How to cure alcoholism at home

Alcoholism is a terrible disease that can affect any family. This is aggravated by the fact that most alcoholics do not consider themselves dependent. It seems to them that they can stop at any time, but this is not so. Over time, the body more and more needs a dose of alcohol. The body becomes accustomed, the patient’s well-being deteriorates sharply, the hangover is getting more and more difficult each time.

 How to cure alcoholism

Alcoholism brings serious problems not only to human health. Everyone knows how hard it is to live with an alcoholic. Constant quarrels, assault, regular spending on alcohol - all this sooner or later leads to a split in the family. A person loses his job, money, often drinks his apartment, does not communicate with friends and family - his life is falling apart. To prevent this, this disease must be fought.But how to recognize alcoholism in its very beginnings? How to determine a moderate dose of alcohol, which does not lead to dependence?

When you need to start a fight with alcoholism

Only a few alcoholics can admit that they are really sick, and they need professional help. According to doctors, an alcoholic is a person whose body needs constant consumption of alcohol. But there are some signs by which it can be determined that the abuse of drinking has gone too far.

  1. Uncontrolled binges. A person simply cannot but drink, even if his relations with his family, friendship, work are at stake.
  2. Drinking alone. If a person began to attach to a glass alone - this is a serious bell.
  3. Alcohol for no reason. A person starts drinking for no reason, simply because there is a keen desire to drink. And for this it is not necessary to wait for the holiday.
  4. Hidden drinking. The alcoholic often begins to leave the house, to hide, to drink at that moment when no one sees him. At the same time in his pockets you can find mints and chewing gum, which he is trying to suppress the smell.
  5. Aggression to close. A person who drinks often and heavily experiences bouts of gratuitous aggression. The worst thing in this situation is for children - they often become victims.
  6. Drinking "in reserve." Another clear sign of painful addiction is the alcohol stashes that a person makes to drink them later.
  7. Habits Often an alcoholic invents for himself the habits that he begins to follow. He drinks after work, before going to bed, before eating "for appetite." He begins to get angry if they try to stop him, or if jocular comments are sent to him.
  8. Memory loss. If a person does not remember what happened yesterday after drinking alcohol, this means that the poisoning dose was so large that intoxication led to a memory failure.

If a person had problems with the law when he was in a drunken state, he needed to be treated, and not to look for excuses. Get rid of alcoholism is possible, it is quite possible. The main thing - to act in a complex.

Professional Alcohol Free

To be treated for alcoholism under the guidance of a doctor can be both outpatient and inpatient.In this and in another case, the motivation of the patient is important, he must understand that he needs help. It is very difficult to drag an alcoholic to treatment, however, if you succeed, the chances of recovery increase significantly. To get a referral to a district drug dispensary, you need to contact your clinic. Keep in mind that you can be registered. If you do not want publicity, you can use the services of paid medical institutions.

 Professional Alcohol Free

In almost all cases, the treatment of an alcoholic is as follows. First, all signs of intoxication are removed. A person with a long abstinence begins to recover, the work of his organs returns to normal. The psychological component of treatment is very important. In such institutions, competent psychologists work with whom you can talk and get to the bottom of the true cause of alcoholism. Sometimes solving an emotional problem allows you to stop drinking forever.

The coding method according to Dovzhenko is very effective. But he helps only those who believe in him, as well as those who sufficiently inspire. Coding is professional conviction.A person is allegedly injected intramuscularly with a certain composition and strictly warns that fatal, irreversible processes will begin at the slightest hit of alcohol in the body. The conviction is so strong and competent that the patient is often never again applied to the glass. And sometimes after taking alcohol, a person feels bad due to self-hypnosis. However, if a person is treated in a hospital with other alcoholics in the ward, this can play a cruel joke. Mature alcoholics can simply tell about the true method of this method of treatment, and the coding will be useless.

How to cure alcoholism at home

It often happens that the wife, parents, children try to hide the true dependence of their family member. They are trying in every way to help him cope with the disease, without resorting to publicity and the help of doctors. There are several effective home ways to get rid of alcoholism.

 Herbs from alcoholism

  1. Hypericum This is one of the most effective herbs against alcohol addiction. From the Hypericum can cook a decoction - two tablespoons per cup of boiling water.When the mixture is infused and cooled, it will need to be drained. Prepared broth to drink half a glass 2-3 times a day. You can tell the patient that this is a folk remedy for any other disease that he has. After a few days of taking the broth of St. John's wort, the patient will feel disgust after drinking alcohol.
  2. Oats and calendula. Mix in a jar a tablespoon of unpeeled oats and the same amount of calendula flowers. Pour boiling water, wrap and leave for a couple of hours. Drink a third glass before each meal. This decoction helps to get rid of craving for alcohol.
  3. Honey. When a person drinks a lot, all his potassium is washed out of his body, the lack of which leads to a desire to drink. Such a vicious circle. To fill the lack of potassium, you need to eat honey. It will reduce the body's intoxication, as well as help get rid of addiction.
  4. Hooves This is the most effective way to get rid of alcoholism among popular recipes. You need to take the dry leaves of the hoof, as well as shredded and dried roots. A tablespoon pour liter of boiling water and cook in a water bath for about half an hour.Then let the broth cool, then strain the cooked potion. A decoction of the hut can be added to the vodka itself, if a person does not want to be treated. If he suspects that something is wrong, you can refer to the fact that alcohol or samogon is infused with herbs. A tablespoon of cooked broth for a bottle of vodka - no more. The hornhole is a poisonous plant, so overdose is unacceptable. After drinking a glass of such vodka, a person will begin to vomit and will become disgusted with alcohol.
  5. Juniper berries, buckthorn, immortelle, duckweed, motherwort. All ingredients in equal proportions (one tablespoon) should be laid in a thermos, pour two liters of boiling water and let it brew until the next morning. In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of filtered liquid, at lunchtime and in the evening - half a glass. For taste and benefit, you can add honey and lemon. This is a very effective tool in the fight against alcohol.

At the time of home treatment, you need to take vitamins, both natural with fruits and vegetables, and in the dosage form. You need to stop taking alcohol at the time of home treatment. Give up any occasions and gatherings where you may want to drink. Go to the bath or sauna often to speed up the process of cleansing the body.

To abandon alcohol, you need to understand why this craving arose. Share with your family experiences. You may have an unresolved problem that you are hiding. It is very important not to feel guilty for any of their actions. Take an exercise to overcome cravings for alcohol. Find a hobby, start a repair, start spending more time with the children. You need to fill your free time so that there is no time to think about alcohol. The support of loved ones will help the alcoholic to overcome his addiction. The main thing - to go firmly and consistently to the goal.

Video: how to get rid of alcoholism

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