How to extract pus from acne: useful tips

Acne can appear in people of different age categories and sex. Purulent neoplasms usually develop on the face with problem skin prone to fat and acne. They are characterized by redness and head of a white shade. When extruding such a cosmetic defect can leave behind scars and patches of crimson color. To cope with the cause of the disorder, it is necessary to apply home or pharmacy remedies.

 How to extract pus from pimple

Why do purulent acne appear?

In most cases, ulcers appear due to the formation of blockages in the sebaceous ducts. Corks are characterized by a mixture of keratinized particles of the epidermis, sebum and dust. If you do not do a proper cleaning of the face systematically, the situation will only get worse.

The causes of tumors include the following aspects:

  1. Poorly balanced diet, lack of minerals and vitamins in the body. The listed cases are fundamental. If you are used to eating fatty, spicy, salty, very sweet food, be prepared for the formation of ulcers. All these dishes are clogged ducts, there are traffic jams. A lack of vitamins exacerbates the already deplorable situation.
  2. Violation of all metabolic processes in the body, including self-cleaning of the skin. This cause is characterized by excessive release of fat, resulting in blockage. The face constantly looks fat, which leads to the development of bacteria in the pore cavity. Pus appears in cases if you do not take measures for manual cleansing of the dermis with scrubs, peels, pulling masks.
  3. Often the cause of purulent formations becomes a hormonal imbalance. This can occur in adolescence, as well as in women during the climatic or menstrual period. In these cases, hormonal disruptions lead to unstable work of the sebaceous glands. At first they work slowly, then too intensively, which leads to channel blockage.
  4. On the listed reasons everything does not end. If you violate the basic rules of basic facial skin loses its former beauty, can not resist external factors and internal changes. And if we add to this the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics, which clogs the pores, the result, as they say, on the face.

Important! Do not use any means of directional action, if the pimple just reddened. He must "ripen." When the white head will be visible on the skin, proceed to the manipulation.

Drugs for purulent acne

In the pharmacy, you will find products with antibacterial effect. They are not able to pull out the pus completely, but they accelerate the ripening of the pimple and heal it faster. Not all drugs can boast of a drying effect. We will consider only the most effective.

  1. "Zener". The product is based on the mineral substance of zinc and antibiotics. Due to the bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and drying properties, the pimple goes away quite quickly. Zener needs to be applied at least twice a day.Well, if you use it after a morning waking up and half an hour before bedtime. After distribution the drug is not washed off. The duration of therapy is 8-10 days.
  2. "Baziron AC". The drug is famous for its antibacterial effects, dries, relieves redness and inflammation. Regulates the production of subcutaneous fat, prevents blockage of ducts, improves natural skin self-purification. The gel should be used twice a day after thorough washing with foam. When the composition is dry, it does not need to be removed with water. The duration of treatment of purulent acne can reach one week.
  3. "Streptocid". The tool has a clear antimicrobial property. Used to treat acne that hit a large area of ​​skin. Spread a thin layer onto the surface of the face with your fingers or a cotton pad moistened with gel. You can process tumors locally, so as not to dry a healthy area of ​​the skin. It works quickly, the first results are visible the next day.
  4. Skinoren. The main purpose of the gel is to narrow overly open pores, remove greasy plugs, partially exfoliate the epidermis and pull pus out of acne. Analogue of "Skinoren" is "Azogel", it can also be purchased at the pharmacy.The basis of these drugs include highly effective components, so the price is appropriate. The gel is rubbed into the damaged area 2-3 times a day.
  5. Ichthyol or zinc ointment. It does not matter which of the drugs you choose, they are almost identical in their effects. But carefully read the instructions, the ointment may have contraindications. When used, the composition quickly pulls pus, prevents the appearance of a pimple in another place (as it happens with self-extrusion).
  6. Vishnevsky ointment. Surely every person is familiar with the unpleasant smell that remains after the use of the drug. But this feature is completely overlapped by the ability of the agent to expel pus from the sebaceous ducts. The tool penetrates deep into the dermis and relieves inflammation. Blood circulation in the affected area is also enhanced, resulting in better skin cleansing.
  7. "Badyaga." The active ingredients of a substance mechanically and irritatingly affect the affected area. Such a tool can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. It is directed to the focus of the lesion.The healing composition significantly increases blood circulation at the site of application. Due to this effect, the pus quickly leaves the center, the tissues begin to regenerate.
  8. Salicylic acid. Such a means is inherent keratolytic and antiseptic effects. The composition quickly penetrates into the upper layers of the epidermis. The active ingredients infect disease organisms. As a result, tissue regeneration is improved, and keratinized particles fall off. Acid-based ointment should be applied locally. Before the procedure, the affected skin area should be treated with an antiseptic composition. Manipulate three times a day until the problem disappears.

Folk remedies for purulent acne

It is not necessary to immediately resort to expensive means. The problem is quite possible to cope with proven methods. In folk medicine, you can find quite a lot of different recipes to eliminate the problem.

To stretch the pus, you should resort to alcohol tincture on the basis of the presented plants. Such a composition dries the epidermis.Also, the tool has a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

To cope with the inflammatory process, it is necessary to wet the cotton sponge in the tincture. Attach the product as a lotion overnight. Vata can be fixed with a bandage. After waking up on the tampon, you can observe the selected pus. Treat the inflamed area with an antiseptic to prevent the problem from recurring.

The plant has become famous throughout the world for its healing properties. The unique composition is actively used in traditional medicine. Aloe perfectly copes with the task and does not allow the inflammatory process to grow further. The plant contributes to the speedy healing of wounds.

 Aloe purulent acne

To cope with the trouble, you should take a fresh stem of the plant and cut along. Apply the flesh to the inflamed area and secure with medical plaster. Leave the lotion on all night. If the pimple is deep enough, perform the procedure about 3 times.

In the fight against purulent acne, a raw root vegetable performed well. It is recommended to resort to this method if there is nothing more effective at hand.Potatoes help to cope with the problem due to the high concentration of natural starch.

Turn a small root vegetable into a mush using a fine grater. Apply the composition to the inflamed area, fix with a bandage. Leave a compress for several hours. It is better to carry out the procedure at night.

To eliminate purulent pimple, it is recommended to resort to using infusion based on the plant. Connect in capacity 30 gr. dried raw materials and 250 ml. boiling water. Insist means about a third of an hour. After that, strain and apply as a lotion.

Herbal infusion has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In the composition of the raw materials are tannins. Such enzymes relieve irritability on the skin. Treat the cotton pad in the composition and attach it to the pimple. Fix lotion with a bandage. Leave the tool overnight.

Sea water
This tool is recommended for individuals whose epidermis is prone to high fat content. The composition dries the affected area, providing anti-inflammatory effects.

To prepare the composition will require mineral water without gas and sea salt.Treat the inflamed area with the compound three times a day. After a few days from the purulent pimple will not remain a trace.

Purulent acne gives a lot of inconvenience, which affect both the aesthetic and moral sphere. Education look, to put it mildly, ugly. At the same time they hurt and itch. You can get rid of the defect with chemist's drugs of directional action, which quickly draw out pus and dry the pimple.

Video: causes of purulent acne

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