How to get pregnant with twins naturally

Motherhood is happiness. And making and giving birth to twins is a double happiness. Now an increasing number of young couples dream of a multiple pregnancy. After all, what could be sweeter than two similar brothers or two sisters, dressed the same way? Few adults will be able to look at this picture without emotion. But is it possible to schedule this process? Is it possible to get pregnant with twins at will? We will understand everything in order.

 How to get pregnant with twins naturally


Gemini can be monozygous and dizygotic.

Monozygotic twins (or identical) appear as a result of the division of one fertilized egg. That is, the sperm fertilizes the egg, it is attached to the wall of the uterus, and then at some point is divided into two parts. What is the reason - scientists still have not figured out.If the egg cell divides after the zygote stage, then the division is not complete. In this case, the Siamese twins are obtained.

Monozygous twins have an identical set of genes, one blood group, one placenta, they look like two drops of water. Such twins can only be of the same sex. Identical twins make up only 25% of the total mass of all double pregnancies.

It is almost impossible to influence the appearance of identical twins. Cell division does not depend on the factors of conception.

Disygous (fraternal) twins are two different people growing in the same womb. If for some reason, the mother has matured two or more eggs, each of them is fertilized by a sperm cell. In this case, each baby develops separately, each in its own placenta. The gene set of fraternal twins is different, they can be heterosexual and completely dissimilar. Such pregnancies are much more common.

Who can become pregnant with twins

There are some factors that affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant with multiple pregnancies.

  1. Heredity. If there are relatives in the family who have a twin, the chances of giving birth to twins increase. Some scientists claim that twins are born after one generation. For example, if your parents or your husband's parents have twins, then the likelihood that you have twins, increases significantly. Ability to become pregnant with twins is transmitted through the female line.
  2. Children. Interestingly, the chances of giving birth to twins increase after mom has already become a happy owner of twins.
  3. Lactation. Statistics indicate the following facts. If a woman becomes pregnant while breast feeding an older baby, then the chance of becoming a mother of twins is increased.
  4. Climate. Some geographic areas can boast a huge number of twins in this region. For example, in the Carpathians or in Africa, twins are common. In these regions, a huge number of pregnancies with multiple fetuses. But in Japan, the twins - a rarity. To increase the chances of conceiving twins, you need to go to warm countries.
  5. Age. Women in more mature age are more likely to become pregnant with twins.This is due to hormonal changes. A forty year old woman has two times more chances to become pregnant with twins than a twenty year old girl.
  6. Body structure Taking out twins is a serious task, so nature trusts it only to strong and portly women. According to statistics, the overwhelming majority of twins appear only in lush women with a large bust and wide hips.

As strange as it may sound, but a multiple pregnancy from the point of view of medicine is an anomaly. After all, the woman's body is provided only for one pregnancy. But if a woman wants it herself, you can stimulate a “double” pregnancy artificially, with the help of hormone therapy.

Medicine for the birth of twins

In order to stimulate the onset of multiple pregnancies, it is necessary to make sure that there are two eggs in a woman's body. This can be achieved with the help of hormone therapy.

 Medicine for the birth of twins

The most common way to increase the number of eggs is to drink a course of contraceptive drugs. The principle of the mechanism is as follows.Contraceptive pills inhibit ovulation, they need to drink about six months. After that, taking pills stops abruptly, after which you need to start active actions on planning pregnancy. It is believed that after suppression, the ovaries begin to work with double force, producing more viable eggs.

From the very beginning of pregnancy, women are advised to drink folic acid. However, numerous studies have confirmed that twins are more likely to be born to mothers who drank folic acid in advance — several months before the onset of pregnancy. Folic acid not only increases the risk of twins, but also reduces the likelihood of the nervous pathologies of the future baby.

How to get pregnant with twins

There are some practical tips to help you increase the chances of having twins.

  1. Eat more animal protein. The reproduction of a woman and the intensity of her ovarian work also depend on the amount of animal protein that she consumes. Eat more meat, fish, dairy products, eggs - chicken and quail.
  2. Have sex! Frequent fulfillment of marital debt increases the chances of multiple pregnancy.
  3. Eat yams.In some regions where this plant grows, the birth of twins is very common. Some healers claim that regular consumption of yams can stimulate the appearance of twins in the family.
  4. Eat sea buckthorn berries. These fruits have a positive effect on the work of the ovaries, stimulating them to produce several eggs.
  5. Borovaya uterus. This plant is often used in various gynecological diseases. They are treated with infertility, poor tubability, adhesions. One of the side effects of taking the decoction of this plant is the appearance of a double and triple pregnancy.
  6. Sage. Decoction of this plant is used for hormonal disruptions. Sage increases the amount of estrogen in the body, increases the chances of pregnancy, including the multiple pregnancy.

Is it possible to plan the sex of future twins

Modern realities are such that parents plan not only the number of future babies, but also their gender. Is it possible to naturally guess a son or daughter?

 Is it possible to plan the sex of future twins

Everyone knows that the Y chromosomes, which are responsible for the future boy, are faster and more mobile.They are the first to reach the goal and fertilize the egg. But the X chromosomes, which in the future turn into a beautiful girl, are not so fast, but more tenacious. It is on this principle that the theory of planning the sex of children is based.

If you want to become pregnant with boys, you need to have sex during or immediately after ovulation. When the egg cell has matured, it is ready to accept the fastest spermatozoid in itself, that is, the Y-chromosome. If you want girls, you need to have sex before ovulation, a few days. In this case, all the sperm will enter the woman's vagina, but since the egg is not ready yet, they will not be able to fertilize it. But ovulation itself, when the egg matures, will be able to wait only for the most tenacious X chromosomes.

With such a plan, it is very important to know the exact time of the woman’s ovulation. To do this for several months, you need to measure the basal temperature. During the period of ovulation, it rises.

There is one more factor on which the sex of the future twins depends. If you want to get boys, sex must be intense, deep, so that the U-chromosomes quickly reach their destination.

Despite numerous studies, no tool will allow you to predict a natural multiple pregnancy by 100%. With a great desire, you can do IVF - in the process, several fertilized eggs are transplanted into the woman's uterus. More often they all survive, and a happy mother has twins or triplets.

If you want to get pregnant with twins - no need to despair. Use all traditional and unconventional methods to entice the chances of conceiving twins. Love your children, despite their number and gender, because motherhood is a great happiness!

Video: how to conceive twins naturally

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