How to grow tulips in the greenhouse: tips

How to grow tulips in a greenhouse? If you are looking for an answer to this question, you probably already have seen articles on this topic on the net. And already stocked up with paper and pen. Properly done. Because to remember all these numbers - temperature, time, number of days, is simply impossible.

 How to grow tulips in the greenhouse

General requirements

Greenhouse. It should be autonomous lighting. And this is necessarily special fitolampy, imitating sunlight. Incandescent bulbs are not suitable. After all, the light is needed for plants, not for the owners.

Heating is necessary. And strictly adjustable. Indeed, at different times requires a different amount of heat.

Plus, there are two thermometers. One measures the air temperature in the greenhouse at the plant level, the second is the soil temperature.

And further.The greenhouse must be heated in winter. That is, to withstand the frosts inherent in your region.

The soil. The most suitable - light, loose, very fertile. The period of forcing the flowers is too short, so it will be inappropriate to fertilize later. They just do not have time to digest. This should be done in advance, during the preparation of the soil for planting.

Before use, be sure to disinfect the ground. Spill boiling water, a hot solution of potassium permanganate, a solution of phytosporine, steamed. Any method that is available will work.

Planting material. To get a good harvest, must be excellent bulbs. From anyhow, and what will grow the corresponding something. Raw materials are selected according to the following criteria:

  • upper scales light brown
  • the bottom is clean, with tubercles of root germs at least 3
  • no visible damage
  • feels elastic
  • size not less than 4 cm in diameter

Bulbs you can buy or grow yourself. The choice of varieties and colors is yours. But you should know that when grown in a greenhouse, tulips of the classical form and colors have worked well. Not bad work terry varieties.

But the new-fashioned green-flowered and parrot give a large number of marriages. Consider this trend, if you are going to sell tulips. If this is an experiment for yourself, then try and risk.

When to plant

All sources, as one, say the same date. It is immutable if you need to cut flowers on March 7 for sale. Only here they do not take into account that not everyone has a place of 100% sales. Some need to insure and cut the tulips for 3-4 days before the expected date. And dug out, with proper storage, tulips remain fresh and alive for about two weeks.

But if they do not have time to mature to the appointed time, then no one will need them. Therefore, in order not to risk, it is better to plant tulips in the period from 22 to 25 October. After all, it is impossible to spur their growth without damage, and it is just possible to slow down the development of the day by 3.

This is for the forcing of the first spring holiday. To receive flowers for the May holidays, they should be planted on December 17 and 26, respectively. But this is unprofitable, since in most regions tulips of open ground appear by this time.

How to plant and where

The bulbs do not require extraordinary principles of planting. In the soil they simply make a depression two-thirds of the height, lightly press the bulb. Then sprinkle with earth so that only a small tip sticks out above the surface.

 How to plant tulips

For distillation do not need a lot of space tulip. Between plants it is enough to leave 0.8-1 cm. This is quite enough for normal development. But under the bulb should be at least 9 cm of soil. The roots must grow somewhere.

Immediately before planting tulips need to be sanitized. To do this, they are soaked in one of the liquids for 2 hours:

  • weak infusion of celandine
  • light pink solution of potassium permanganate
  • hot water + 41 ° С
  • phytosporin solution

After processing, the bulbs are not washed, but immediately start planting. After the final backfilling, the greenhouse is shed well with clean water, and the next, very important stage of rooting begins.

Tulips are planted in any container that will be at hand. It can be pots, vases, buckets, bowls. But the most convenient rectangular or square boxes. First: they hold a large amount of planting material. Secondly: they are very compactly established in the greenhouse, without free space between them. And thirdly: in case of force majeure, they are easy to move to another place.Than to run, dragging in hands on one pot.

Cold season

The rooting stage lasts about 16 weeks. Plus or minus 2-3 days. All this time in the greenhouse should be dark. For this you can use barrier barriers or thick canvas fabric. If the greenhouse is too large, then do not rush to put there boxes with bulbs. With too much light, all your labors go to ashes.

Better keep planting in the cellar, basement, shed. Even in a specially equipped room. Any of these premises must meet the following requirements:

  1. Darkness. Almost complete. It mimics the natural conditions when the tulips are deep in the ground.
  2. The temperature is constantly from +5 to + 8 ° С. Go down below - you will wait a long time for rooting. Rise higher - get a bloom much earlier than scheduled.
  3. High humidity. Not lower than 74-76%. To comply with this condition, often spray the floors and walls of the room. If necessary, even water.
  4. Humidity and coolness of the soil. Sometimes they overdo it with the amount of organic matter, and the soil begins to burn, as they say.That is, allocate a large amount of heat and dry quickly. In this situation, you can try to cool the planting with the help of adjustable ventilation and abundant watering with cool water.

Planting from a room to a greenhouse is transferred exactly 22 days before the intended cutting of flowers. By the time of relocation of the boxes sprouts tulips should be about 4.5-5 cm long.

How to care during the rooting period

There is nothing difficult. Strict compliance with the above conditions and regular watering. That's the whole care before the immediate start of forcing flowers.

Immediately after the transfer of boxes in the greenhouse, remove the sick, rotten and suspicious bulbs. After 5 days, they pull out all not germinated. They will not give good colors.

Conditions of detention and care in the greenhouse

Immediately after the start of forcing, it is impossible to sharply raise the temperature and give maximum illumination. This is fraught with thermal shock for the fragile light shoots.

 Tulip conditions

The first 4 days keep the temperature at a level no higher than + 14 ° C and provide illumination at half the total power. During this time, the sprouts will turn green and get used to the light.

Further, until the very moment of cutting or digging, it is necessary to maintain the lighting at full power for at least 9 hours a day.A high level of humidity is achieved by abundant watering of the floors and spraying the air. The temperature should be strictly + 19 ° C during the day and + 14 ° C at night.

You can feed the tulips once with a complex, easily digestible mineral fertilizer. But this is only when you are not sure of the fertility of the soil.

Cut or scoop

It all depends on whether you need then tired bulbs. It’s just now in fashion to give the whole plant, and not just cut stems.

We dig out. To do this, you need not just soil, but a mixture of sand and peat. So the bulbs are easier to shake off, and the look will be more aesthetic. Than lumps of black earth on the roots.

Carefully hook the plant with a spatula, gently shake off the roots. Do not pull the stem or the leaves! All green mass is easily injured and crumpled.

Tulips together with bulbs are collected in bunches of 15 pieces. Then they are wrapped in thick paper. Store such bouquets at a temperature not higher than + 2 ° C.

We cut off. With a sharp knife or a blade, we make one sure move, for swirls and shreds are unacceptable. Cut off the stem with two leaves. This is enough for the beauty of the bouquet, and the bulb will remain a decent amount of nutrients. Pruner or scissors can not be used.Such blades crush the stem and it does not receive the right amount of moisture or nutrients.

After cutting the tulips can not be laid horizontally. Within a day, they raise the buds and the stem is crooked, crooked, in the shape of a fishing rod. They can only be placed vertically, closer to each other. At temperatures not higher than + 4 ° C in cool water, they are beautifully stored for about 10 days with no signs of fading.

When to harvest

Digging or cutting begin to do when the buds have not yet opened. For long storage, you can never wait for the tulip to turn a color characteristic of the variety. Slightly there were signs that soon bloom - you can dig or cut.

 When to harvest a tulip

If the tulips are going to bloom ahead of schedule, then you can slightly lower the daytime temperature. This will slow down the ripening process. Only the nighttime temperature must also be lower than the daytime temperature, otherwise the stems will be weak, thin and elongated.

And vice versa. Need to speed up the ripening of flowers? So we increase the daily temperature. But not higher than + 22 ° С. Otherwise, the tulip just wilts. To reanimate it will be impossible.

These are tips for growing tulips for sale. And those who grow in the greenhouse for the sake of experiment and for their own pleasure, can never touch the plants. Let bloom on the vine.

Some recommendations

  1. Some people in pursuit of cheapness and in order to save space acquire small bulbs for planting. They are waiting for a great disappointment. Raw materials with a diameter of less than 3 cm does not give buds. From such onions only leaves grow.
  2. Be sure to maintain in time completely the entire cool period of rooting. If this period is less than 16 weeks, then the stalks of tulips will be very short and deformed. Beautiful spectacular forcing will not work.
  3. After cutting planting material is not dug immediately. For onions continue to care until the leaves turn yellow. This is about a month and a half. Such raw materials in the fall can be planted in the ground for subsequent cultivation. But most just throw bulbs immediately to free up the area of ​​the greenhouse. Because for the subsequent distillation of such material is not suitable. If only two years later, when he gets stronger from the intervention. But it will be old bulbs.
  4. Be sure to air the greenhouse regularly.This will make the buds look very natural. If you do not do this, then externally the flowers will look like plastic.

How to grow tulips in a greenhouse? As you can see, it is not so easy. Strict observance of all conditions and recommendations is necessary in order to get a decent result. And it is very important to accurately follow the instructions of the dry numbers, so as not to be mistaken. But, it is worth trying once, and you will not be able to stop. You will want to once again enjoy the flowering of tulips in early spring. And in some cases - and make good money on it.

Video: forcing tulips by March 8 (new year)

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