How to squeeze more juice from lemon: 4 ways

The juice obtained from fresh fruits is used not only in the world of cooking, but also of a cosmetic nature. Often, lemon fresh is introduced into various masks designed to improve the condition of the skin or hair. Fragrant dolechki added to tea, and the juice itself is introduced into various colored cocktails as a means to separate the layers. What can we say about baking, which thanks to this product acquires a light acidity. Each person, when receiving the juice, tries to squeeze the maximum out of citrus. How this can be done, we will consider today.

 How to squeeze juice from lemon

Method 1

  1. If citrus fruits were previously placed in the refrigerator in the compartment for fruits and vegetables, remove them and leave in the kitchen warm. When the fruits take a temperature not lower than room temperature, it is easier to extract juice from these specimens than from those that have been cooled for a long time.
  2. It is all about low temperature: it only contributes to the hardening of the walls in the cavity of citrus, which do not allow the juice to go out in sufficient quantities.When the fetus lies down a bit, you can proceed to the classic extrusion in the way you used to do it.
  3. If there is no time to wait, then pour heated water into a deep bowl, but not boiling water. Dip the fruit into the liquid, let it warm. The water will cool quickly, so replace it with a new one. It is enough to hold the fruit for about 3-10 minutes, and then proceed to extrude. Juice will be released in much more.

Method 2

  1. This technology is often used by professional chefs around the world. The bottom line is that citrus must first be sent to the freezer, and then dramatically heated using a microwave oven. When the contents inside the fruit freeze, it will automatically increase in volume. On this background, the formed ice breaks the membranes, the juice subsequently goes out easier.
  2. When you hold the fruit in the freezer, it hardens, it can not be crushed. Send the product in the microwave for literally 45 seconds, it all depends on the power of the device. Then arm yourself with a sharp knife, chop up the citrus and squeeze the contents out of it.
  3. If there is no desire to experiment, freeze, and then thaw the fruit, then act differently. To increase the amount of final fresh juice by 30% and even more, send citrus to the microwave, not keeping it cold in advance. Set in about 15 seconds. You need to warm the skin. After the timer signal, remove the fruit and try to squeeze the liquid.

Method 3

 How to squeeze juice from lemon

  1. Before you cut citrus fruit, it should be a good ride on a hard surface. Take the fruit and start rolling it back and forth. Press on it with such force that the shape of the lemon is slightly deformed. Do not crush the fruit.
  2. A similar procedure is carried out with the aim to tear the walls of the fruit pulp. As a result, the juice will be much easier to squeeze. After a properly performed procedure, the lemon should be cut. Just do it not across, but in length.
  3. If you cut the fruit in this way from the tail to the top, you will end up with 3 times more fresh juice. If you act in this way with a medium-sized lemon, just cutting it across, you will end up with about 40 ml. juice.
  4. Do not forget that the larger the surface, the more it exposes the pulp. It is in the dense layer of pulp can be most fresh. Therefore, if the pulp is seen almost entirely, the loss of fresh juice will be much less.

Method 4

  1. You can also try to squeeze out citrus juice using a regular table fork. As soon as you cut the fruit into two parts, you need to stick the teeth of the cutlery into the pulp. Next, try to squeeze fresh as usual for you.
  2. As soon as you notice that the juice began to flow with less force, turn the plug and repeat the pressure. Repeat such actions until the lemon is completely exhausted. Do the same with the second half of citrus.
  3. This method is very similar to the principle of the manual lemon juicer. Due to the sharp teeth and pressure, membranes are punctured on your part. As a result of such simple actions much more juice flows out.

In fact, squeezing the juice out of citrus fruit is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. To get the maximum amount of fresh, study each method.As an experiment, try each of them. Then select one and constantly resort to his help.

Video: how to squeeze more juice from one lemon

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