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In many situations, an increase in body temperature in an adult is caused not only by the disease, but by a multitude of negative emotions and anxieties. But before starting active actions, it is necessary to determine what contributed to the increase in temperature, and at what marks on the thermometer should it be shot down with the help of alternative medicine or medical preparations.
Heat factors
First, it must be said that high fever is not a disease at all. This is only a sign and a clear indicator that the body is fighting against the disease, against which the immune system has begun to act dynamically.
The most common factors for increasing temperature are:
- Infections caused by viruses or germs.
- Certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Bleeding.
- Allergic reaction.
- Inflammation in tissues and organs.
Many doctors believe that high body temperature during illness is a good sign that confirms that the body itself is struggling with the disease. But we are talking only about those patients who previously had no health problems and disorders in the functioning of the immune system.
Heat for no apparent reason
It happens that the temperature rises, but there are no associated signs. This condition in an adult is caused by a change in thermostatic processes.
This is a consequence of such factors:
- Side effects of drugs.
- Overheating of the body.
- Defeat by parasites.
- Allergy.
- Disease of the joints and bones.
It also happens that the body responds with a fever for a certain effect, and other signs appear later, after a few days. For example, this is possible in the event of the occurrence of “children's” ailments (chickenpox and others), from which neither adults nor those who have already had a mild illness are protected.
What temperature should be lowered
With a slight increase in body temperature, it is not necessary to use drugs to reduce fever. It is even harmful, as it can lead to the occurrence of pathologies and the chronic course of the disease. Load weak organs with unnecessary medical tools to anything.
If the body temperature of an adult is 36.6 ° -37.2 °, then it is considered to be the normal state of the body. Increasing it to 37.2 ° is also a normal option (if there are no signs of illness).
Fact! At the initial stage of pregnancy, the temperature of a woman is 37.2 ° -37.4 °. This is due to an increase in progesterone levels in the waiting period of the child.
When the thermometer reads at 38 °, it is not necessary to fall into a panic state and take antipyretic drugs that are on hand. It is necessary to monitor the well-being of a person, to control the change in his temperature. It should be at rest, drink plenty of fluids, it should be isolated from other people. These actions will help the patient's body to deal with the disease on their own.
With an increase in body temperature to 38.5 °, it is advised to begin actions to lower it with the help of non-traditional methods and medical preparations that reduce fever.The best option is to call the doctor home and get appointments regarding the treatment of the main disease and reducing the high temperature.
If the thermometer reads 41 ° - 42 °, then self-treatment is strictly prohibited. When a turning point is reached at 42 °, irreversible effects begin to occur in the human body, which can cause a negative effect on the organs and systems of the body. In particular, this greatly affects the human brain.
How to correctly reduce the temperature
Rubbing the body with cold water or vinegar
It is necessary to undress the patient and wipe it with cold boiled water, especially to carefully wipe the folds on the extremities. Wait five minutes and then dip the body with a towel (you can not rub or wipe) and put on dry X / B clothes on a person.
An adult can also be wiped with a solution of vinegar. To do this, mix the vinegar with warm water in equal proportions.
Not enough cold drink
An excellent option is compote made from dried fruits, rosemary berries brewing, a drink with lemon, honey, raspberry or currant jam, fruit juice made from natural or frozen berries.This miracle drink will help to perspire and reduce the temperature quickly.
It must be remembered that a drink made from raspberries, with honey and lemon will benefit only if there is no dehydration. Because of this, during the day the patient is obliged to take a sufficient amount of liquid, and at night before going to bed it is allowed to drink a drink with raspberry jam or lemon.
Hypertonic composition
Quite an effective method to reduce the high temperature, suitable not only for adults, but also for kids. The composition can be done like this: two small spoons of salt are added to a liter of warm boiled water and mixed well. Take it to children in adolescence and adults should be 800 milliliters per day. This wonderful composition will not allow the fluid to soon leave the body.
Enema with chamomile
It will help to reduce the temperature and eliminate frivolous inflammation in the digestive tract. The tincture is prepared as follows: 4 tablespoons of chamomile blossoms are added to a glass of hot boiled water. The composition is put on a bath and boil for a quarter of an hour. The composition is cooled and filtered, add more boiled water to the required amount, usually 200 ml.
If these methods of reducing the temperature did not lead to the desired result, and it did not go down, then you need to use medical means to relieve heat. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are the most effective and not dangerous means of high temperature. They have a pronounced anesthetic and antipyretic result. Use medications according to the following scheme:
- paracetamol - 15mg / kg every four hours;
- ibuprofen- 10mg / kg every six hours.
In special cases, if the result is not achieved, you can do an injection of analgin.
When you need to call a doctor or ambulance
- The thermometer shows a temperature of 39 °, and the use of antipyretic drugs does not help or the temperature decreases for a short time and then rises again.
- The patient began to have convulsions, skin rash, symptoms of dehydration, severe pain in the sternum or abdomen.
- It is necessary to call a doctor if the temperature cannot be reduced within three days.
As we have established, temperature is not a disease, but only a sign indicating that some kind of malfunction occurred in the body of an adult, or it is a confirmation of the dynamic struggle of the immune system with the disease.Because of this, if the thermometer shows a temperature of 37 ° and is slightly higher, then you should not fall into a panic state, also there is no need to beat it down with all available techniques and preparations.
Video: when and how to bring down the temperature
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