are well aware of the properties and capabilities of this mineral.

Although the reception of schungite water for therapeutic purposes usually passes without complications,but in rare cases in the first days such signs can be observed:

  • nausea;
  • pain in different parts of the body;
  • shiver;
  • in exceptional cases - convulsive manifestations.

These negative effects are the result of cleansing the body. To reduce the negative effect, it is recommended to reduce the amount of water consumed or to stop its consumption for a while.

Important: Doctors believe that patients suffering from cancer better to refrain from this type of treatment.

The wealth of the natural pantry is inexhaustible. Minerals are not yet fully understood, but already today it is clear that with proper use of them, a person can improve health and ensure active longevity. Shungit is a unique natural material in this respect. He is able to heal and rejuvenate, cleanse the body and strengthen its resources.

Video: useful properties of shungite

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