How to freeze the pumpkin for the winter at home

Pumpkin is considered a unique vegetable, it is famous for its beneficial qualities. The product is recommended to use for pregnant and lactating girls, the elderly and children from six months as a complementary food. Vegetable does not cause allergic reactions. Nutritionists recommend adding pumpkin to the diet, while on a diet.

 How to freeze the pumpkin for the winter

Useful qualities of pumpkin

  • improves eyesight;
  • removes cholesterol and slags;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • possesses diuretic properties;
  • boosts immunity;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • helps to lose weight.

Selection of pumpkins for freezing

  1. It is a mistake to believe that all varieties are suitable for freezing vegetables. For this kind of manipulation, choose an elongated pumpkin with bright orange pulp.
  2. If the vegetable turned out to be light inside, you should refrain from freezing. This sort of pumpkin is not suitable for storage in the freezer. The fruit is better to eat fresh.
  3. When choosing items for freezing, pay attention to the appearance. The peel must not have defects (dents, cracks, stains).
  4. If you do not notice an oversight, during the freezing process, the rotting process will spread throughout the entire container (package, container).
  5. Consider the nuances of preparing the pumpkin, choose a fruit without damage with a dry tail. If the vegetable is from the garden, it should be left for a week indoors at room temperature. Manipulation will get rid of excess moisture.

Method number 1. Frozen ground pumpkin

  1. Frayed pumpkin can be used in the preparation of various dishes and pastries. Choose a suitable specimen for freezing. The flesh of the vegetable should be dense and moderately ripe.
  2. Rinse well and wipe the pumpkin. Peel the fruit, remove friability.Dry the main pulp on a paper towel.
  3. Rub the pumpkin on a grater, put the chopped mass in a bag with a clasp. Release the air from the container, close tightly and place in the freezer. Try not to cook large portions (no more than 450 grams), it will be more convenient for you.

Method number 2. Frozen Pumpkin Chunks

 Frozen Pumpkin Chunks

  1. To freeze the pumpkin cubes, you need to use only fresh vegetable. A slice that has lain in the fridge will not work. Take the whole fruit, wash and share.
  2. Chop into pieces, remove excess moisture from the pulp of pumpkin wipes. Send the vegetable cubes to a baking tray, tray or food container. Spread the slices in one layer.
  3. Next, place the chopped pumpkin in the freezer. After a few hours, remove the product, transfer the composition to a container. After that, send the pumpkin again in the freezer until such time as you do not use it.
  4. Having done such manipulations, you will get cubes. You do not need to treat pumpkin with boiling water before freezing, chopped vegetables are easy to store.

Method number 3. Fast freezing pumpkin

  1. Sometimes it is enough to wash and cut up the vegetable. Cut into arbitrary pieces and place each slice in a suitable container. Send containers for long-term storage in the freezer.
  2. If you decide to keep the pumpkin in the bag, make sure that it is tightly closed and there is no air left in it. When you decide to cook the soup, remove one of the pieces and cook the dish in the usual way.

Method number 4. Frozen Pumpkin for Lure

  1. It is possible to freeze the baby pumpkin for feeding in combination with other vegetables (carrots, zucchini). Pick up quality products, rinse and clean thoroughly.
  2. Get rid of the seeds in the pumpkin and zucchini, then chop the vegetables into small pieces. Spread out on paper towels, collect excess moisture.
  3. Then put the chopped vegetables in a tight bag with a clasp or a container, send it to the freezer. When it comes time to prepare the dish, send the products to boil in its original form.
  4. Prepare the soup, cool to the desired temperature, if necessary, grind the vegetable composition into mush. It should be borne in mind that young children need to gradually accustom to lure.
  5. Despite all the beneficial properties of the pumpkin, this vegetable is also fed with a gradual introduction into the baby’s usual diet. Check the condition of the child, whether there are any changes and deterioration of health.

Method number 5. Frozen Pumpkin for Desserts

  1. It is best to freeze the pumpkin in small pieces in sugar. You can add a sweet vegetable in any desserts, cereals and pastries.
  2. Prepare a suitable container with a tight lid to freeze the pumpkin in advance. Divide the vegetable in the usual way, chop into small cubes, dry with napkins.
  3. Sprinkle the bottom of the container with a small amount of sugar, put the pumpkin in one layer, then repeat the manipulation with a crumbly composition. If the second row fits, do the sand operation again.
  4. Keep in mind that with the lid closed in the container should be free space. It is necessary so that you can shake the product well before freezing. Next, place the container in the chamber.

Method number 6. Frozen Pumpkin Puree

 Frozen Pumpkin Puree

  1. Take a ripe pumpkin, wash and get rid of loose entrails. Chop the vegetable into pieces with the peel. Put the product on a baking sheet, place in the oven preheated to 170 degrees.
  2. Bake the pumpkin for 50 minutes. Next, remove the vegetable, let it cool, remove the peel and place in a blender.Use a household appliance to achieve uniform composition.
  3. After that, distribute the puree in small plastic glasses. Wrap tightly with cling film and place in the freezer for long-term storage.

Vegetable is not whimsical in growing and fresh storage. Housewives sometimes have a question about how to store pumpkins frozen. Vegetable can be used all year round, adding it to various dishes, pastries, cereals, soups and salads.

Video: how to freeze the pumpkin for the winter

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