How to remove mold from the walls in the apartment

Under the mold refers to the fungus, which is formed due to high humidity. Usually black blotches can be found on the walls, under the wallpaper, in the corners of the room. This is a rather unpleasant problem that entails complex diseases in the form of asthma. To eliminate the consequences, it is important not only to timely detect, but also to eliminate the neoplasms. We will study the reasons for the appearance of the fungus, as well as provide effective ways to combat it.

 How to remove mold from the walls in the apartment

Why mold appears

  1. When the walls are trimmed with materials that promote the development of mold, respectively, the fungus will grow. This applies to drywall or paper wallpaper.
  2. With excessive humidity in the room, an environment appears in which bacteria actively proliferate. Usually in bathrooms and toilets there is such a trend.
  3. Also, mold can be found in the corners of the room, which are poorly waterproofed. In these situations, nothing remains but to artificially dry the air. Do not leave wet clothes, and often use moisturizers. In wet weather it is better not to open the window.
  4. With insufficient ventilation, it is logical that couples have nowhere to go, so they settle in droplets and form an environment for the fungus. It often happens in the kitchen or bathroom. Additionally, you must install a hood or fan. When you cook, be sure to open the windows, especially in winter. Otherwise, the temperature drops in the area of ​​glass will do their destructive thing.

Mold hazard on walls

There is a risk that you harm the health of your family and your own, if you do not eliminate mold in a timely manner. Let's see what this can lead to.

  1. Crude environment acts as a catalyst, which provokes serious diseases of the respiratory tract. Due to abundant accumulations, fungal spores enter the lungs, after which tracheitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, laryngitis and other pathologies develop.Some complain that they develop bronchitis and pneumonia in dampness. If spores fly in the air constantly, asthma may occur.
  2. In addition to the illnesses of the respiratory system, you can face problems of a dermatological nature. We are talking about skin dermatitis, dermatosis, psoriasis, eczema, mycosis, etc. By their nature, spores act as the strongest allergens that cause complex respiratory diseases.
  3. If mold has formed in the kitchen or in the bath, it is worth pondering and urgently taking appropriate measures. Spores settle on food, causing an infection of the internal organs. Often in the bath spores settle on the toothbrush, which leads to the formation of stomatitis or candidiasis.
  4. If you systematically live in a room that is not cleared of fungal formations, then the person simply comes to the intoxication of the body. His kidneys take all the stress, the liver and the vascular system suffer greatly.
  5. If toxic accumulations will settle in the cavity of the internal organs, then this kind of problem will lead to food mycotoxicosis. This disease is characterized by nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of craving for food. Also affects the central nervous system and circulatory system, sleep disorders begin.
  6. The most dangerous are the decay products of fungal mold, which are called aflatoxins. They are the fundamental cause of the formation of such diseases as aflatoxosis. When this compound is concentrated in large volumes in the body, it leads to cell division and, as a result, oncological diseases. Children may not suffer this disease at all.
  7. In addition to significant harm to human health, mold significantly knocks on the wallet. It spoils furniture, walls, upholstery. Particularly often affected wood paneling, natural leather. Fungal formations are so eaten up so much that it is difficult to remove them even by professional means.

Stages to fight mold

  1. First of all, it is necessary to timely detect the fungus, eliminate the causes of its occurrence and move on. Operations to restore the home include several stages, all places affected by fungus should be carefully cleaned and dried.
  2. Many try to clean the mold with ordinary “Fae” type detergents, but usually attempts end in failure.But the acetic solution, soap, soda or salt act as effectively as possible. It is necessary to work the walls with an antiseptic solution.
  3. First you need to dismantle all the fasteners that are in the places where the spores accumulate. Step by step process them with the chosen professional or folk remedy, set aside. Then comes the time to process the walls, but before that you need to get rid of old wallpaper or paint. Next, the walls are moistened with soap or vinegar solution.
  4. It should be understood that if the wall is in a terrible state, you will need to "sculpt" it again. Otherwise, the mold will develop again in the shortest possible time, you will start all over again. If plaster or wood paneling has become unusable, get rid of it. It is enough to use the construction tools at hand in the form of a spatula. Then, cleaning of the affected areas with sandpaper is carried out.
  5. When the preparation comes to an end, it is better to leave the walls for an hour. This time is allotted for the breeding of professional funds or popular composition. When everything is ready, the surface is sprayed in five layers.Each next layer is distributed only after complete drying of the previous one. It usually takes about 7 hours. Only after the completion of the stripping can the finishing of the room begin.

Folk mold removal methods

If the surface is not hit too hard, then it makes sense to use folk remedies. They are not inferior to professional chemical compositions. Choose your favorite option and follow the instructions. We offer for consideration only proven methods.

 Folk mold removal methods

  1. White. Bleaching agents are always on the first places, because they are toxic and quickly remove fungal formations. Suitable for the treatment of fungal infections in the bathroom, where the tiles are lined. Also white can handle bare walls, glass. Before treating the surface, it is necessary to dilute bleach with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Then this composition is poured into a bottle with a sprayer, the product is sprayed onto the walls. Repeated application is carried out after drying. Wear gloves and a respirator during work.
  2. Vinegar. The well-known composition has a rather pronounced and specific aroma. Most importantly, it should be noted that the liquid does not emit harmful vapors. To cope with the fungus or mold, it is necessary to distribute the vinegar in its pure form on the source of the problem. For convenience, use the spray. After spraying, wait about an hour. Wipe the contaminated area with water. Be sure to ventilate the room. As a preventive remedy, you sometimes need to sprinkle vinegar where there was mold.
  3. Peroxide. To cope with mold in the apartment it is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide. Antibacterial composition can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. The undoubted advantage of such a substance is that it does not have an unpleasant odor and harmful toxic substances. Peroxide has shown itself well in the fight against fungi, which are formed on various surfaces. The only thing that should be noted with such a composition should be particularly careful if you apply it on a painted coating. Peroxide can brighten the material. Pour the composition into the sprayer and thoroughly clean the surface. Wait 10-12 minutes.After that, wash the contaminated area.
  4. Urine and laundry soap. Such an interesting combination of components is great for fighting mold and fungi, especially on wooden surfaces. Mix grated soap and urine in a suitable cup. Composition leave for 1 day. Treat the desired area and allow it to dry. Next, wash the surface in a classic manner.
  5. Ether of tea tree. If you decide to use this oil, it is worth noting that a positive result is achieved only in small polluted areas. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to take 10 parts of warm water and 1 part of ether. Stir the ingredients and follow the usual pattern. Spray the product over the surface and wait for it to dry.
  6. Copper sulfate. This composition is considered one of the most popular in the fight against black mold. To prepare an effective tool, you need to stir 10 gr. copper sulphate in 1 liter. warm water. Spray the composition on the desired surface or use a brush. It is not recommended to use such a tool if you plan to glue the wallpaper to the surface in the future. Chemical powder leaves blue scurf.Do not forget about it.
  7. Borax Such a substance can rightly be considered the best of all listed in the fight against the presented problem. Borax refers to a completely natural product of natural origin. Therefore, it is completely safe for the human body. Dilute raw materials with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Distribute the finished composition is best with a rigid brush. It is possible to wash out the contaminated area only after the borax has completely dried.
  8. Lime. Dissolve quicklime in water. Stir the solution thoroughly. As soon as the boiling process stops, moisten the cloth in the composition and wipe the contaminated area thoroughly. It is recommended to clean the place with mold with a spatula and soap solution before applying lime.
  9. Ammonia. Spread the composition on the mold and wait 3-4 hours. After that, wash the area with warm water.

Alternative ways

  1. If, for any reason, you have found mold growth, it is strongly recommended to remove the wallpaper and trim from the ceiling. If mold formed on drywall, it is necessary to get rid of it.
  2. Next, use a hard brush or spatula. Carefully scrape the fungus off the surface. Do not forget to wear a respirator before, so you can fully protect the respiratory tract from harmful germs and dust.
  3. Next, wash the surface thoroughly with soap and water. It is allowed to resort to the help of "Whiteness" or "Domestos". A minus of such agents is that they are highly toxic. Formulations can cause poisoning.
  4. It should also be noted that such chemical compositions are not able to penetrate porous surfaces. After you have washed the walls or any other surface, apply a special compound. Among the most effective can be identified "Senezh Effo", "Fongiflyuid" and "Homenpoisto."
  5. After one day, you can apply a primer. After a few days, the procedure with wall covering must be repeated. As soon as the soil is completely dry, you can begin to plaster the surface. Also, when processing surfaces, try not to use a roller, namely a brush. It penetrates the pores better.

Getting rid of mold is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance.Try to find out the cause of pollution and eliminate it. Use quality compounds, do not skimp on this. Pay due attention to the process. Otherwise, the mold re-forms. Ventilate the room more often, installation of a high-quality exhaust will not be superfluous. In addition, it is not recommended to place furniture near the walls on which the wallpaper is hung. It is there that fungus is formed.

Video: how to remove mold from the walls in the apartment?

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