The content of the article
- 1 Mention in history
- 2 What should I look for when buying?
- 3 Squid composition
- 4 The valuable properties of squid and the result of their effects on the human body
- 5 Effect on the body during pregnancy and lactation
- 6 Squids in baby food
- 7 Possible harm to the body
- 8 Cooking methods and recommendations for use
- 9 Video: how to cook squid
Squid is a long-beloved product that increasingly began to appear in different types on the tables of housewives. In addition to the valuable taste characteristics, this commercial animal can be attributed to its unique nutrient and biologically active substances. The carcass of a cephalopod mollusk belongs to the category of dietary products. Its composition is rich in proteins and has several times less fat than representatives of pond fish.
Accessibility on store shelves is associated with the peculiarity of squid to grow rapidly and form dense clusters. Their short life cycle and prevalence in the world's oceans are able to satisfy human needs for this tasty and healthy product.
Mention in history
The taste of the mollusk was appreciated by the ancient Greeks and Romans, which is not surprising. They were always famous for their passion for delicious food and were considered true hedonists. In ancient times, for its quickness and agility, squid was called "winged fish." In Asia, from time immemorial, seafood is the main product in the diet. And the former Soviet Union began to produce them for food purposes in the sixties of the last century.
Oriental healers have long noticed the effect of potassium on the cardiovascular system through the consumed product. They deservedly considered the clam as a “balm for the heart.”
What should I look for when buying?
The condition of a carcass and components of a squid most usual for the buyer is frozen or chilled. When making your choice, you must consider certain indicators:
- If the carcasses are fresh frozen, then they must be in a state free for each other. Sticking, the formation of layers of frost are not allowed, and a thick layer of ice glaze is not appropriate.
- The natural color of carcasses can be white, as well as pink and pink-purple.If the product has acquired a yellow color, then this indicates a violation of technological processes during freezing. There have been repeated freezing and thawing. Abnormal discoloration may indicate that the shellfish is old and its meat has a rigid structure.
- Damage to the carcass surface is not permitted. A variety of culinary ideas often requires a solid state of the product without breaks and splits.
- By purchasing packaged goods, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and labeling.
- If the question is about the choice between large and smaller specimens, take into account the culinary ideas and features of dishes, but it is important to know that small carcasses have a more pronounced taste of seafood.
- Choosing between the cleaned, seductive carcasses and those with whom it will take a long and uninteresting to mess around, a good housewife will make a choice in favor of the latter. Due to the fact that large-scale raw materials are processed in production, chemical compositions are used to remove the film, under the action of which it is destroyed. Together with the film squid loses a significant proportion of healthy qualities and taste.The finished product attracts with its ideal surface and getting rid of dirty work, but the taste of the dish may be disappointed by the presence of foreign flavor, which has nothing to do with an untreated carcass.
Recently, people have become more interested in their health. Nutrition has become for many not just a way to saturate the body, but also an opportunity to enrich it with valuable, nutrients that fill with vital energy. Seafood, thanks to its elegant composition, has become indispensable for people who are sensitive to their health. The wide popularity caused by consumer demand prompted cooks all over the world to study in more detail the recipes and cooking features, the possibility of preserving the useful properties of the clam.
Squid is an environmentally friendly product that meets all the needs of consumers. What is its value? To understand and apply in the right direction, it was studied in detail.
Squid composition
Iodine. Its content in edible parts is priceless. It is a source of a useful chemical element for continental parts of the earth remote from the seas andoceans.
- Complete, well digestible proteins (16.8 - 19, 7%).
- Fats (1 -1, 8%).
- Proteoglycans.
- Glycoproteins.
- Essential polyunsaturated fatty acids.
- Valuable, rare trace elements.
- Zinc.
- Copper.
- Manganese.
- Selenium.
- Phosphorus.
- Mineral substances (up to 3%).
- Vitamins of group B (B1 - 0, 4 mg / kg; B2 - 1, 17 mg / kg; B3).
- Vitamin C.
- Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid).
- Vitamin E.
Carbohydrates (up to 5%). They contain the following amino acids:
- leucine;
- glutamic acid;
- aspartic acid;
- lysine;
- alanine;
- arginine;
- glycine;
- isoleucine.
Undergoing any methods of exposure, whether it is drying, smoking, boiling or preserving, the quantitative composition can change, the calorie content and glycemic index also change.
The valuable properties of squid and the result of their effects on the human body
- Antispasmodic. Riboflavin, present in the composition, can reduce the duration of migraine.
- Diuretic. The presence of potassium contributes to the removal of edema, helps to cope with hypertension.
- Hemopoietic. Copper carries out the formation of red blood cells.Retains iron in the body.
- Stimulating. Due to the high content of iodine, brain activity and thyroid function is activated.
- Strengthening. Phosphorus improves the condition of the teeth and bones.
- Regenerating. Polyunsaturated acids have a positive effect on the liver. Restore with non-alcoholic fatty effects.
- Immunomodulatory. Zinc supports the body at a high level. Also valuable amino acids are responsible for resistance to negative external factors.
- Toning. Increases stamina due to high protein content. Promotes muscle building.
- Reproducing. Favorably affect the breeding system. Improve the quality of potency and help to facilitate the course of premenstrual syndrome.
- Anti-aging The content of copper in squid prevents the appearance of gray hair and allows you to feel young longer. Vitamin E - guarantees the health and beauty of the skin.
- Modeling and saturating. It is a dietary, easily digestible product that provides the body with beneficial substances, not being deposited in body fat.
- Restoring. Strengthens worn-out vessels and heart muscle, and also improves blood composition. These processes are influenced by potassium, cobalt and iron. In terms of potassium content, squid can compete with bananas and cereals.
Effect on the body during pregnancy and lactation
Pregnant women are recommended to consume squid meat. It will help replenish the body with nutrients and complexes. Cobalt, which is part of the pulp, is involved in the preservation of genetic information, monitors the integrity of DNA and RNA.
During lactation, seafood is consumed 6 months after delivery. Before diversifying food with this product, there is a need to consult a doctor.
Squids in baby food
In boiled form, the mollusk is well absorbed by the child's body. This is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, as well as cholesterol and fat in the carcass. For a growing and developing body, this is a significant support. A positive influence of the mollusk on the nervous system and mental activity has been observed.
Possible harm to the body
- Squid is an allergen. Excessive consumption of delicacy can cause pathological reactions.This is caused by the introduction of preservatives and flavors into the finished product.
- Growing up in polluted reservoirs and disturbance in technological processes, violation of storage rules - can be the cause of food poisoning.
- Salt used for drying carcasses and tentacles retains water in the body and can lead to tissue swelling.
Cooking methods and recommendations for use
Squid meat can be boiled, fried, dried, canned and stewed. They are stuffed, added to salads and consumed as a self-sufficient dish.
General rules:
- When purchasing a raw product, it must be freed from the skin, cleaned if necessary, the insides and remove the chord. For easy cleaning, squid is doused with boiling water.
- For the preparation of soft meat, the mollusk is boiled for 3 minutes. If for some reason the time is extended, then the output will be the rubber consistency of the dish. To remedy the situation, the cooking time is extended to 30 minutes, this contributes to the re-softening of the carcass, but the size of the finished squid will decrease.
- It is recommended to store in the boiled form no more than days.In frozen - 30 days, but this will reduce the value of the product and the brightness of taste.
According to the advice of nutritionists, squid include in the diet of fish days. They can replace meat or fish in a dish. The Chinese use dried carcass as a daily snack. The Japanese have taken to eat with alcohol, the Slavs are consumed with beer. Regardless of preference, squid is a complete meal.
The countries of the Far East and Asia are preparing a valuable product in combination with other seafood. The Greeks serve it with vegetables, beans and greens.
Basic recipe
The carcass is immersed in a boiling composition of water, salt, allspice and bay leaf. After 10 seconds they catch with a skimmer. The output is soft, tender meat. It can be eaten, added to salads.
Video: how to cook squid
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