How to restore menstruation after losing weight

For many girls, weight loss is the main task of life. They are experiencing hard diets, questionable drugs for losing weight, exhausting themselves with workouts. And even if a woman manages to get rid of the hated kilos, the problems do not cease to pursue her. In addition to the need to try to keep weight, you need to pay attention to some changes in the body. Falling hair, dry skin, brittle nails are nothing compared to women's health problems. Many slimming girls note the absence or scarcity of menstruation. With what it can be connected? Why does losing weight affect women's organs? How to restore the cycle after losing weight? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

 How to restore menstruation after losing weight

Why does the menstrual cycle go astray

The absence of menstruation is a serious signal.It may indicate the occurrence of pregnancy. In all other cases, the cause of the absence of menstruation is not so rosy.

  1. Monthly stop due to dramatic weight loss, prolonged depletion of the body low-calorie diets. Menstrual bleeding is a rupture of a ripe, but not fertilized egg. If the body is depleted, it can not bear the child, and therefore does not prepare for a possible conception, does not produce a healthy egg. The absence of menstruation suggests that at the moment you can not become a mother.
  2. Sometimes menstruation may be absent due to intense physical exertion, especially for weight lifting. Many women involved in weightlifting, suffer from the absence of the menstrual cycle. When lifting the heavy barbell, the uterus can fall, causing the entire urogenital system to fail.
  3. Menstruation may disappear after monodiet when a woman sits only on buckwheat or only on kefir. Such a severe restriction leads to problems with many organs, not only women.
  4. Monthly may be absent in case of failures in metabolic processes of the body.This happens if you often experience this or that diet, constantly starve and overeat. This greatly undermines the metabolism, and from his incorrect work, you gain weight even more.
  5. You can not tie the lack of a monthly cycle to losing weight. Menstruation may not be for various reasons - stress, menopause, pregnancy, urinary infections and inflammation, climate change.

These are the main reasons that are accompanied by symptoms such as the absence of menstrual bleeding. What should be done in this case? Well, of course, the first thing that can come to your mind is to consult a specialist.

Trip to the doctor

In people with anorexia, there is no menstruation - so depleted their body. After losing weight, the hormones of a woman change, it becomes the main cause of the absence of menstruation. Therefore, as soon as you encounter a similar problem, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. The doctor will recommend that you get tested and sent for an ultrasound scan to rule out possible inflammations and infections. If the reason for the absence of menstruation is really in the exhaustion of the body, he will prescribe treatment with hormones.

There is no need to be afraid of hormones - modern drugs contain a minimal medicinal dose that does not affect weight gain. A full course of treatment is usually at least three months. Already after the first drunken medication blister, your period will return to you again.
Why return monthly?

It's amazing, but some girls ask just such a question. It seems to them that there is no monthly - no problem. However, it is not. Prolonged absence of the menstrual cycle can lead to bleeding in the uterus, benign and malignant tumors, ovarian cysts. If the egg is not formed, the chance that the ovaries will begin to work normally is reduced. This brings a woman to infertility. If you are still planning to become a mother, do not delay the trip to the doctor on the back burner.

Nutrition to restore menstruation

A woman’s stable menstrual cycle says that her female health is in order. Monthly directly dependent on our food. An adult sexually mature woman should consume at least 100 grams of fat per day. This includes oils, cheese products, milk, etc.When a woman reduces this amount to 30 grams of fat per day, and adheres to this amount day after day, a failure occurs in the endocrine system.

 Nutrition to restore menstruation

To normalize your menstrual cycle, you need to change the diet. It does not tell you that you need to eat everything and get better again. After all, you're not losing weight for this, right? To restore the monthly and not gain weight, you need to follow some rules of healthy eating.

  1. To lose weight, but to stay alive and healthy, you need to consume at least 1000 calories per day. Even if you want to speed up the result, you can not reduce the calorie intake of the daily diet below this boundary line.
  2. Do not allow long hunger strikes. After 6 hours of lack of food, the body can put fat in the sides even from eaten cucumbers. What did you think? He is preparing for difficult times so that he has something to spend on following such long periods of hunger.
  3. There is a need often, but little by little. So you can adjust the metabolism in the body. When you eat a small portion of food every 2.5-3 hours, the body will calm down a bit. He will understand that the hungry times are over and it is not necessary to put the fat “in reserve”. This will allow you to spend all the calories eaten.
  4. Food should be varied.No low carb and monodiet. For the normal functioning of the body requires vitamins, minerals. Every day in the diet should be cereals, dairy products, meat, vegetables, fruits. But here you need a variety. If today you had breakfast with porridge, tomorrow cook rice, then buckwheat or millet. Today at lunch you ate an apple, tomorrow give preference to peach, the day after tomorrow - apricot. Only variety will allow you to saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins.
  5. Do not be afraid that you will gain weight again! To stay slim, do not need to deplete themselves. It is necessary to eat everything, but gradually. Do not overeat and excess weight does not threaten you.
  6. You need to eat according to the principle “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy.” It is certainly not necessary to starve before bedtime, but it’s still worth paying attention to the amount of food eaten. In the morning you can eat your fill - all the calories eaten at breakfast will be consumed during the day. In the morning you can also eat carbohydrates. After 12:00, the amount of consumed carbohydrates needs to be reduced, and after 17:00 it’s completely eliminated. Dinner is better protein foods - meat, chicken, fish, vegetable salads, milk. Dinner should be really meager, portion - small.If before going to bed you are tormented by the feeling of hunger - eat a piece of boiled chicken, drink milk or kefir. Eating an apple for the night is a big mistake. After all, this is pure glucose - sugar.
  7. Do not forget about sufficient water consumption.
  8. Do not completely discard fat. A teaspoon of olive oil a day will not add kilograms to you, but it will bring shine to hair, strength of nails, skin elasticity and saturation with fats. This will speed up the process of restoring women's health.
  9. Do not forget to drink vitamin complexes. They will help restore depleted body.

These are far from new and well-known nutrition rules. However, do not neglect them. Indeed, in weight loss - the main health, not appearance. No need to bring yourself to exhaustion and anorexia, to whom is this better? Angular figures and protruding bones are already far from fashion. Be feminine with attractive round shapes, and then all men without exception will pay attention to you.

Folk remedies to restore the cycle

In addition to visiting the doctor, taking medicines and normalizing nutrition, you can restore women's health with the help of traditional medicine recipes.

 Oregano to restore the monthly

  1. Oregano. This medicinal herb fights various female diseases. Brew oregano at the rate of three tablespoons of herbs per liter of boiling water and drink half a glass each morning. The effect will not be noticeable immediately, only after a couple of months of regular use of the decoction.
  2. Parsley. This herb perfectly restores the cycle. You can eat it fresh or make a decoction out of it. Chop two bunches of parsley and place in a thermos. Fill with a liter of boiling water and close the lid. Leave overnight. Every day in the morning, drink a third of a glass of this broth. Already in the first cycle of your monthly return to you.
  3. Melissa. This herb also has a positive effect on women's health. Without fear it can be taken throughout the day for about a month. It is best to add a sprig of lemon balm in a teapot at every tea party. It is not only useful, but also tasty!

Before drinking decoctions and herbal infusions, make sure that there are no pregnancies and genital infections. Herbs can relieve inflammation, thereby hiding the focus of the disease, which is unacceptable. It is better to consult a doctor in advance about the possibility of additional herbal treatment.

Women's health is paramount.Regular menstruation is a sign of the sexes of maturity, the ability to conceive and bear a child. And what could be better than motherhood? Do not ruin your body because of a couple of extra pounds. Watch your figure, but love yourself in any body!

Video: how to return the monthly

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