How to remove salt from the joints folk remedies

The joints are clogged with uric acid salts due to unbalanced nutrition, bad habits and insufficient water intake. The deposits limit the mobility of the fingers, upper and lower extremities, cervical and spine. They lead to thinning and deterioration of cartilage, the formation of cones, as well as arthrosis, arthritis, gout and osteochondrosis. To keep the joints healthy until old age, they need to be cleaned of salts.

 How to remove salt from the joints

Balanced diet

With a high content of urea in the blood crystals form. Small hard stones with sharp edges accumulate in the kidneys and articular bag. Salts constantly traumatize soft tissue, causing chronic inflammation and pain.

Urea levels are increased by eating preservatives, smoked meats, pickles, and strong meat or fish broths.To clean the joints of salts, you need to abandon sausages, sugar, black tea and coffee, as well as reduce salt intake to 5–8 g per day. No desserts, convenience foods, fried foods and too hot.

The concentration of uric acid in the body is reduced due to natural and dietary products that accelerate metabolic processes. When crunch and pain in the joints is recommended to use:

  1. Vegetarian vegetable, cereal, milk or fruit soups. Once a week, allowed weak fish or meat broths.
  2. Vinaigrette with olive or linseed oil. Vegetable salads and stews from cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini and carrots. Beans, peas and other legumes are banned.
  3. Kashi mucous consistency. Useful buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, barley and corn grits. White rice is contraindicated. The product clogs the intestines, leads to constipation and intoxication of the body. Brown rice can be consumed, but 1-2 times a week.
  4. During the remission period, when the pain disappears, a lean chicken or turkey is introduced into the menu. Allowed beef and rabbit. Meat dishes are cooked in a double boiler or oven.
  5. Sour fruits and berries reduce the concentration of salts in the body.Fresh salads from apples, pears or citruses activate metabolic processes, stimulate the production of collagen, which is part of cartilage. Only grapes and fresh juice from this product are contraindicated.
  6. Steam, stewed and baked fish nourishes the body with amino acids. Sea and river species are useful. You can not only dried and smoked fish.
  7. Mint tea and dogrose broth wash salt crystals from the joints and internal organs. Herbal drinks are supplemented with alkaline mineral water and distilled water. A patient with healthy kidneys should drink 2.5 liters of fluid per day.

Useful for gout and arthritis non-fat cottage cheese, seeds and nuts, as well as vegetable oils. The concentration of uric acid will decrease if by-products of beef or pork tongue, kidneys, brain and liver disappear from the diet. Sorrel, figs and spinach, as well as cauliflower are contraindicated. Instead, they use parsley, lettuce, dill and green onions.

When deposits in the joints are recommended once a week to arrange a fasting day. The diet consists of foods with a low content of purine bases. Watermelons, cucumbers, apples, sour-milk drinks and potatoes will do.The patient chooses one product that he consumes throughout the day. Water stimulates the release of salts and metabolic processes, so when unloading nutrition you need to drink a lot.

During the period of exacerbation, a person follows a salt-free diet. Spice can not be added even in ready meals. The body will receive salt only from fresh vegetables, cereal and porridge.

Birch and lingonberry leaves

The level of uric acid in the blood is reduced due to herbal decoctions. When salt deposits helps drink from birch leaves. Dried billet crushed, measure out 2 tbsp. l and brew a cup of boiling water. A glass of filtered broth drink in one gulp before breakfast and lunch. After a month's course, take a break.

 Birch Leaf Drink

Salt from the joints derive lingonberry leaves. The drink is prepared in the evening: pour 20 g of dried raw materials with a cup of hot water. Insist until the morning in a thermos. After awakening, they immediately drink 100 ml of herbal tea without sweeteners, and after 40 minutes they eat breakfast. The second half of the broth take 2 hours after dinner. Lingonberry leaves treatment lasts 2 months.

Normal hot water restores and cleans the joints of salts.Half an hour before breakfast, drink a glass of liquid in small sips. It triggers metabolic processes and reduces the concentration of urea.

Diseases of the joints are treated with bay leaf. 500 ml of cooled boiled water take 10 g of spices. Pot with vegetable remedy put on the stove. The drink is brought to a boil over low heat. A decoction of bay leaves is removed after 7 minutes and cover the container with a towel. The drug is filtered and stored in a glass jar for 24 hours. The billet is divided into 6–8 small portions. Broth drink in small sips, so as not to provoke gastric or uterine bleeding.

The medicine from laurel leaves is taken 3 days, and after that a twenty-day break is arranged. The tool has diuretic properties, therefore it washes away from the body not only harmful, but also useful substances. In 3 weeks the body has time to recover.

Herbal lotion

If one joint on the leg or arm is affected, it is recommended to apply a hot compress from medicinal plants to it. The collection of salt deposits includes:

  • elder black;
  • viburnum berries;
  • fruits of mountain ash;
  • hop cones.

Take 100 g of each billet, crushed and poured into a fabric bag. Then add a mixture of 200 g of chamomile flowers and the same amount of grass clover. The compress is dipped into a pot of boiling water. Take out when the aroma of herbal tea appears. The billet is lightly wrung out so that hot water does not burn the skin, and is applied to the knee or elbow until it cools completely.

The collection of healing components is used three times. The procedure is carried out before bedtime, the steamed joint is wrapped with a warm scarf or scarf. After the compress do not go out, do not sit in a draft. The course of treatment with herbal lotions lasts 7 days.

Raisins and Citrus

Joints of salts cleanses lemon and orange juice. After dinner, mix 100 ml of the first drink and 250 ml of the second. Drink 30 minutes after a meal. Citrus substitute fresh gooseberry or black currant juice.

 Lemon juice from salts in the joints

Infusion of salts in the joints and muscles prepared from garlic and lemon. Mix gruel from 3 large citrus with 150 g of spiced vegetables. Fruit preparation poured into a jar, add 2 liters of cooled boiled water. Lemon drink filter through the day, carefully squeeze a slurry of citrus and garlic. Take medicine before breakfast. On an empty stomach drink 50 ml of fruit infusion.

Lemon drink is combined with warm baths. Sea salt is added to the water, as well as herbal decoctions:

  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • knotweed;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • branches of black currant.

The procedure lasts from 15 to 20 minutes. After swimming you need to wear warm pajamas and wrap yourself in a blanket. Joint health will improve after 20 treatment baths. To speed up the excretion of salts, it is recommended to rub the diseased areas with lilac tincture after water procedures. A 0.5 l bottle or jar is filled with fresh flowers. Add diluted alcohol. If the patient has decided to take the medicine inside, use high-quality vodka.

Lilac rubbing infused for 3 weeks. The medicine is applied to sore joints before bedtime, and then they are carefully wrapped. You can take 30 drops of home remedies for a month before lunch, breakfast and dinner. It is impossible to exceed the dosage, because lilac is poisonous.

Tincture of purple flowers are replaced with seedless raisins and natural honey. Buy 1 kg of each product and stored in the refrigerator. In the morning of the first day the patient eats 100 grams of dried grapes. On the second day replaces it with the same amount of honey.Products alternate until they run out. After the last portion, they make a monthly break.

Potatoes, black radish and beans

A patient with deposits in the joints at the time of treatment is recommended to switch to a vegetarian diet. For 40 days he uses only cereals and vegetable dishes and drinks a decoction of potatoes. The tool is prepared from 1 kg of uncleaned tubers. The workpiece is washed from the ground, remove rotten and damaged parts. Potatoes, together with the peel, are cut into small cubes, combined with 3 liters of boiling water. Cook for 1.5 hours in a clean enameled bowl without bloom. The tool is filtered, the tubers squeeze and discard. Salt can not be added to the drink. During the day, take 3 cups of potato medicine.

Twice a year, with diseases of the joints and for the prevention of arthrosis, a tincture of horseradish is prepared. Large root mince. Measure 1 kg of mass and combine with 4 liters of cold water. The drug is brought to a boil in a water bath, and after 5 minutes, remove and filter. When the temperature of the broth drops to 60 degrees, 500 g of honey are injected. Per day consume 250 ml of sweet infusion of horseradish.

Helps with sediments and beans. Take 4 tbsp. l white or red blank. Connect with 1 liter of boiling water. A jar or pot is wrapped with a towel, the billet is left overnight. In the morning, the filtered infusion is divided into 2 parts: 500 ml is drunk, and the second portion is heated and moistened with gauze in the medicine. Bean compresses applied to the sore spots several times a day.

Restoration of water-salt balance

Parsley and celery seeds normalize metabolic processes in the body and reduce the concentration of urea in soft tissues. A glass of boiling water poured 1 tsp. the selected component and leave for 20 minutes, covered with a plate and a towel. Strain the drug in a gulp, do not add honey or sugar. Use celery or parsley infusion twice a day.

Displays excess deposits means of black turnips. 10 medium root vegetables are selected and washed under hot water. Peel tinder stiff brush to remove all the dirt. Raw turnips are passed through a meat grinder, squeezed juice from the cake. The billet is poured into a jar with a tight lid. 60 minutes after eating drink 1 tsp. medicines from the root.The dosage is gradually increased to 1 tbsp. l, and then - up to two. If there is no discomfort in the liver after drinking the juice, the portion size is adjusted to 100 ml.

The remedy of turnips starts the metabolism, clears the bile ducts from stones, and the joints from urea. After drinking the juice, you can take warm baths to speed up the removal of deposits. During the treatment of root vegetables need to follow a vegetarian diet.

Help control the level of urea diet and herbal decoctions. Folk recipes thin the blood, restore water-salt balance and remove salts from the joints and soft tissues. If you adhere to proper nutrition and regularly cleanse the body with home remedies, you can forget about the existence of gout, arthrosis and osteochondrosis for a long time.

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