How to restore hair after bleaching

The desire of a woman to be different can not be tamed. We all try to change the hairstyle and makeup, clothing style, image. From a burning red-haired beast turn into a fatal brunette and frivolous blonde. Only here the consequences of such changes are not so bright. After bleaching the hair becomes thin, weak and brittle. They begin to fall out, split, turn into a real washcloth. After this result, many girls cut off dry damaged hair, believing that they cannot be saved. However, this is wrong. Dry washcloth can be turned into flowing curls. The main thing is to know how to do it.

 How to restore hair after bleaching

Oils for hair restoration after bleaching

The best remedy for damaged, dry and brittle hair is cosmetic oil.Various oils that can be bought at any pharmacy saturate hair with vitamins, minerals, give moisture, nutrition, and health. Depending on the type of oil, you can choose the one that suits your hair.

  1. Burdock oil can affect the thickness of the hair, prevent hair loss, make the strands stronger. Regular use of burdock oil stimulates the growth of new young hairs.
  2. Castor oil copes with dryness and brittle hair. It penetrates inside the hair shaft, seals the hair scales and makes the hair smooth and elastic. From this curls acquire an unprecedented brilliance and radiance.
  3. Argan oil is saturated with beauty E vitamin, which is so necessary for hair after an aggressive bleaching procedure. Masks with argan oil relieve hair from brittleness and split ends.
  4. Coconut oil is considered to be the elite among cosmetic oils. Natural coconut oil nourishes the hair from the inside, gives it moisture. After using coconut oil, strands become healthy, soft and silky.
  5. Olive oil is considered the best regenerating agent for dry hair.Its regenerating properties make the strands update.
  6. Almond oil not only heals the hair, but also gives a light volume to the curls. Almonds are absorbed into the hair roots and, like a spring, pushes them up.

If you do not know how to use the oil - it does not matter. You can mix several oils and apply a healing mixture on your head, this will help you to achieve a greater effect. But how to apply oil on the head to the result of its use was the maximum?

  1. First, prepare an oil or a mixture of several oils. The prepared liquid should be slightly heated in a water bath so that the warm composition quickly penetrates the hair structure. It is impossible to heat oil on an open fire - it will become useless.
  2. Oil should be applied to dry hair, consistently. First, moisten the fingertips in the oil and carefully massage the hair roots. No part of the scalp should not be ignored. After that, moisten the comb with wide teeth in the oil and comb the hair along the entire length. The last stage - processing tips. Dip them well in warm oil. Because the tips often need to be repaired the most.
  3. After that, the head should be covered with plastic wrap, wrap with a towel and leave for a couple of hours.
  4. After the specified time, the towel and film must be removed, but do not rush to expose the hair under a stream of water. If you immediately wet your oily hair with water, they will be very difficult to wash, leaving the effect of oily hair. First, lather in the hands of a small amount of water and shampoo. Apply shampoo to greasy hair and try to wash it with foam. Particles of oil will stick to the soap molecules and it will be much easier to wash the head.
  5. After that, rinse your head another 2-3 times with abundant use of shampoo. This will protect you from feeling greasy and sticky hair.

After washing, give the locks the opportunity to dry on their own, without a hair dryer. Oil masks give visible results after the first use. However, to restore the damaged curls completely, you will need a course of procedures from 10-12 masks. It is best to apply oil on the hair once a week.

Bleached Hair Health Masks

In addition to oils, there are many beauty recipes that will help you bring dry tows back to life.

 Bleached Hair Health Masks

  1. Yolk, oil, mustard, green clay. Often, after bleaching, the ends of the hair become dry and the roots become greasy. If this is your case, try to prepare such a mask. Mix one yolk with a tablespoon of any vegetable oil, add a teaspoon of mustard powder and the same amount of green clay. If the mixture is too thick, add some water to it. Spread the gruel over the entire length and leave under captivity for 40 minutes.
  2. Lemon, vinegar. If, after bleaching, your hair has lost its natural shine, you can correct the situation with vinegar and lemon. In a liter of pure water, add a tablespoon of vinegar and juice of half a lemon. After each shampooing rinse the strands with the prepared composition. He will give you a healthy glow.
  3. Honey and kefir. These are the best ingredients for dry hair. The mask is shown for increased fragility and split ends. Heat fresh liquid honey in a water bath and mix it in equal proportions with fatty kefir or sour cream. Apply the mask to your hair and leave for 50 minutes. After washing off, feel the softness of silky strands and delicate honey aroma.
  4. Bow. This recipe is recommended if the hair after bleaching strongly fall out and literally climb in clots. To save the last strands, rub the onion on a fine grater or chop the vegetable in a blender. After several layers of gauze, squeeze the juice out of it, and rub this juice into the hair roots. Wrap and wait about 40 minutes. You will feel a slight burning sensation, this is normal. Onions increase blood circulation of the scalp, the hair roots are saturated with oxygen, nutrition. Already a week after the first use of such a mask, you will notice a reduction in hair loss and light fluff along the hem - these are new young hairs. And to avoid an unpleasant onion smell, after washing your head, simply rinse the locks with water and lemon juice.
  5. Decoctions of medicinal herbs. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, series, sage, plantain or nettle. All these herbs have healing properties. You can apply the decoction to your hair and wrap your head or simply rinse the curls with the decoction after washing. Rinse the hair with water after decoction should not be.
  6. Aloe and sour cream. This recipe will help you if after bleaching your hair has become not only dry, but also with dandruff. Mix aloe juice with sour cream or mayonnaise in a 1: 2 ratio. Apply to hair and wash off after 30-40 minutes.Aloe has antibacterial effect, after its use dandruff will not remain a trace. But oily sour cream will help restore loose bleached strands and make your hair stronger.

Ingredients for homemade masks can be found in every home. Therefore, the improvement of hair - it is only your desire.

How to care for bleached hair

To direct all forces to restore damaged hair and not worsen their condition, you need to properly care for them. First, use shampoo with a note for damaged hair. Such hygiene products are less aggressive, struggling with looseness and weakness of hair. Secondly, forget to use hair balm after washing your hair, which will help you to make the curls smooth and obedient, it will be easier for you to comb them.

To avoid dry hair, do not wash your hair more than twice a week. A regular and frequent combing of the hair with a comb with soft bristles will help to massage the head and increase blood circulation in the hair roots. Make it a rule every day before going to bed comb your hair for at least 10 minutes.

In order not to make the hair even more painful, weak and brittle, refuse to use thermal devices - hair dryer, ironing, curling. If this is not possible for you, choose a lower exposure temperature.

If you inadvertently discolored your hair with aggressive dyes, do not rush to get rid of dry strands. Proper care, oil masks and homemade recipes will help you keep your hair length and again enjoy soft, healthy and silky curls!

Video: how to restore hair after lightening

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