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Beautiful cannes - no longer a novelty for most gardens. Many plant them in their beds. Here are just a few do not wait for flowering or the plant is sick. It may even die. How to wait for flowers from naughty beauties?
In fact, it is not so capricious. Just need to comply with agricultural practices. How to grow cannes? Easy knowing some subtleties. This plant loves a lot of heat, light and good nutrition. No, even overly good. But it blooms in such a way that it captures the spirit.
Rhizomes or seeds
If you want to get a flowering plant in the first year of planting, then acquire rhizomes. Just do it ahead of time. Because at the end of February you need to start preplant preparation.
Did not work with the roots? So your path is more difficult. Look for seeds.They germinate well, if properly prepared. Only flowering in the first year can not wait.
Preparing for landing
At the end of February, the canna rhizomes are carefully inspected. Damaged, soft or moldy places are cut out with a sharp knife to healthy tissue. The cut is dusted with ashes or is burned by ordinary medical green paint. Next you need to divide the roots. This can be done on the principle of dahlia: one tuber should have one strong kidney or 2-3 weak ones.
Then the tubers are placed in a suitable container with growth buds strictly up. Sprayed with any biostimulator and covered with loose earth. At the same time try not to sprinkle growth points. Instead of land, you can take sawdust. After this, it is necessary to moisten the landing thoroughly with warm water and put it in a sunny place. At the same time, the air temperature should be above + 20 ° С. There is a possibility - they make weak heating from below.
But with the seeds have to dance. They have a very hard shell. To help sprout, you must first put the canna seeds for an hour in the fridge, and then quickly pour in boiling water.A characteristic crash will be heard - it means everything has been done correctly.
Now you need to put the seed balls on a cotton cloth or sawdust, then lightly moisten. Capacity put in heat. After 10 days there will be little white sprouts. They are planted in loose fertile land to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm.
When to land cannes in open ground
Landing cannes in open ground begin only after the disappearance of the threat of return frosts. It absolutely does not tolerate low temperatures and quickly dies. Usually this period is the middle of May. Air temperature should be above 20 ° С.
First you need to know the height of the variety. Because it varies from 60 to 180 cm. Choose the most suitable place. It should be warm and well lit by sunlight.
Next, dig a hole. The width will be enough 30-35 cm, but the depth should be at least 60 cm. Half of this hole is filled with fresh manure or fatty humus. From above pour 20 cm of fertile soil and place the canna tuber. Then it is sprinkled with a layer of earth about 10-12 cm. At the same time, the sprout should remain on the surface.Carefully spill clean water to the earth tightly wrapped around the roots.
By the time of planting after growing at home, the canna should already have seen a good sprout and well-developed growth of young roots.
Sprouts from canna seeds are planted absolutely on the same agricultural techniques. We can say that it is very similar to the planting of cucumbers. Feet should be warm and head in the sun.
Council In the water for irrigation is recommended to add a root stimulator according to the instructions. Or an adaptogen. For example, Appin. This will allow the cannas to transfer the transplant much easier and adapt more quickly for further growth.
How to care for cannes after disembarkation
Kanna does not require any unusual care. The only thing that must be ensured by the plant without fail is abundant, but not excessive watering. Wide leaves quickly evaporate moisture, therefore it is absolutely impossible to allow the soil to dry out.
It is advisable to feed the plant once in 10-12 days with some complex mineral fertilizer. Only strictly on wet soil! Adding feed in a dry ground, you can inadvertently burn roots.Opponents of chemical dressings can successfully use green liquid mixture. Just be sure to dilute it with water.
The rest of the care of canna is not much different from the usual. Timely destruction of weeds and regular loosening of the land around.
Dried leaves and flowering buds are cut with shears. At the same time, if the sheet is yellow, but not yet dry, it is not touched. The buds should be cut completely with a flower stalk to the top sheet. This procedure makes cannes bloom longer and more abundant. However, if the task is to obtain seeds, then after the end of flowering buds are left on the plant.
By the way, the seeds may not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather. Therefore, before frosts, seed boxes are carefully cut off and dispensed in a warm, dry, bright place. For example, on the windowsill.
Pests. In our climate, there are practically no pests that would like to taste this gorgeous flower. Sometimes it can be affected by a nematode or aphids. It happens that some crazy caterpillar crawls on a sheet. The first is treated with insecticides, the second can be collected by hand.
What to fear is fungal diseases.Despite good resistance to pathogens, canna is sometimes damaged. This occurs when excessive watering. Signs of trouble are brown or brown spots on the shoots or leaves. They quickly crawl all over the plant.
Fungal diseases cannas are not treated. The affected parts of the plants are cut with a sharp knife, grabbing about 3-5 cm of healthy tissue. Next, the canna must be sprayed with an adaptogen prepared according to the instructions.
When to remove cannes for storage
Immediately after the first frost. This is usually the end of September and the beginning of October. At the same time, a layer of soil of about 15 cm is poured into the stalks in advance. This will protect the tuber and the neck of the sprout from the effects of cold. After frost, the plant looks depressing. But this should not scare. Sharp shears cut off all the leaves and shoots, leaving petioles 12-15 cm.
Then carefully dig up the rhizomes along with the ground. A little shake off, then put in prepared boxes, pallets or plastic containers (buckets, pots). Cann rhizomes are stored in a cool dry room at a temperature not higher than 6-8 ° C and a humidity of not more than 60%.It can be a well ventilated cellar, a warm barn.
If there is no such room, then until severe frost tubers can be kept on the balcony. With the onset of cold weather, containers are brought into the room and kept near the balcony door or in a cool closet.
Periodically cannas rhizomes need to inspect. About once every 3 weeks. If dark places, signs of deterioration, rotting or mold are found, take appropriate measures. A sharp knife is moistened in a strong solution of potassium permanganate and carefully cut out the damage. Next, the cut is powdered with dry ash or cauterized with ordinary iodine.
At the end of winter, the cycle is repeated.
Some recommendations
- Cannes should be planted from each other at a distance of at least 50 cm. They very quickly grow into a powerful bush, so they should not overshadow each other.
- Today you can buy varieties of cannes that grow well in water. You should definitely use this to create a unique corner near your pond in the garden.
- If you can not get fresh manure, then make a compost bed. At the bottom of the pits tightly tamped with freshly grassed fresh grass and shed a solution of urea or biological Baikal. Then they are covered with soil and cannes are planted.The most important thing is to create conditions under which the roots will be warm. In this case, the root system itself should not come into contact with a warm substrate of manure or grass.
- It happens that the owners are too lazy to grow up cannes before planting in open ground. Take out the rhizomes from the cellar just before planting and drop in them. Of course, with such an attitude about any flowering is out of the question. Cannes just do not have enough time to develop.
- By the beginning of September, watering cannes is gradually reduced, and by the end it stops altogether. Thus, the plant is prepared for wintering. If watering is not stopped, then the roots simply do not ripen.
- You can not arrange Gangnam artificial rest period. If space permits and there is adequate equipment for additional lighting, then the cannes will delight with flowering all winter. For this, without waiting for frosts, the plants are dug out entirely with a large clod of earth. Then they are placed in large pots or buckets and brought into the house. Further care is not much different from care in the open field. And with the onset of spring, you can again plant cannes in the garden. Just keep in mind that summer flowering may not be.After all, the plant has exhausted its potential, delighting the owners in the winter.
- If in winter the temperature outside does not fall below + 10 ° C, then cannes will winter well in the ground. The only thing that needs to be done is to cut the stems to a height of 25 cm, and on top of the rhizomes pour a layer of soil, sawdust or leaf litter.
- By the way, for cannes grown from seeds it is recommended to cut flower stalks in the first year. This is done so that they gain full strength and develop a good root system. If you do not, then in the future you can wait in vain for a powerful flowering.
How to grow cannes? To create conditions for them as close as possible to their relatives. Lots of sun, no drafts and good food with moderate watering. Then she generously thanked the dense panicles of beautiful inflorescences.
Video: how to store cannes
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