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If you decide to become a blonde, be prepared for the fact that you will not one-time coloring, and permanent painstaking hair care. You will need to regularly tint the roots, monitor the quality of the hair - so that they are not dry and brittle, like straw. In addition, it is necessary to fight with yellowness, which can appear on the hair with the wrong staining. Protecting hair from excessive heat, rare use of thermal devices, permanent grooming masks, lotions and rinsing - this is not all that you will have to face. You will have to do all this regularly if you want to achieve not just light, but lively hair. If you are ready for this, we will tell you how to restore the burned hair after lightening.
How to dye your hair so as not to burn them
To prevent a long recovery process, you need to think in advance about gentle staining. Here are some rules that will help you reduce the risk of aggressive dye on your hair.
- A few weeks before staining do not use a hairdryer, ironing, curling iron and other thermal devices. This will allow at least a little to strengthen the strands before a serious test.
- Choose more benign products for staining, with a minimum amount of ammonia in the composition.
- If you want to drastically change the color, do it gradually. The sharp effects of high concentration of hydrogen peroxide can leave you without hair. It is better to lighten hair gradually, each time using a lighter tone. Between treatments, maintain an interval of at least three days.
- You do not need to keep the paint on the hair for a longer period of time, even if you want to get a lighter shade. Prolonged exposure is also very harmful for hair.
- After dyeing for some time, do not heat the hair.
- When the roots grow, paint only them, without exposing the already burned tips to the paint every time.
- Trim the ends of the hair more often - they often suffer the most.
- Coloring in light colors requires special skill. Do not lighten your hair by yourself; find an experienced colorist for this.
- Immediately after dyeing, apply a moisturizing and restoring mask on the hair, which will make the curls more obedient.
These simple rules will make your staining safe. But if the hair is already burned, and look like tow, they can also be helped.
Cosmetic hair oils
It is possible to use both one oil, and mix of several oils. The future mask should be preheated in a water bath. It is impossible to heat oil on an open fire - it will become useless. After heating, you need to apply oil to the hair. First, lower the fingertips into the oil and go over the scalp, making a light massage. Then moisten a wooden comb with sparse teeth in the oil and comb the hair. Dampen the ends with plenty of oil - they are usually the most burned out. If the hair roots are greasy, no oil is applied to the scalp. Wrap your head with a wrap and a towel. Leave for an hour. Then several times thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo, so that after the mask the hair does not remain greasy. Already after the first procedure, it will be possible to notice that the hair has become much more shiny and docile.
This is a modern salon procedure that will help you restore the natural beauty and health of your hair. Its principle is that the hair is covered with a thin colorless film that protects the strands from external influences. In such a film, hair looks well-groomed, curls become incredibly smooth, shiny and voluminous. Bio-lamination is the use of special nutrients in film formulations that restore the hair shaft from the inside. This is a very useful procedure, which in one session can give the hair a vivid shine and radiance. The disadvantage of this procedure is quite expensive. If there is no time or money for lamination, it is quite possible to restore the hair at home.
Homemade masks to restore burned hair
- Gelatin, balm, egg. Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in a little water, and leave for a couple of hours to swell the powder. Then add a tablespoon of hair balsam and one egg to the mass. If the hair roots are oily, use only protein, if dry - only the yolk. If the hair is a normal type, add the whole egg.Beat well the composition and apply to the hair so that each strand is well soaked. Keep the mask on the hair for about an hour, and then rinse with warm water.
- Glycerin and castor oil. This is a good mask for very dry and scorched hair that looks like straw. Mix glycerin with castor oil in a 4: 1 ratio. Apply a warm mixture to your hair and wrap with a film and a towel. After rinsing, you will notice that the strands have become much smoother and more pliable, they have ceased to push.
- Henna and kefir. Mix a bag of colorless henna with a half cup of kefir. Apply this mask on your hair and wait until it dries. The mask is good for both dry and for the combined type of hair, when the roots are greasy, and the ends are dry. After a couple of hours, wash the mask with baby shampoo. Colorless henna strengthens hair well, stimulating its regeneration and restoration.
- Vitamins A and E. This is a wonderful natural hair restorer. They are sold in a pharmacy and work well in pairs. For medium-length hair, you will need three ampoules of each vitamin. Mix them together and gently distribute the hair. After an hour, rinse the strands and enjoy their incredible smoothness and silkiness.
- Sour cream and banana. Indeed, for a mask, you can take everything that you have in the refrigerator.But if you use a banana and sour cream, you will get the real effect of healing hair, which will be noticeable not only to you. Sour cream should be taken depending on the fat content of the hair. If they are dry, sour cream should be oily. If the hair is oily at the roots, sour cream should be low-fat, and better use yogurt without additives. Mix the dairy product with a banana in a blender and apply gruel along the entire length of the hair. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse well with water.
- Honey and olive oil. Mix honey in equal proportions with olive oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath and apply to hair. Honey will cope not only with scorched hair, it will help get rid of dandruff and sores on the scalp after eroding paint. And olive oil perfectly seals the bitten tips.
In addition to the regenerating masks, you need to select and regularly use a special series of caring hair cosmetics that matches your hair type. After each shampooing, be sure to use a hair conditioner to seal the hair scales and make the strands smoother and more shiny. Do not brush the curls when wet - wet hair will stretch heavily and may begin to fall out in shreds.
Live blonde hair is real wealth.Only one out of every fifty people on the planet has a natural blond color. But do not envy the blondes! A competent approach and regular meticulous care will allow you to gain not only blond, but also living and shiny hair.
Video: how to restore burned hair
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