What kind of vegetables can be given to cats?

Cats are carnivores, which feed mainly meat and fish products. However, some furry pets are not against eating, for example, fruits and even vegetables. Which of them are allowed to receive four-legged friends, and which are banned? Let's understand together about the intricacies of drawing up a vegetable menu. It is also extremely important to take into account the quantity, because a surplus of fiber is also not always good.

 What kind of vegetables can be given to cats

Features of the diet

  1. Do not be surprised if your four-legged pet leans on vegetables. In this manner, there is nothing surprising. These products are included in the basic ready-made food for cats, so often the necessary enzymes are already available in the animal's body. But if there is a shortage, the animal can reach for food of plant origin. Now it is necessary to make out a question with regards to what value is present in vegetables for the organism of animals.
  2. Representatives of the cat family, even domestic ones, are predators, it is not a secret. For four-legged pets to receive energy, they need an appropriate diet. The basis is fish and meat, but vegetable ingredients must also be present. If you replace meat with vegetables, the animal will be harmed. And if you just give vegetables as a supplement, you will be able to stabilize the balance of BJU.
  3. By feline digestion is meant a multifaceted process. For a cat to always be full of energy, it needs fiber. It can be fully obtained by giving vegetables that are allowed to be consumed. In addition, vegetables are rich in mineral compounds, vitamins and other important components. Dietary fiber provides high-quality assimilation of meat food, so they are necessary.
  4. A cat develops intestinal motility, disappears imbalance, destroys pathogenic microflora. Many owners of four-legged pets claim that after entering vegetable crops into the basic food, animals eat less grass outside. Cat family is fed vegetables in boiled form or raw. However, in all you need to know when to stop.

Vegetables as a source of dietary fiber

  1. Fiber is required by the intestines for proper functioning. However, the digestive tract can not process it because of its special structure. Accordingly, in terms of usefulness in the truest sense of the word, dietary fiber should not be considered from this side. But fiber is required as a brush to clean the intestines and speed up digestion. It forms fecal masses and reduces the risk of stagnation.
  2. However, other valuable substances found in the composition of vegetables are absorbed and must be ingested. This is especially true of those crops that the pet consumes with pleasure. If the cat is overweight, the vegetables will go only plus. They create a feeling of satiety, are low-calorie and make fecal mass liquid.
  3. Veterinarians specializing in dietetics and cat nutrition claim that if there is excess weight, vegetables are introduced into the animal's menu in the amount of 15% of the daily menu. However, at the same time, it is necessary to provide the cat with sufficient meat. It is important to know the rate and give the animal vegetables first in small portions.Sharp input of such products in the menu will lead to diarrhea, gagging, fecal incontinence.

Menu of vegetables

 Menu of vegetables for cats

  1. Remember that it is forbidden to give the animal all the vegetables in a row. Understand which ones will be more useful, and which ones can harm, or simply do not fit. It is worth knowing that cats are able to distinguish the taste of food. They distinguish sour and bitter taste. Therefore, giving a quadruped friend a radish or radish will not work.
  2. In most cases, pets prefer to feast on vegetables that have a neutral taste. In addition, such products should easily absorb the meat flavor. In addition, it is worth knowing which vegetables can harm the animal. Therefore, before cooking, consider this.
  3. The rest of the four-legged friend is allowed to give zucchini, onions, cauliflower, broccoli, beets, carrots, cucumbers and spinach. If necessary, you can add to this list. It is enough to consult a veterinarian and take into account the peculiarities of your pet's organism.
  4. In the main menu of the animal, you can include almost all vegetables. Carefully monitor the general condition of the animal and what he prefers most.However, giving potatoes is not recommended. The problem is that a high concentration of carbohydrates is concentrated in the root crop. This can negatively affect digestion.

If a cat eats a lot of vegetables

  1. It is often the case that some pets lean heavily on vegetables. And the cat can constantly chew on products in its raw form. The incomprehensible behavior can be explained by several reasons. Sometimes the four-legged friend simply likes the taste of such products.
  2. Also, do not exclude the fact that perhaps an animal at a subconscious level compensates for the lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body. Therefore, watch the animals for some time, soon you will be able to conclude.
  3. Another common cause is the presence of pathologies in the oral cavity. Experts say that if the animal leans on raw solid vegetables, the cat tries to clean the teeth and massage the gums. In this case, inspect the pet's mouth for the presence of tartar. Remember, usually this behavior is unacceptable for a predator.

In today's material we figured out what varieties of vegetables are allowed to feed the cat family.Also studied the value for the body fluffy buddy and the potential danger from excessive intake.

Video: what should your cat eat?

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