How to cure sinusitis at home

There is hardly a person who does not know what a cold is. But often, with the wrong treatment, a runny nose develops into a more serious problem, such as sinusitis. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses. Depending on which sinuses were affected, they share maxillary sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis, and ethmoiditis. During the inflammatory process, the sinuses are filled with a large amount of mucus, pus, sometimes with blood impurities. It is possible to treat sinusitis at home, then only under the supervision of a doctor. That is, after consultation with the ENT patient, conservative treatment should be initiated and supplemented with homemade recipes. But first, let's try to understand the symptoms and causes of this disease.

 How to cure sinusitis

Causes and symptoms of sinusitis

In most cases, sinusitis is a complication after suffering a flu or an ARVI.If the treatment is inadequate, inadequate (or it is completely absent), increased mucus production may be accompanied by a bacterial infection. In this case, the snot from transparent turns into green and yellow, becomes thick and viscous, can get an unpleasant smell.

Another common cause of sinusitis can be allergic rhinitis. When an allergen is ingested, the nasal mucosa begins to produce a huge amount of mucus. If at the moment of weakening of the body an infection gets inside, a runny nose from an allergic will smoothly flow into the bacterial one. In addition, the virus itself may have an allergenic nature. Therefore, many people make erroneous conclusions when they consider that allergic snot cannot be yellow or green.

Often, inflammation of the various sinuses can occur in a patient who has injuries in the nasal passages, polyps, unusual physiological curvature. Increased adenoids and smoking can also cause sinusitis.

But how to recognize the disease and distinguish it from other diseases? For sinusitis is characterized not only nasal congestion and a constant flow of mucus, but also headaches, which are aggravated by changing the position of the head. That is, the person leans forward - the pain increases.In addition, when you press on the inflamed sinuses, the patient feels a sharp pain. Smelling when sinusitis disappears. Sometimes the acute phases of the disease are accompanied by reddening of the skin in those areas where the inflamed sinus is located.

Rinses against sinusitis

As noted, sinusitis is a fairly serious disease. Since vital organs are located nearby - eyes and ears, the acute course of the disease can lead to impaired hearing and vision. Home treatment of sinusitis is permissible only at the onset of the disease. If all home activities do not bring relief - do not start the disease, consult a doctor. Folk remedies can be used as additional recreational activities. One of the most effective treatments for sinusitis is flushing.

Washing can be done in the office at the ENT or at home. A special apparatus "cuckoo" is a construction with several tubes. First, the patient is instilled vasoconstrictor drops, which relieve swelling and allow to prepare the nasal sinuses for the procedure. A person lies on a flat surface, his head is thrown back 45 degrees.An antiseptic composition is poured into one nostril, and a vacuum tube draws fluid from the second nostril. During the procedure, you need to say "Ku-Ku." When this syllable is pronounced, the larynx is located so that purulent discharges do not enter the esophagus.

If it is not possible to go to the ENT, you can do the washing at home. To do this, you need to prepare any bactericidal and antiseptic liquid. This may be a decoction of calendula, salt water, mineral water, furatsilina solution or those drugs that you have prescribed a doctor. Warm liquid should be collected in the kettle and stand in front of the sink. Attach the nose to one nostril and slowly turn your head to the side so that the stream starts to pour out of the second nostril. Immediately the procedure may fail, you need to try several times. If this method does not suit you, you can simply type a liquid in your palm and try to draw it in with one nostril.

Small children washing do this. Regular saline should be pipetted and a few drops in each nostril. After that, soaked crusts are cleaned and the medicine that the doctor has prescribed is buried.After washing, the effect of medicinal drops increases several times.

How to cure sinusitis with inhalation

Inhalation of hot antiseptic vapors is another effective remedy for sinusitis. It is best to use a nebulizer for this. A person needs to inhale the concentrated steam produced by the apparatus. If the nebulizer is not at hand, you can simply breathe a hot solution over the pelvis. The water in the pelvis should be moderately hot, so that the steam does not burn the skin. Cover with a towel or thick cloth and inhale steam through the nose with a full breast.

 How to cure sinusitis with inhalation

As a solution, you can use a decoction of potatoes - there is a lot of starch in it, moreover, such a decoction cools longer. You can make a decoction of medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, sage. This will be effective not only against sinusitis, but also for the treatment of various inflammations in the respiratory system. If you add a drop of Asterisk balm to the hot water, you can enjoy the opened nasal breathing, as the mint pairs perfectly remove the mucous edema. Spirit propolis tincture has the same property.Cut onions or garlic are often added to the solution for inhalation to make the vapor bactericidal.

Is it possible to warm the nose with sinusitis

This question is being asked by many supporters of home treatment. In fact, warming up can be both beneficial and harmful. It is possible to warm up the sinuses at the beginning of the disease, but you should not do this at the height of the disease - when there is a fever and severe pain. If you have sinusitis, warming up will greatly alleviate your condition - heat will relieve swelling, pain and reduce inflammation. But at the front, warming can be dangerous - it contributes to the development of the disease and its spread throughout the body. Therefore, heating is allowed to do only after the permission of the doctor.

The easiest way to warm up the sinuses with boiled eggs. Hot eggs should be wrapped in cloth and attached to the inflamed area. In addition, you can use regular salt. It keeps warm for a long time and warms up the fabric well. Heat the salt in a frying pan, pour it into a cloth bag and attach it to the inflamed area. White clay has excellent warming properties. It should be kneaded with boiling water so as to make a warm flat cake.It should be applied to the inflamed area and left to cool. You can also use an alcohol wrap for warming up. After the procedure, it is very important to keep your nose warm - do not go out for a few more hours.

Folk remedies against sinusitis

There are many recipes for homemade drops, which are often not inferior to expensive pharmaceutical drugs, because they have the same pronounced bactericidal properties.

 Aloe from sinusitis

  1. Kalanchoe, aloe. These plants have a powerful antiseptic juice. But squeezing the juice from the leaves is quite difficult. Clean leaves should be placed in the freezer, and after a few hours, when they freeze, you can simply rub them in a hard grated form. Then you need to squeeze a lot and get healing juice. Before digging it should be diluted in half with water.
  2. Honey and black radish. In the black radish should make a groove and pour the honey inside. Let the vegetable stand for the radish to give the juice. After 30 minutes, the entire contents should be drained into a small bottle and drip with this compound into each nostril, 2 drops three times a day. The recipe does not suit those who are allergic to honey.
  3. Garlic, onions. The juice of garlic and onion has special phytoncides that kill various viruses and bacteria. Fresh juice should always be diluted with water, otherwise it can cause burns to the mucous membranes.
  4. Beets, carrots. The juices of these vegetables can also be useful against the common cold and sinusitis. Carrots can be instilled in pure form, and beets must be diluted with water - pure juice is very hot.
  5. Propolis. A piece of propolis should be put in a small container and fill with water. Cook on low heat for about half an hour, and then allow the broth to cool. If the decoction turned out to be saturated and strong, you can bury it in each nostril of 4-5 drops. If the decoction turned out weak, they better wash their nose.
  6. Tincture of calendula. Calendula tincture has a pronounced antiseptic composition. The tincture should be mixed in half with water and dripped into the nose 4-5 times a day. This is an effective remedy against yellow and green snot. However, it has a drawback - the mucous membrane dries out. To get rid of this, you just need to bury some sea buckthorn oil in your nose several times a day.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of sinusitis can be very effective.In addition, they are easy to prepare, do not require large financial costs and rarely cause allergies.

If sinusitis is not treated in time, it can lead to complications such as meningitis, purulent otitis, osteomyelitis, and even purulent eye inflammation. The acute form of sinusitis lasts no more than two months, after which it becomes chronic. In chronic sinusitis, any cold will be accompanied by inflammation of the sinuses. To avoid this, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and harden, so that the body has the strength to fight with various pathogens.

Video: how to treat sinusitis

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